I got a couple of servers that are stuck forever on the checking for updates. They are reporting to a wsus server, I can telnet to the port 8530 for the wsus server, however they don't show up on the server anymore, one of the server does but with a not stating that no report has been done on that server yet.
I have renamed the Softwaredistribution folder, I checked for any proxy settings, done sfc/scannow and followed all your "before you post" steps.
cbs log:
I got a couple of servers that are stuck forever on the checking for updates. They are reporting to a wsus server, I can telnet to the port 8530 for the wsus server, however they don't show up on the server anymore, one of the server does but with a not stating that no report has been done on that server yet.
I have renamed the Softwaredistribution folder, I checked for any proxy settings, done sfc/scannow and followed all your "before you post" steps.
cbs log: