SS7 Attack Circumvents WhatsApp and Telegram Encryption


Emeritus, Contributor
Apr 2, 2012
Mobile networking experts from security firm Positive Technologies revealed last week a new attack that uses the SS7 mobile telecommunications protocol that allows attackers to impersonate mobile users and receive messages intended for other people.

Their proof-of-concept demonstration relied only on a cheap laptop running Linux and an SDK that enabled them to interact with the SS7 protocol.

SS7 protocol flaws are known since 2014

The Signaling System No. 7 (SS7) protocol is a standard developed in 1975 that allows telco operators to interconnect fixed line and/or mobile telephone networks.

The protocol was never updated to take into account the advancements made in current mobile technologies and remained grossly outdated.
SS7 Attack Circumvents WhatsApp and Telegram Encryption

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