Sysnative - Forum Upgrade


Senior Administrator
Staff member
Mar 4, 2012
Hey all,

We've upgraded our forum software today to a new version! This is a feature upgrade, introducing both new site features, backend improvements, and bugfixes for historic issues.

The most immediate thing you'll notice is the new Editor - this is a new version of the same editor, and has some improved features, but please let us know if you run into any issues. We'll be introducing new features to the site over the next week or so, as we try out some of the upgrades.

We've tested all the major forum features, but as this is a larger upgrade than usual we do expect a few teething problems. Please let us know if you experience any issues after this upgrade, and report anything in this thread.

Known Issues:
- Go Advanced mode in the editor has been temporarily disabled.
- Editor buttons are sometime greyed out when switching between BBCode and WYSIWYG modes. If you're experiencing this issue, try switching to a different theme using the selection tool at the bottom of the screen:


If you experience any other issues, please report them in this thread, or the Site Suggestions & Trouble Reports section. If you're unable to post for any reason, please use the Contact Us form linked to at the bottom of the page.
There is now a huge "blank space" between the top forum banner and the beginning of the forums themselves if you are not logged in. I have a screenshot, but Sysnative needs to turn on the ability to attach images. I am not the only person who has neither the time, nor the desire, to self-host every image I need/want to include in posts on technical forums. The ability to include images inline once attached is supported by XenForo and should be turned on here. I will be happy to send it if someone emails me or PMs me with an easy way to do so.

I only know this happens because the upgrade process logs everyone out as part of it.
There is now a huge "blank space" between the top forum banner and the beginning of the forums themselves if you are not logged in.

This is probably just an advertising space that didn't load - we run ads for unregistered users to cover hosting and software costs.

I have a screenshot, but Sysnative needs to turn on the ability to attach images.

We've had this enabled since 2012. :-)

You can either directly copy/paste the image into the text editor, or click the "Insert Image" button, or click "Attach Files".
When I click the insert image button, I am prompted for an image URL, which means I'd have to host it.

I did miss the "Attach Files" button which I'm seeing now. I look for this in the main controls, typically right next to the link button.

Hi Brian,

Do you not see this when going to add an image to your post?

You should also be able to drag & drop or copy/paste an image into your post and it will automatically upload and insert it. The same goes for any file/attachment - just drag/drop the file on to the editor and it will upload it. What happens when you try that?

As for the blank space - those are the spaces where adverts show for non-logged-in users. Do you have any adblocking plugin or DNS/hosts file based ad blocking on your machine?
Well, I do now, but I know when I clicked earlier this morning I got nothing but a box asking for the image URL, and I also know that I did not hit the media button.

It's fine as it is now and as you've shown above.

I have not browsed the web, anywhere, without ad blocking active for probably 20 years now. Whenever it was that AdBlock Plus made its debut I was one of the early adopters. Now I'm using uBlock Origin or the Brave browser.

I'd still like to see the "attach paperclip control" integrated in to the controls shown in the editor. Anyone, not just me, would use that a lot more often than strikethrough text, and even smilies (which I'd banish from cyberspace were it in my power to do so), and a couple of the others now shown by default.

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