[SOLVED] Some programs terminate immediately. FIX: Uninstallation and reinstallation of ALL MS VC++ redistributables

Patrick Schoenbach

Mar 31, 2017

I am on Windows 10 Pro 1909 with the latest updates. Since recently, I have 5 programs that simply no longer start. All others work fine.

Some observations:

  • All of these programs are related to music production i.e. video production.
  • DISSM and SFC show no errors.
  • Completely turning off DEP does not help.
  • Turning off Kasperky Internet Security does not help either.
  • Loading the programs in WinDbg shows that 4 of the programs are terminated directly after loading, one shows a splash screen for short.
  • Even an inplace upgrade did not help.
  • Reinstalling i.e. up- and downgrading the audio and the video driver did not help.
What could cause this strange behavior?
I would suggest uninstalling Kaspersky using its own removal program. You can re-install when you get done troubleshooting.

Try this in safe mode. Did you uninstall and reinstall the programs in question? It sounds like a common dependency issue. (Guessing)
When you attached WinDbg, what did the stack trace reveal? Were there any exceptions being thrown?
I would suggest uninstalling Kaspersky using its own removal program. You can re-install when you get done troubleshooting.

Try this in safe mode. Did you uninstall and reinstall the programs in question? It sounds like a common dependency issue. (Guessing)
Removed Kaspersky with the tool: No change.
Reinstalling did not help.

When you attached WinDbg, what did the stack trace reveal? Were there any exceptions being thrown?
As mentioned, in 4 out of 5 cases, the process terminates before I run it even. In one case, a splash screen is shown, then an unknown exception is thrown.

Same result.

Could it be a wrong BIOS setting?
It certainly can't hurt to either:

1. Recover from a backup that you have from when everything was working, after saving any new user data before doing so, to see if that solves it.

2. Regardless of whether you are able to do step 1, updating to Version 20H2 to see if that solves the issue.
Please post images of the problems running the Sysnative log collector > open a separate thread: Troubleshoot Sysnative log collector

See if a reboot and switching browsers makes any difference.

Right click on the top bar or title bar of the administrative command prompt box > left click on edit then select all > right click on the top bar again > left click on edit then copy > paste into the thread

(use the menu: </> feature)
What was the program which crashed? I'm wondering - like @xrobwx71 mentioned - if the program(s) were reliant on an older version of one of the Win32 APIs, and since updating to a newer version, the program(s) haven't been developed to take this into account?

Rich (BB code):
0:005> knL
 # Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
00 00000000`2630de88 00007ffd`175d2ae7 ntdll!NtWaitForMultipleObjects+0x14
01 00000000`2630de90 00007ffd`175d29ce KERNELBASE!WaitForMultipleObjectsEx+0x107
02 00000000`2630e190 00007ffd`193371cb KERNELBASE!WaitForMultipleObjects+0xe
03 00000000`2630e1d0 00007ffd`19336c78 kernel32!WerpReportFaultInternal+0x51b
04 00000000`2630e2f0 00007ffd`17681348 kernel32!WerpReportFault+0xac
05 00000000`2630e330 00007ffd`19825132 KERNELBASE!UnhandledExceptionFilter+0x3b8
06 00000000`2630e450 00007ffd`1980ccd6 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart$filt$0+0xa2
07 00000000`2630e490 00007ffd`1982184f ntdll!_C_specific_handler+0x96
08 00000000`2630e500 00007ffd`197ea889 ntdll!RtlpExecuteHandlerForException+0xf
09 00000000`2630e530 00007ffd`198204be ntdll!RtlDispatchException+0x219
0a 00000000`2630ec40 00000000`0120e57f ntdll!KiUserExceptionDispatch+0x2e
0b 00000000`2630fa30 00000000`0120e3e3 bbw64!TMethodImplementationIntercept+0xd6dcff << Exception thrown here
0c 00000000`2630fa70 00000000`00ff3668 bbw64!TMethodImplementationIntercept+0xd6db63
0d 00000000`2630fad0 00000000`00ff4fd8 bbw64!TMethodImplementationIntercept+0xb52de8
0e 00000000`2630fb40 00000000`0087f70d bbw64!TMethodImplementationIntercept+0xb54758
0f 00000000`2630fc00 00000000`00ff5358 bbw64!TMethodImplementationIntercept+0x3dee8d
10 00000000`2630fc70 00000000`00f0e74f bbw64!TMethodImplementationIntercept+0xb54ad8
11 00000000`2630fce0 00000000`00f114d2 bbw64!TMethodImplementationIntercept+0xa6decf
12 00000000`2630fd70 00007ffd`04fb4f3e bbw64!TMethodImplementationIntercept+0xa70c52
13 00000000`2630fdc0 00007ffd`04fb525e hdspasio_64+0x4f3e
14 00000000`2630fe40 00007ffd`192e7c24 hdspasio_64+0x525e
15 00000000`2630ff30 00007ffd`197ed4d1 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x14
16 00000000`2630ff60 00000000`00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21

The exception which appears to be thrown is due to an access violation error, which is typically caused by bad pointer reference.

Rich (BB code):
0:005> .exr -1
ExceptionAddress: 000000000120e57f (bbw64!TMethodImplementationIntercept+0x0000000000d6dcff)
   ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)
  ExceptionFlags: 00000000
NumberParameters: 2
   Parameter[0]: 0000000000000000 << Read operation
   Parameter[1]: ffffffffffffffff << Address being referenced
Attempt to read from address ffffffffffffffff

Rich (BB code):
0:005> !error 0xc0000005
Error code: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 (3221225477) - The instruction at 0x%p referenced memory at 0x%p. The memory could not be %s.

Rich (BB code):
0:005> .frame /r 0b
0b 00000000`2630fa30 00000000`0120e3e3 bbw64!TMethodImplementationIntercept+0xd6dcff
rax=000000000003973c rbx=000000001fb457e0 rcx=0000000000000000
rdx=0000000000000000 rsi=000000001ccde940 rdi=000000001cce09c0
rip=000000000120e57f rsp=000000002630fa30 rbp=000000002630fa30
 r8=0000000000000000  r9=000000002630f250 r10=000000002630f36e
r11=000000002630f296 r12=0000000000000000 r13=00000000ffffffce
r14=0000000000000800 r15=0000000000000001
iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc
cs=0033  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00000246
00000000`0120e57f ff5040          call    qword ptr [rax+40h] ds:00000000`0003977c=007600640061002d

The only information I could find on TMethodImplementationIntercept was related to the Delphi compiler.

The address being referenced has some interesting strings associated to it.

Rich (BB code):
0:005> du  00000000`0003977c
00000000`0003977c  "-advapi32-l3-1-0"

Rich (BB code):
0:005> dc  00000000`0003977c
00000000`0003977c  0061002d 00760064 00700061 00330069  -.a.d.v.a.p.i.3.
00000000`0003978c  002d0032 0033006c 0031002d 0030002d  2.-.l.3.-.1.-.0.
00000000`0003979c  00000000 00000000 00000000 000097b0  ................
00000000`000397ac  00000016 0074006e 0061006d 00740072  ....n.t.m.a.r.t.
00000000`000397bc  002e0061 006c0064 0000006c 00700061  a...d.l.l...a.p.
00000000`000397cc  002d0069 0073006d 0077002d 006e0069  i.-.m.s.-.w.i.n.
00000000`000397dc  0064002d 0077006f 006c006e 00760065  -.d.o.w.n.l.e.v.
00000000`000397ec  006c0065 0061002d 00760064 00700061  e.l.-.a.d.v.a.p.

These are simply related to the Win32 API dependencies.
Can I copy the missing files over from a fresh Windows installation?

They aren't missing, it's just possibly what the program are dependent upon to work properly. I would open a support ticket for the programs which are having issues, and see if it's a known problem.
I compared the WinSxS folder with the respective contents of that folder of a 1909 ISO that also includes updates up to November 2020. And yes, there is stuff missing. Is there a way to get missing assemblies into WinSxS. Just copying them in using a WinPE system probably is not a good idea...
Please copy and paste this script into administrative Powershell > click OK > (typically takes < 15 - 20 min to complete) > post a share link into the thread using one drive, drop box, or google drive:

