Hello Sir, I have a Hp2000 with Windows 7, That was purchased by my Father for us back in believe in 2016-17 Can't pinpoint that memory but the laptop was always secured with a complex password and eventually over time we started losing interest and eventually stopped being used altogether and collected dust til just now that I tried to open and use it and it has a email and password that farther forgot and email he no has access to whatsoever now the thing is that we would constantly I remember have to be factory reseting it causaly because my father insisted it had viruses and needed to be wiped clean again and so even when I reach the recovery page and try to wipe it again it hasn't been able to at all no matter what options i try or how long i wait kne time when i thought it had me waiting 7 to 9 hours no joke supposedly gutting everything out just to throw a message saying I error couldn't reinstall your device or something like don't quote me on that one. So I'm stuck not knowing at how to bypass this issue.