Some news worth mentioning


BSOD Kernel Dump Senior Analyst, Contributor
May 1, 2012
N.W. Indiana
The first Quarter of next year looks like it might be a bit interesting if things go as planned.
Microsoft to acquire Nokia?s devices & services business, license Nokia?s patents and mapping services

We've been hearing a lot of rumors about Microsoft moving more into the device (hardware) market and it looks like that may be what's going on here. Nokia has generally been struggling a bit in the global cell phone market which some analysts attribute to their emphasis being on their Lumia line of Windows Phones.
Looks like Microsoft has decided that they can come to their rescue and kill two birds with one stone. Shore up a strategic partner with a cash influx and move themselves further into the hardware device market.

Although we've seen this type of maneuver in the past with Microsoft wanting to do something and rather than actually moving forward with their own brand of product, simply buying a company who is already doing it.
Being a Windows Phone 8 owner and fan I would personally love to see this particular venture result in success.

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