function wh   
        Param ( [parameter (Mandatory = $true)][string]$txt ) 
        Write-Host $txt -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewline 
        ##Example usage wh "Alias for `n Write-Host" 
    } ## End function wh 
function StartScript   
        ##Locating Temp Dir and writing Transcript 
        $global:tempDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()   
        MD $tempDir\LOGS -EA SilentlyContinue   
        CD $tempDir\LOGS 
        $txtCount = Get-Item $tempDir/LOGS/*.TXT -EA SilentlyContinue 
        if((Get-Host).Version.Major -cge 5) ##WIN7 Not Supported 
                if($txtCount.Count -cge 1)   
                {Start-Transcript -Append -Path $tempDir/LOGS/Event-Search.TXT}   
                Else{Start-Transcript -Path $tempDir\LOGS\Event-Search.TXT}   
        $global:explore = $tempDir + "LOGS\" 
        $global:Ver = "1.6.3" 
        wh "`nLog Collection... (V$Ver)`n" 
        #clearing previous actions 
        Stop-Job * 
        #Initialize CheckBox Vars to $True/$False 
            $Global:EventsCollect = $true; $Global:SetupDiagCollect = $true 
                $Global:UpdatesCollect = $true; $Global:WLANCollect = $true 
                    $Global:PowerCollect = $true; $Global:GPCollect = $true 
                        $Global:miscCollect = $true; $Global:bingCollect = $true 
                            $Global:eventOut = $false       
        #Clear Jobs 
        Stop-Job * 
        Remove-Job * 
    } ## End function Start-Script 
function SetupDiagFunc 
        wh "`n Grabbing SetupDiag.exe ..."       
        Invoke-WebRequest https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870142 -OutFile $tempDir\SetupDiag.exe -TimeoutSec 3 -UseBasicParsing 
            #check for successful download 
            if((Get-Item $tempDir\SetupDiag.exe).length -gt 100000) 
                  wh "`nSuccessful DL!" 
                  wh "`n Invoking SetupDiag.exe ..." 
                  $SetupDiag = {CMD.EXE /C "%temp%\setupdiag.exe /Verbose /Output:%temp%\SetupDiag-Log.txt"} 
                  ## Kick-Off SetupDiagJob 
                  Start-Job -Name SetupDiagJob -ScriptBlock $SetupDiag                     
                }Else{Write-Host "`nDownload of SetupDiag.exe Failed!" -BackgroundColor RED } 
    } ## End Function SetupDiagFunc 
function EventSearch 
    wh "`n Starting EventSearch Job-Function ...`n" 
    ## Gathering Events from System using Get-WinEvent via Job 
    $EventSearchJob =   
        $evtPaths = Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\Winevt\Logs\*.evtx -Exclude "*PowerShell*",   
            "*known folders*" | Select-Object FullName 
        $i = $evtPaths.Count 
        $x = 0 ##For 1st Loop do Until x = i 
        $events = @() 
        $gatherEvents = @() 
        $eventsArray = @() 
        $searchResult = @() 
        $MaxEvents = 99 
        #Loading/Gathering Events Loop... 
        do { 
            ##Getting Events w/ Get-WinEvent         
            $gatherEvents = Get-WinEvent -Path $evtPaths[$x].FullName -MaxEvents $MaxEvents -EA SilentlyContinue 
            $events = $events + $gatherEvents             
             Until ($x -eq $i)     
        $x = $x +1 ##Total Events Found! 
        $eventsLength = $events.Length ##Total events catalogged! 
        $xx = 0 
        # Write Event Properties to a row and roll it out - Collapsing Array ...   
        do { 
               $date = $events[$xx].TimeCreated | Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd".ToString() -EA SilentlyContinue ##EA SC for Blank Entries 
                $eventRow = new-object PSObject -Property @{ 
                Date = $date; 
                Id = $events[$xx].Id; 
                Level = $events[$xx].LevelDisplayName; 
                Provider = $events[$xx].ProviderName; 
               Message = $events[$xx].Message; 
                $cRow = $date + " " + "ID:" +  $events[$xx].Id + " " + "Level:" + $events[$xx].LevelDisplayName + " " + "Provider:" + $events[$xx].ProviderName + " " + "Message:" + $events[$xx].Message   
                $eventsArray += $cRow 
        Until ($xx -eq $events.Length) 
        ##Looking for patterns error or fail in $eventsArray 
        $search = $eventsArray | Select-String -pattern ("error|fail")
        Return $search ## | Write-Output ##Output for job 
        } ## End $EventSearchJob 
    Start-Job -Name EventSearchJob -ScriptBlock $EventSearchJob 
    } ## End function Event-Search 
function writeSearch  ##   
        ##Event Logs Cont. 
        MD $tempDir\LOGS\EVTX\ -EA SilentlyContinue
        ##output to file 
        $search | Group-Object | Sort-Object Count -Descending | Format-Table Count, Name -Wrap > TOP-ERRORS.TXT 
        $search > $tempDir\LOGS\SEARCH.TXT 
    if($Global:eventOut -eq $True) 
        $search | Group-Object | Sort-Object Count -Descending |   
            Select-Object -Property Count, Name | Out-GridView -Title "Top `"Errors`" via EVTX - V-$Ver" 
        wh "`n Collecting Matching EVTX Entries ...`n"     
        #Collecting all prev matching EVTX 
        #$evtx = Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\System32\Winevt\Logs\*.evtx 
        $evv = 0 
           $providerName =   
               (($search | Select-String "Provider:.*Message:").Matches.Value -Replace   
                      " Message:", "" -Replace "Provider:", "" | Group-Object ).Name 
            #Converting Provider Name to Log Name                 
            $providerName = (($providerName | ForEach-Object {Get-WinEvent -ProviderName $_ -MaxEvents 1 -EA SilentlyContinue}).LogName | Group-Object).Name     
               $providerName = $providerName -replace "Microsoft.", "" 
                  $providerName = $providerName -replace "Windows.", "" 
                     $providerName = $providerName -replace "`/.*$", "" 
                         $evtx = $providerName | foreach{Get-ChildItem "C:\Windows\System32\winevt\logs\*$_*"} 
                    COPY $evtx[$evv].PSPath $tempDir\LOGS\EVTX\
                  Until($evv -eq $evtx.Count) 
    } #End function writeSearch 
function GetUpdates 
        wh "`n Starting Get-WindowsUpdateLog Job-Function ...`n" 
        $updateJob = {get-WindowsUpdateLog} 
        if((Get-Host).Version.Major -cge 5) ##Modern Gatherer 
            Start-Job -Name GetUpdates -ScriptBlock $updateJob 
        ##Legacy Gatherer 
        CP C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log $tempDir\LOGS\WindowsUpdate.log 
        Get-WmiObject win32_quickfixengineering > $tempDir\LOGS\Installed_Updates.TXT 
        Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystemQFE >> $tempDir\LOGS\Installed_Updates.TXT 
    DISM /Online /Get-Packages /Format:Table >> $tempDir\LOGS\Installed_Updates.TXT
    } ## End function Get-Updates 
function PrinterCheck 
        wh "`n Getting Printer Information ..." 
        get-printer | ft Name, ComputerName, Type, DriverName, PortName, Datatype, Location, DriverName > $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT 
        get-printerDriver | fl >> $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT 
        Get-ChildItem -Recurse Registry::"HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NT x86\Drivers" | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT -Append 
        Get-ChildItem -Recurse Registry::"HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows x64\Drivers" | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT -Append 
        Get-ChildItem -Recurse Registry::"HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors" | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT -Append 
        write-output "## CBS ntprint CHECK ##" >> $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT 
        $cbsCheck = (Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\*cbs* -Recurse | select-string -Pattern "E_INVALIDARG in eventsXml.*Microsoft-Windows-PrintService") 
        if($cbsCheck.Count -eq 0){Write-Output "## NO MATCHES IN CBS ##" >> $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT} Else{$cbsCheck | Group-Object  >> $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT} 
        write-output "## ntprint.dll CHECK ##" >> $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT 
        (Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\System32\ntprint.dll).VersionInfo | ft -AutoSize >> $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT 
        (Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntprint.dll).VersionInfo | ft -AutoSize >> $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT 
    } ## End function PrinterCheck 
function UpdateHelper 
    if((Get-Host).Version.Major -cge 5) 
            $winupdatelog = get-item $tempDir\LOGS\windows-update.log    ##WIN-10 File 
            MD $tempDir\LOGS\Windows\Logs\WindowsUpdate\ -EA SilentlyContinue | Out-Null 
            CP C:\Windows\Logs\WindowsUpdate\*.etl $tempDir\LOGS\Windows\Logs\WindowsUpdate\ -EA SilentlyContinue 
            Else{$winupdatelog = get-item $tempDir\LOGS\windowsupdate.log} ##LEGACY File 
    $updateError = ($winupdatelog | select-string -pattern "error.*0x........"); 
    $updateErrorSplit = $updateError -Split " " 
    $updateErrorCount = (($updateErrorSplit | select-string -pattern "0x........") -Replace "[(),'`.:]", "" -Replace "hr=", ""); 
    $updateErrorCount | Group-Object | Sort-Object Count -Descending | Format-Table Count, Name | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\UPDATE-ERRORS.TXT -Width 999 
    $updateError >> UPDATE-ERRORS.TXT 
    if($updateError.length -eq 0){"No `"error.*0x........`" patterns Found in Windows-Update.log" | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\UPDATE-ERRORS.TXT} 
    ($winupdatelog | Select-String "KB\d\d\d\d\d\d\d" | Select-string "fail") | Out-file $tempDir\LOGS\UPDATE-ERRORS.TXT -Append -width 999 
    } ## End function UpdateHelper 
function getProcesses 
    wh "`nGetting Active Process ...`n"   
    Get-Process > $tempDir\LOGS\Running-Processes.TXT 
    CMD.EXE /C "tasklist /svc" | Out-File -Append  $tempDir\LOGS\Running-Processes.TXT 
    } ## End function getProcesses 
function GetApps 
    wh "`n Getting List of Installed Apps...`n" 
    Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Format-Table -Property Name, Version, Vendor > $tempDir\LOGS\Installed-Apps.TXT 
    Get-AppxPackage | ft Name, Version, InstallLocation, IspArtiallyStaged, SignatureKind, Status >> $tempDir\LOGS\Installed-Apps.TXT 
    } ## End function GetApps 
function SetupLogs 
    wh "`nGetting Windows Setup Logs Independent of SetupDiage.exe...`n" 
        MD $tempDir\LOGS\SETUP\ -EA SilentlyContinue 
    dir C:\ > $tempDir\LOGS\Dir_Structure.txt 
    ## Main Setup Collection 
    if($env:SystemDrive -eq 'C:') ##Verify SystemDrive 
        $SetupPaths = @() 
        $locations = @( 
        for($i = 0; $locations.count -gt $i; $i++) 
            if((get-item $locations[$i] -Force -EA SilentlyContinue).length -gt 0) ##Null Path Check -Force for Hidden 
                CD $locations[$i] 
                ##Search includes setuperr/setupact only 
                $SetupPaths += Get-ChildItem * -Force -Recurse -Include setuperr.log, setupact.log, miglog.xml, *APPRAISER_Humanreadable.xml -EA SilentlyContinue     
        $cleanPaths = @() 
        for($i = 0; $SetupPaths.count -gt $i; $i++) 
            $cleanPaths += $SetupPaths[$i].PSParentPath.ToString() -replace "Microsoft\.PowerShell\.Core\\FileSystem\:\:C\:\\", "" 
        CD $tempDir\LOGS\SETUP\ 
        MD $cleanPaths -Force 
        CD $tempDir\LOGS\ 
        for($i = 0; $SetupPaths.count -gt $i; $i++) 
            $destPath = "$tempDir\LOGS\SETUP\" + $cleanPaths[$i] 
            $copyPathLog = ($SetupPaths[$i].ToString()) 
            Copy  $copyPathLog -Destination $destPath 
    }Else{Write-Host "`nSystem Drive is not C:... Setup Collection Aborted!`n"} 
    ## End Main Setup Collection 
        ## Setup Reg Output     
        Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OOBE\Me* -recurse -EA SilentlyContinue | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\SETUP\HKLM_SYSTEM_SETUP-OOBE.TXT -Append 
        Get-Childitem HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\SETUP\HKLM_SYSTEM_SETUP-OOBE.TXT -Append 
        ## SetupAct String Search 
         $setupRegx = @("MOUPG SetupHost..Initialize:", 
                        (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "MOUPG  SetupHost..Initialize. CmdLine"), 
                        "MOUPG Setup build & Host OS Build:", 
                        (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "MOUPG  SetupHost..Setup build"), 
                        (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "MOUPG      Host OS"), 
                        "Watson Parameters (4&5):", 
                        (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "Watson Bucketing Parameters\[[4-5]\]" ), 
                        (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "\[0x........\]\[0x.....\]"), 
                        (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "FATAL" | Select-String -NotMatch "FatalExecutionEngineError" | Select-String -NotMatch "non-fatal"), 
