Sysnative 2018 - Year in Review


Senior Administrator
Staff member
Mar 4, 2012
Looks like it's that time of year again!

It's been another great year - we've had again 1 million unique visitors, we've hit 30k members and we're close to hitting 250k posts.

As always, thank you so much to all the staff and everyone who has contributed to the site! We wouldn't be here without your support, and we think a lot of users would be lost without you as well. :grin1:

So - here's our 2018 review:


I've yet to work out why the North Koreans keep coming back, or how you can even connect to us using Netscape (the browser version was Netscape Communicator 4.6 - released in 1999).

Thank you from all the admin team here, and Happy New Year!

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Oh, yeah. That one was a pain, until I figured out the root cause :) That's only because I was absent in July as I usually am. If it weren't for that, I'd be on 12k :P

Thanks :) You've been putting great effort into all the migration stuff and testing everything. When will the new Sysnative go live?
Not long now! We're still waiting on a few external things to get sorted first, but we should have everything complete in the next few weeks. Most likely the new version will go live around the first week or so in Feb.

Lots of plans for 2019 as well once we have the new site live. :thumbsup2:
Will Watts said:
how you can even connect to us using Netscape (the browser version was Netscape Communicator 4.6 - released in 1999).
Just tried with Windows 98SE and Netscape Communicator 4.73. It shows an error: "A Network error occurred while Netscape was receiving data." Not sure if this website logged it.
Google still shows something.
A lot of older browsers won't be able to connect to the server - things like our Google Analytics code can still end up firing in some cases though.

The stats on very old / unusual browsers are just for fun - I can't think anyone is is genuinely still using Netscape...
Will Watts said:
The stats on very old / unusual browsers are just for fun
Yes, I was just curious what would happen :smile9:.
What's Google Analytics code? Sorry if I'm asking a dumb question.

It's the software we use for site analytics - things like how many visitors were on the site, what the most popular threads/pages were etc.

The code is just a piece of JavaScript that fires when you load the site.
Will Watts said:
The stats on very old / unusual browsers are just for fun
Yes, I was just curious what would happen :smile9:.

I'm impressed you still have a copy ready to go...

I think most old browser's can't handle our SSL setup, but if a copy of the page has been cached somewhere else or bots are using a fake useragent the GA code may get fired.
Thanks, Will - great piece.

Internet Explorer made a nice showing! :)

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Another year passes and I am still in awe with all the amazing people who help others all the time like you do. You're all are the best at knowing computer systems and your patience is unheard of.

Looking forward to being in this Awesome Forum of 2019.

Congrats Sysnative!

Thank you Will!:smile9:
I thanked Sherry, but my real sentiment is to agree 100% with her comments and sincerely and humbly express my amazement at the breadth and depth of knowledge those who help out here have repeatedly demonstrated - not to mention their commitment to actually helping others rather than trying to inflate their own egos trying to impress everyone. And of course, none of that would be possible if not for the tireless backing, support and encouragement of site management/admin staff. This site is a little treasure I hope continues to grow. But at the same time - I kinda wanna keep it our little secret so it does not become so popular (and overrun with "tourists") that it loses that close-knit, home-town, home-made from scratch, genuine and sincere "family" feeling about it - if you know what I mean.

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