Should I uninstall MS365 before installing desktop Office?


Mar 25, 2019
A friend has a new PC with MS 365 pre-installed and she doesn't want to use it. She has an old copy of Office 2016 that she would prefer to use. I recall doing this for somebody before, and if memory serves me, it is better to uninstall MS 365 before installing desktop Office. It seems like there was some conflict between them, but I don't remember exactly. Does anybody here have experience with this?
Use one of the uninstallers to uninstall it. Revo, Geek, Hi-Bit, etc.
Thanks. How is this preferable to going through Settings>Apps, selecting and uninstalling? She's not particularly tech-savvy which is why she wants to use desktop Office instead of MS 365. But she might ask me to do it in which case I'll follow your suggestion.
It's preferable because the MS uninstaller doesn't always do the complete job. If you're going to do it, any of xrobwx71s suggestions will work. I keep Revo on the desktop of all my computers.


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