                        "`"Error   `":", 
                        (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "Error   "), 
                        (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "MIGRATE.*DATA"), 
            Do {$setupRegx[$q] | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\SETUP\SetupAct-Regex.TXT -Append -Width 999 ##spool out results 
                                            }Until($q -eq $setupRegx.Count) 
    } ## End function SetupLogs 
function powerCFGInfo 
    MD $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\ -EA SilentlyContinue  | Out-Null 
    wh "`n Grabbing PowerCFG, Sleep & Battery Info ...`n" 
    ("`n" + "Available Sleep States (/A): `r" + "`n" +"============================`r" + "`r").ToString() | Out-File -Encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt 
    powercfg /a | Out-File -Append -encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt 
    ("`n" + "-DeviceQuery Wake_Armed: `r" + "`n" +"========================`r" + "`r").ToString() | Out-File -Append -Encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt 
    powercfg -devicequery wake_armed  | Out-file -Append -encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt 
    ("`n" + "Last Wake (-lastwake):  `r" + "`n" +"=====================`r" + "`r").ToString() | Out-File -Append -Encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt 
    powercfg -lastwake  | Out-file -Append -encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt 
    ("`n`r").ToString() | Out-File -Append -Encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt 
    ("`n" + "-Requests: `r" + "`n" +"==========`r" + "`r").ToString() | Out-File -Append -Encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt 
    powercfg -requests  | Out-file -Append -encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt 
    $powerList = powercfg -list 
    $powerList | Out-File -Append -encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt 
    $powerActive = $powerList | select-string "\*" | powercfg /QH "$_"   
    ("`n`r").ToString() | Out-File -Append -Encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt 
    ("`n" + "Active Power Scheme Details: `r" + "`n" +"============================`r" + "`r").ToString() | Out-File -Append -Encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt 
    $powerActive | Out-File -Append -encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt 
    if((Get-Host).Version.Major -cge 5) ##WIN7 Does not Support powercfg /battery /sleepstudy 
           $ifbattery = Get-WmiObject win32_battery 
           if ( $ifbattery.__SERVER.count -cge 1 ) { CMD.EXE /C "powercfg /batteryreport /output %temp%\LOGS\POWER\battery-report.html" } 
           CMD.EXE /C "powercfg /sleepstudy /output %temp%\LOGS\POWER\sleepstudy-report.html" 
           CMD.EXE /C "powercfg /ENERGY /duration 10 /output %temp%\LOGS\POWER\energy-report.html"         
    } ## End function powerCFGInfo 
function sysProductCheck 
    wh "`n Getting SystemProductName ...`n" 
    ##SystemInformation Reg   
    reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SystemInformation\ /v SystemProductName  > $tempDir\LOGS\REG_SystemProductName.TXT   
    Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem > $tempDir\LOGS\WMI_Object_System.TXT 
    Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystemProduct >> $tempDir\LOGS\WMI_Object_System.TXT 
    } ## End functions sysProductCheck 
function showWLAN 
    wh "Generating NETSH WLAN Report...`n" 
    $showWLANjob = { 
                    CMD.EXE /c "netsh wlan show networks mode=ssid > %temp%\LOGS\Network\wlan.txt" 
                    CMD.EXE /c "netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid >> %temp%\LOGS\Network\wlan.txt" 
                    CMD.EXE /c "netsh winhttp show proxy > %temp%\LOGS\Network\proxy.txt" 
                    CMD.EXE /c "netsh wlan show wlanreport & COPY C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\wlanReport\wlan-report-latest.html %temp%\LOGS\Network\wlan-report-latest.html"   
                    ##WIN7 Does not Support netsh wlanreport                                                   
    Start-Job -Name showWLAN -ScriptBlock $showWLANjob 
    } ## End function sysProductCheck 
function getGPRESULT 
    wh "`nGetting GPRESULT...`n" 
    } ## End function getGPRESULT 
function reservedCheck 
    $reservedJob =   
        $vol = (mountvol /L | select-string -Pattern "\\\\") 
        $volstring = "mountvol y:" + $vol[0] 
        CMD.EXE /C $volstring 
        SLEEP 2 
        CMD.EXE /C "CHKDSK y: > %temp%\LOGS\SystemReserved.TXT" 
        SLEEP 2 # Pause after drive dismount 
        CMD.EXE /C "mountvol y: /D" 
    Start-Job -Name reservedJob -ScriptBlock $reservedJob 
    } ## End function reservedCheck 
function fltmcCheck 
    wh "`n Getting fltmc Filters ...`n" 
    CMD.EXE /c "fltmc filters > %temp%\LOGS\fltmc_filters.TXT" 
    } ## End function fltmcCheck 
function getDXDiag 
    wh "`n Grabbing DXDiag Info...`n" 
    C:\Windows\System32\dxdiag /x $explore\DxDiag 
    } ## End function getDXDiag 
function getMSINFO 
    wh "`n Gathering MSINFO32 ...`n" 
    ## check if msinfo is already gathering - if so stop 
    If((get-process | select-string -Pattern "msinfo").Pattern -eq "msinfo") 
    {Stop-Process -ProcessName msinfo32} 
        C:\Windows\System32\msinfo32.exe /nfo $tempDir/LOGS/MSINFO32.NFO 
    } ## End function getMSINFO 
function getAV 
     if((Get-Host).Version.Major -cge 5) ##Modern OS Only 
        wh "`n Grab root\SecurityCenter2 AntivirusProduct ...`n" 
        $avPath = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\SecurityCenter2 -Class AntivirusProduct) | % {$_.pathtoSignedProductEXE} 
        "AV Info" + "`n========" | Out-File $tempDir/LOGS/SecurityProductInformation.TXT
    $avPath | Out-File $tempDir/LOGS/SecurityProductInformation.TXT -Append 
        if($avPath[0] -match "exe") 
                $path = (Get-Item $avPath[0]).PSParentPath 
                Get-Item $path/*.ini | Out-File $tempDir/LOGS/SecurityProductInformation.TXT -Append 
                Get-Content $path/*.ini | Out-File $tempDir/LOGS/SecurityProductInformation.TXT -Append             
            Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\" -recurse -EA SilentlyContinue | Out-File $tempDir/LOGS/SecurityProductInformation.TXT -Append     
    } ## End function getAV 
function getDrivers 
    wh "`n Grabbing Driver listing via DISM.EXE ...`n" 
        $drivers = cmd.exe /C "dism /online /get-drivers /format:table" 
