I originally posted this mistakenly in Windows 7/Vista forum then noticed a previous post; sorry.
I don't update my Windows 7
Hope you can help me. I have recently started getting intermittent BSODs; after running sfc and then sfcfix.exe I still have some corrupt files that sfcfix doesn' seem able to fix. sfcfix log attached. I am running a Teamos Windows 7 version, Crux.
Thank you.
I originally posted this mistakenly in Windows 7/Vista forum then noticed a previous post; sorry.
I don't update my Windows 7
Hope you can help me. I have recently started getting intermittent BSODs; after running sfc and then sfcfix.exe I still have some corrupt files that sfcfix doesn' seem able to fix. sfcfix log attached. I am running a Teamos Windows 7 version, Crux.
Thank you.