SFC SURT problems


Jan 9, 2019
Hi All, good to be here. Hope you are enjoying working in this area:thumbsup2:. Actually my problems seem to be not too consequential. I am running Windows 7 Ultimate SP1. I had a problem running SFC in that there were corrupt files which could not be repaired; however SFC seemed to resolve the issues down to one corrupt file: wet.dll in the migwiz folder.I worked on the DISM functionality but after all of downloading and installing the standalone update KB947821 for windows update, etc. I still cannot run the "restorehealth" option in DISM. I did run SFCfix and it repaired the problem file but the subsequent log showed 9 errors (Found 9 errors: CSI Unexpected Failure Total count: 4
CBS Catalog Missing Total count: 1
CSI Missing Winning Component Key Total count: 4

Unavailable repair files:

Where do I go from here?


Hello and welcome!

SFCFix Script

Warning: this fix is specific to the user in this thread. No one else should follow these instructions as it may cause more harm than good. If you are after assistance, please start a thread of your own.

  1. Download SFCFix.exe (by niemiro) and save this to your Desktop.
  2. Download the file below, SFCFix.zip, and save this to your Desktop. Ensure that this file is named SFCFix.zip - do not rename it.
  3. Save any open documents and close all open windows.
  4. On your Desktop, you should see two files: SFCFix.exe and SFCFix.zip.
  5. Drag the file SFCFix.zip onto the file SFCFix.exe and release it.
  6. SFCFix will now process the script.
  7. Upon completion, a file should be created on your Desktop: SFCFix.txt.
  8. Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste (Ctrl+V) the contents of this file into your next post for me to analyse please - put
    tags around the log to break up the text.

Afterwards, run SURT and attach CheckSUR.log.


View attachment CheckSUR.logView attachment CheckSUR.persist.logHi Maniac, So good to be in contact with you here. I think we are making progress. Here's what I have done: I ran the SFCFix.exe and the contents of the text file is:SFCFix version by niemiro.Start time: 2019-01-10 08:34:10.737
Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 - x86
Using .zip script file at C:\Users\SuperAdmin\Desktop\SFCFix.zip [0]

Successfully took permissions for file or folder C:\Windows\Temp\CheckSur\Servicing\Packages

Successfully copied file C:\Users\SuperAdmin\AppData\Local\niemiro\Archive\Packages\Package_48_for_KB3068708~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ to C:\Windows\Temp\CheckSur\Servicing\Packages\Package_48_for_KB3068708~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~
Successfully copied file C:\Users\SuperAdmin\AppData\Local\niemiro\Archive\Packages\Package_48_for_KB3068708~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ to C:\Windows\Temp\CheckSur\Servicing\Packages\Package_48_for_KB3068708~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~

Successfully restored ownership for C:\Windows\Temp\CheckSur\Servicing\Packages
Successfully restored permissions on C:\Windows\Temp\CheckSur\Servicing\Packages
PowerCopy:: directive completed successfully.

Successfully processed all directives.
SFCFix version by niemiro has completed.
Currently storing 2 datablocks.
Finish time: 2019-01-10 08:34:11.096
Script hash: IcBCiuxovKU9kqhLi/u57tHl8qc/bAetJs1mwwneix4=

Then I ran SURT which I am assuming is the file Windows6.1-KB947821-v34-x86.msu. The content mentioned 9 errors all relating to "winning" etc re AVG antivirus, and referencing a windows update package KB3068708, saying it has no repair files for this package. So I located the update and uninstalled it since it has to do with the customer experience program. The uninstall did not appear to succeed but upon reboot the listing changed from successful to failed. The latest run of the SURT still references the 9 AVG problems and the missing KB3068708 repair files. SFC reports no integrity violations. I ran the DISM scanhealth option under command prompt but it just stated ran successfully.
So, in summary I have a question: is it possible and worth the effort to get DISM to run restorehealth on this Win 7 Ultimate machine which in actuality is a VM running under Mac OS X 10.13.3? I have that capability on one of my other Win7 desktops. Works very well. So thanks in advance.
Nope. There is another way we can deal with this:

FRST Registry Search
1. Click your Start button and choose Control Panel.
2. In the upper right corner ensure the View by: is set to Category.
3. Select the Programs group.
4. Click the Turn Windows features on or off link. This will bring up the Windows Features dialog. Wait until this dialog populates with information. If this does not happen for some reason, please continue with the steps anyway.
Note: This loads your components hive which is what we want. Please keep this dialog open while you perform the remaining steps.
5. Please download Farbar Recovery Scan Tool and save it to your Desktop.
Note: You need to run the 32-bit Version so please ensure you download that one.
6. Run FRST by Right-Clicking on the file and choosing Run as administrator.
7. Copy and paste
KB3068708 into the Search box and click the Search Registry button.
8. When the scan is complete a notepad window will open with the results. Please attach this to your next reply. It is saved on your desktop named SearchReg.txt.
9. You may close any remaining open windows now.
Hi again, So I ran FRST and the results are attached in the text file. I will await your next instruction. THanks



Step#1 - FRST Fix

NOTICE: This script was written specifically for this user, for use on that particular machine. Running this on another machine may cause damage to your operating system
1. Please download Farbar Recovery Scan Tool and save it to your Desktop.
Note: You need to run the 32-bit Version so please ensure you download that one.
2. Download attached file and save it to the Desktop.
Note. It's important that both files, FRST and fixlist.txt are in the same location or the fix will not work (in this case...the desktop).
3. Run FRST by Right-Clicking on the file and choosing Run as administrator.
4. Press the Fix button just once and wait. If for some reason the tool needs a restart, please make sure you let the system restart normally. After that let the tool complete its run.
5. When finished FRST will generate a log on the Desktop (Fixlog.txt). Please post the contents of it in your reply.
6. Try updates and if any fail, attach CBS.log.



Step#1 - FRST Fix

NOTICE: This script was written specifically for this user, for use on that particular machine. Running this on another machine may cause damage to your operating system
1. Please download Farbar Recovery Scan Tool and save it to your Desktop.
Note: You need to run the 32-bit Version so please ensure you download that one.
2. Download attached file and save it to the Desktop.
Note. It's important that both files, FRST and fixlist.txt are in the same location or the fix will not work (in this case...the desktop).
3. Run FRST by Right-Clicking on the file and choosing Run as administrator.
4. Press the Fix button just once and wait. If for some reason the tool needs a restart, please make sure you let the system restart normally. After that let the tool complete its run.
5. When finished FRST will generate a log on the Desktop (Fixlog.txt). Please post the contents of it in your reply.
6. Try updates and if any fail, attach CBS.log.

Attached please find the Fixlog.txt file after running the FRST, Fix file. The log seems to show that there still is a problem with package 48 for kb3068708


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