        $drivers += cmd.exe /C "dism /online /get-drivers /all /format:table" 
        $drivers | Out-File $tempDir/LOGS/DISM-Get-Drivers.TXT 
    wh "`n Done!`n" 
    } ## End Function getDrivers 
function getMISCLogs 
        wh "`nCopying misc. logs ...`n"   
        MD $tempDir\LOGS\WER\ -EA SilentlyContinue   
        MD $tempDir\LOGS\Windows\Logs\WindowsUpdate\ -EA SilentlyContinue 
        CP "C:\Users\All Users\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\*" $tempDir\LOGS\WER\ -Recurse -EA SilentlyContinue 
        CP "C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\*cbs*" $tempDir\LOGS\Windows\Logs\ 
        CP "C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\*dism*" $TempDir\LOGS\Windows\Logs\ 
        CP "C:\Windows\Logs\WindowsUpdate\*" $TempDir\LOGS\Windows\Logs\WindowsUpdate\ 
        #DMP Collect 
        $dmp = @() 
        $dmp += Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\*.dmp   
        $dmp += (Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\LiveKernelReports\*.dmp -Recurse -EA SilentlyContinue) 
        $dmp += (Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\Minidump\*.dmp -Recurse -EA SilentlyContinue) 
        #Validate empty array 
        if($dmp.length -ne 0) 
                        If($dmp[$dd].length -lt 2000000) 
                            { $destPath = $dmp[$dd].PSParentPath.Replace('C:\', '').Replace('Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::', '') 
                                MD $destPath -EA SilentlyContinue
                                    COPY -Path $dmp[$dd].PSPath -Destination $destPath } 
                    Until($dd -eq $dmp.Count) 
         #disk info
         "`nGet-Disk:`n=========" > $tempDir\LOGS\Disk-Info.TXT 
         Get-Disk |fl >> $tempDir\LOGS\Disk-Info.TXT
         "`nGet-Partition:`n==============" >> $tempDir\LOGS\Disk-Info.TXT 
         Get-Partition >> $tempDir\LOGS\Disk-Info.TXT
         Manage-bde -protectors -get C: >> $tempDir\LOGS\Disk-Info.TXT
         "`nIO Fail Search:`n===============`n" >> $tempDir\LOGS\Disk-Info.TXT
         $search | Select-String ".*io.fail.*" | Select-String -NotMatch '0, 0, 0, 0' >> $tempDir\LOGS\Disk-Info.TXT       
    } ## End function getMISCLogs 
function bingCollect 
        ##O365 Firewall Check & Bing.com diagnostics.asp 
        ##URIs based on Article:   
        MD $TempDir\LOGS\Network\ -EA SilentlyContinue 
        wh "Performing Bing & O365 URI Check ... `n" 
              $bingCheck = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://www.bing.com/fdv2/diagnostics.aspx -UseBasicParsing)   
              $bingCheck | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Network\O365-URL-Query.TXT 
              $URIs = @('api.login.microsoftonline.com',    #0  Standard Reply = 403 
              'api.passwordreset.microsoftonline.com',      #1  Standard Reply = 200 
              'becws.microsoftonline.com',                  #2  Standard Reply = 403 
              'clientconfig.microsoftonline-p.net',         #3  Standard Reply = 404 
              'companymanager.microsoftonline.com',         #4  Standard Reply = 403 
              'device.login.microsoftonline.com',           #5  Standard Reply = 200 
              'graph.microsoft.com',                        #6  Standard Reply = 404 
              'hip.microsoftonline-p.net',                  #7  Standard Reply = 404   
              'hipservice.microsoftonline.com',             #8  Standard Reply = 404 
              'login.microsoft.com',                        #9  Standard Reply = 200 
              'login.microsoftonline.com',                  #10 Standard Reply = 200 
              'logincert.microsoftonline.com',              #11 Standard Reply = 200   
              'loginex.microsoftonline.com',                #12 Standard Reply = 200 
              'login-us.microsoftonline.com',               #13 Standard Reply = 200 
              'login.microsoftonline-p.com',                #14 Standard Reply = 200 
              'login.windows.net',                          #15 Standard Reply = 200 
              'nexus.microsoftonline-p.com',                #16 Standard Reply = 403 
              'passwordreset.microsoftonline.com',          #17 Standard Reply = 200 
              'provisioningapi.microsoftonline.com',        #18 Standard Reply = 403 
              'stamp2.login.microsoftonline.com',           #19 Standard Reply = 200 
              'ccs.login.microsoftonline.com',              #20 Standard Reply = 401 
              'ccs-sdf.login.microsoftonline.com',          #21 Standard Reply = 401 
              'accounts.accesscontrol.windows.net',         #22 Standard Reply = 200 
              'secure.aadcdn.microsoftonline-p.com',        #23 Standard Reply = 400 
              'windows.net',                                #24 Standard Reply = 200 
              'phonefactor.net',                            #25 Standard Reply = 200 
              'account.activedirectory.windowsazure.com',   #26 Standard Reply = 404 
              'secure.aadcdn.microsoftonline-p.com',        #27 Standard Reply = 400 
              'login.windows.net',                          #28 Standard Reply = 200 
              'provisioningapi.microsoftonline.com',        #29 Standard Reply = 403 
              'mscrl.microsoft.com',                        #30 Standard Reply = 400 
              'secure.aadcdn.microsoftonline-p.com',        #31 Standard Reply = 400 
              'windowsupdate.microsoft.com',                #32 Standard Reply = 200 
              'update.microsoft.com',                       #33 Standard Reply = 200 
              'au.download.windowsupdate.com',              #34 Standard Reply = 200 
              'download.windowsupdate.com',                 #35 Standard Reply = 200 
              'download.microsoft.com',                     #36 Standard Reply = 200 
              'tlu.dl.delivery.mp.microsoft.com');          #37 Standard Reply = 403 
              $count = 0; 
              $queryResult =@{}; 
              Write-Host "Checking URIs .." -NoNewline 
              Do {           
                      $queryResult[$count] = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ("http:`/`/" + $URIs[$count]) -Method Head -UseBasicParsing -TimeoutSec 2).RawContent 
                         }Catch{ $catch = $_ } 
                          if($queryResult[$count].Count -eq 0) 
                                  {$queryResult[$count] = ($catch[$catch.count -1].ToString()).Replace("`n", " ")}                                     
