Sysnative 2017 - Year in Review


Senior Administrator
Staff member
Mar 4, 2012
It's the end of 2017!

Across the last year, we've seen over 1 million visitors to the site, hit 200k posts, and we're about to push into 25k registered members. As it's the end of the year, we thought we would carry out a Year in Review and share some of the stats from the previous year.

We would also like to say a massive thank you to all the members of staff and other contributors to Sysnative across the last year (and before). Without your help we wouldn't have a Sysnative, let alone get close to a million visitors a year. Every site visitor has benefited in some way from your support, so thank you again to everyone who has contributed.

So, across 2017.....


It's not known if the North Koreans were the ones using Internet Explorer 5 or Windows 98. :grin1:

I'm a day early, but nonetheless....

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Yes. . . THANK YOU again to everyone who has contributed to Sysnative Forums in any way.

Your efforts are extremely appreciated. We would not be here nor be as successful as we are without you!


When you think you have experience in IT you can open this community and realize how much more you will need to learn.
My career in IT support started way back in 1971. I've been saying all along, the more I learn, the more I realize there is yet to learn. And forums like Sysnative illustrate that point over and over again. IT is many industries within industries all within IT. And Sysnative brings together folks with experiences and expertise from all over IT. I think that creates a synergy that cannot be duplicated anywhere else.

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