                      Write-Host "." -NoNewline           
                  }Until ($count -eq ($URIs.Count));                           
              Write-Host "." 
                  Get-Date | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Network\O365-URL-Query.TXT -Append 
                  $queryResult | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Network\O365-URL-Query.TXT -Append 
        Write-Host " Bing Check", `n, "==========" | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Network\O365-URL-Query.TXT -Append 
              wh "`n`n`n`URL Check Finished...`n"   
function smbConfig 
    $CMDs = 
    {   cmd.exe /c "net config server"   
        cmd.exe /c "net config workstation" 
        Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer"   
        Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty | ft } 
    ForEach-Object{Invoke-Command $CMDs | Out-File $TempDir\LOGS\NETWORK\$env:COMPUTERNAME-SMB-Config.TXT -Append} 
    $share = Get-SmbShare 
    ForEach-Object{Get-SmbShareAccess $share.Name | ft  | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\NETWORK\$env:COMPUTERNAME-SMB-Config.TXT -Append} 
} ## End Function smbConfig 
function regLang 
        DISM.EXE /Online /Get-Intl  | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Reg-Lang.TXT 
        "`n","Get-WinUserLanguageList","=======================" | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Reg-Lang.TXT -Append 
        Get-WinUserLanguageList     | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Reg-Lang.TXT -Append 
        "`n","Get-WinLanguageBarOption","========================" | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Reg-Lang.TXT -Append 
        Get-WinLanguageBarOption    | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Reg-Lang.TXT -Append 
function autoRotate 
        Get-ChildItem HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Auto* | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\AutoRotate.TXT 
function checkBoxes 
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms 
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing 
        $Global:form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form 
        $Global:form.Text = "LOGS-V$ver" 
        $Global:form.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(300,400) 
        $Global:form.StartPosition = 'CenterScreen' 
        $OKButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button 
        $OKButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(100,300) 
        $OKButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23) 
        $OKButton.Text = 'OK' 
        $OKButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK 
        $Global:form.AcceptButton = $OKButton 
        $Global:form.ControlBox = $false 
            $Global:boxNum = 1 
            $Global:checkBox = @{} #hash for $checkBox 
            $tag = @{} #hash for $label 
            $Global:Box = @{} 
            function createCheckBox   
                    Param ( [parameter (Mandatory = $true)][string]$name, 
                            [parameter (Mandatory = $true)][string]$label ) 
                    $drawingPoint = (50 + ($boxNum *25)) 
                    $Global:checkBox[$boxNum] = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox 
                    $Global:checkBox[$boxNum].Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(10,$drawingPoint) 
                    $Global:checkBox[$boxNum].Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(15,15) 
                    $Global:checkBox[$boxNum].Text = '' 
                    $Global:checkBox[$boxNum].Checked = $true 
                    #SetupDiag Label 
                    $tag[$boxNum] = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label 
                    $tag[$boxNum].Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(40,$drawingPoint) 
                    $tag[$boxNum].Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,20) 
                    $tag[$boxNum].Text = "$label" 
                    $Global:boxNum ++ 
                } #End nested function createCheckBox   
            createCheckBox -name "EV" -label "EventSearch EventLog Helper"       #1 
            createCheckBox -name "SD" -label "SetupDiag.EXE Setup Diagnostics"   #2 
            createCheckBox -name "WU" -label "Get-WindowsUpdateLog Collection"   #3 
            createCheckBox -name "IP" -label "Network Information"               #4 
            createCheckBox -name "PW" -label "POWERCFG. Sleep & Battery Info"    #5 
            createCheckBox -name "GP" -label "GPResult Info"                     #6 
            createCheckBox -name "MS" -label "General Machine Info"              #7 
            createCheckBox -name "EO" -label "EventSearch Out-GridView"          #8           
            #Checkbox State Changes               
                        if($Global:checkBox[1].checked -eq $True){ $Global:EventsCollect = $true ; Write-Host "." -nonewline} Else{ $Global:EventsCollect = $false } 
                        if($Global:checkBox[2].checked -eq $True){ $Global:SetupDiagCollect = $true ; Write-Host "." -nonewline} Else{ $Global:SetupDiagCollect = $false } 
                        if($Global:checkBox[3].checked -eq $True){ $Global:UpdatesCollect = $true ; Write-Host "." -nonewline} Else{ $Global:UpdatesCollect = $false } 
                        if($Global:checkBox[4].checked -eq $True){ $Global:WLANCollect = $true ; Write-Host "." -nonewline} Else{ $Global:WLANCollect = $false } 
                        if($Global:checkBox[5].checked -eq $True){ $Global:PowerCollect = $true ; Write-Host "." -nonewline} Else{ $Global:PowerCollect = $false } 
                        if($Global:checkBox[6].checked -eq $True){ $Global:GPCollect = $true ; Write-Host "." -nonewline} Else{ $Global:GPCollect = $false } 
                        if($Global:checkBox[7].checked -eq $True){ $Global:miscCollect = $true ; Write-Host "." -nonewline} Else{ $Global:miscCollect = $false } 
                        if($Global:checkBox[8].checked -eq $True){ $Global:eventOut = $true ; $Global:checkBox[1].checked = $true; Write-Host "x" -nonewline} Else{ $Global:eventOut = $false } 
        $Global:checkBox[8].Checked = $false 
        $mainText = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label 
        $mainText.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(62,30) 
        $mainText.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(260,20) 
        $mainText.Text = 'Choose which logs to collect:' 
        $result = $Global:form.ShowDialog() 
        SLEEP 1  #testing Topmost lag 
        $Global:form.Topmost = $true 
        #OK Button ...   
        if ($result -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK) 
            $x = $textBox.Text 
    } #End function checkBoxes 
Function werHint 
    $WERs = Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\WER\*.wer -Recurse 
    $WERArray = @() 
    $Date = $WERs | Select-String -pattern "eventtime=" | % {$_ -Replace("C:.*EventTime=", "")} 
    $eventType = $WERs | Select-String -pattern "EventType=" | % {$_ -Replace("C:.*EventType=", "")} 
    $Sig0Nam = $WERs | Select-String -pattern "Sig\[0\].Name" | % {$_ -Replace("C:.*Sig\[0\].Name=", "")} 
    $Sig0Val = $WERs | Select-String -pattern "Sig\[0\].Value" | % {$_ -Replace("C:.*Sig\[0\].Value=", "")} 
    $Sig3 = $WERs | Select-String -pattern "Sig\[3\].Value" | % {$_ -Replace("C:.*Sig\[3\].Value=", "")} 
    $Sig3 = $WERs | Select-String -pattern "Sig\[3\].Value" | % {$_ -Replace("C:.*Sig\[3\].Value=", "")} 
    $Sig4 = $WERs | Select-String -pattern "Sig\[4\].Value" | % {$_ -Replace("C:.*Sig\[4\].Value=", "")} 
    $epoch = [datetime]"01/01/1601 00:00" 
    $date = $date | foreach{$epoch.AddSeconds($_/10000000)}   
    $convertedDate = foreach($Date in $Date) {Get-Date $Date -Format G} 
    $WERarray = 0..($convertedDate.Length -1) | Select-Object @{n="Id";e={$_}},   
        @{n="Date";e={$convertedDate[$_]}}, @{n="EventType";e={$eventType[$_]}}, 
            @{n="S0-Name";e={$Sig0Nam[$_]}}, @{n="S0-Value";e={$Sig0Val[$_]}}, @{n="S3";e={$Sig3[$_]}},   
    $WERArray |Sort-Object -Descending Date | ft -autosize Date, EventType, S0-Name, S0-Value, S3, S4  |   
        Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\WER-SUMMARY.TXT -Width 500 
} ## End Function werHint 
        $Script:Cancel = @{} 
        StartScript #function 
        ## SetupDiagCollect   #2 
        if($Global:SetupDiagCollect -eq $True) 
            SetupDiagFunc #function & job   
            wh "...`n" 
        ## EventSearch         #1 
        if($Global:EventsCollect -eq $True) 
            EventSearch #function & job 
            wh "...`n" 
        ## Get-WindowsUpdate   #3 
        if($Global:UpdatesCollect -eq $True) 
            GetUpdates #function & job 
            wh "...`n`n" 
        ## WLAN/Wifi Collect    #4 
        if($Global:WLANCollect -eq $True)     
            bingCollect #function 
            wh "...`n" 
            showWLAN #function & job   
            wh "...`n" 
            smbConfig #function 
        ## Power/Battery Collect:#5 
        if($Global:PowerCollect -eq $True) 
            powerCFGInfo #function - make job takes a min 
            wh "...`n" 
        ## GPRESULT Collection:  #6 
        if($Global:GPCollect -eq $True) 
            getGPRESULT #function 
            wh "...`n" 
        ## Misc Logs Collection: #7       
        if($Global:miscCollect -eq $True) 
            getMSINFO #function & job 
                wh "...`n" 
            PrinterCheck #function 
                wh "...`n" 
            getProcesses #function 
                wh "...`n" 
            getApps #function - make job - takes a min 
                wh "...`n" 
            SetupLogs #function 
                wh "...`n"       
            sysProductCheck #function 
                wh "...`n"                 
            reservedCheck #function 
                wh "...`n" 
            fltmcCheck #function 
                wh "...`n" 
            getDXDiag #function 
                wh "...`n" 
            regLang #function 
                wh "...`n" 
            autoRotate #function 
            getMISCLogs #function 
                wh "...`n" 
            getDrivers #function 
                wh "...`n"   
            getAV #function 
                wh "...`n"           
        if($Global:EventsCollect -eq $True) 
            wh "`nWaiting for EventSearchJob to complete...`n" 
            Receive-Job -Name EventSearchJob -OutVariable eventSearch -Wait   
            $search = $eventSearch.Line 
        if($Global:SetupDiagCollect -eq $True) 
            #SetupDiagJob - Receive-Job 
            $stamp = (Get-Date -format "hh:mm tt") 
            wh "`nWaiting for SetupDiagJob to complete..." 
            wh "`nTime Stamp: $stamp" 
            wh "`nThis can take up to 10 minutes ..." 
              SLEEP 15 
                wh "." 
                if((Get-Job -name SetupDiagJob).State -eq "Completed") 
                    { Receive-Job -Name SetupDiagJob 
                           wh "`nSetupDiag Completed!"                         
                        Break                      } 
                                }Until($Cancel.SetupDiag -eq $True) 
            wh `n 
            #Receive file and copy 
            Receive-Job -Name SetupDiagJob -Wait   
            Copy-Item $tempDir\Logs*.zip $tempDir\LOGS\SetupDiag-Log.zip 
            Copy-Item $tempDir\setupdiag*.log $tempDir\LOGS\ 
            Remove-Item $tempDir\Logs*.zip 
        if($Global:UpdatesCollect -eq $True) 
            #GetUpdates Job via: 
            #UpdateHelper <--- GetUpdates Job has to finish first! 
            #Checking Status of GetUpdates Job... 
            wh "Checking Status of GetUpdates Job...`n" 
            If ((Get-Job -Name GetUpdates).State -eq "Failed") 
                { wh "`nGetUpdates Job Failed!`n" } 
                            Receive-Job -Name GetUpdates -wait 
                            Move $env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\WindowsUpdate.log $TempDir\LOGS\Windows-Update.log -Force 
                            wh "`n Writing Update Helper Info to UPDATE-ERRORS.TXT ... `n" 
                            UpdateHelper #run the update helper function 
        } #End getting GetUpdates-job       
        #Finishing EventSearch 
        if($Global:EventsCollect -eq $True) 
                writeSearch #function 
#Wait on MSINFO... 
if($Global:miscCollect -eq $True) 
    wh "`n Waiting for MSINFO32 to Complete ...`n" 
    do{ start-sleep 1 } 
    Until((get-process | select-string -Pattern "msinfo").Pattern -cne "msinfo") 
        werHint #function 
if((Get-Host).Version.Major -cge 5) ##WIN7 Does not Support Transcript 
    start-sleep 1 
    Until((get-item $tempDir\LOGS\Event-Search.TXT).Length -cne 0) 
wh "`nLog Collection Completed! `nLogs are available in %temp%\LOGS\`n"   
wh "`nHit Any Key or Close ...`n" 
Start-Sleep 1 
Start Explorer.exe $explore 
## LOGS.PS1 1.6.3  ##     
## JOHNEM 8-2019 ##   
## EOF ##

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