SFC, DISM Problems, Oh my..


New member
May 28, 2021
Hey everyone...

Hoping someone can help me out, I have been battling this trying to resolve this issue for a couple weeks now, with no luck.

I keep getting random Bluescreens of "Critical Process Died", "IRQL less or equal than" and a few others I can't remember what they were because it rebooted too fast.

I've tried SFC Scan, but it was unable to repair files.
I've tried DISM, but it was unable to "find" files.

I've even tried to mount a windows iso and do a repair with the esd file, but it still says it cannot find the file.
I have a lot of programs installed on my PC, so I'd hate to have to repair install and have to redownload them all.

I'm hoping someone can help point me in the right direction of what to do, thanks so much in advance!

Speccy: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/2FdFpEkuQXBCc5d2QlYBUa8


Hi. . .

3 of your 5 BSOD dumps were corrupted and could not be processed.

Check all hard drives with Sea Tools for DOS, LONG test - (4) Hard Drive (HDD) Diagnostics (Sea Tools for DOS) & SSD Test | Sysnative Forums

Check RAM -- run 1 stick at a time; alternate the slots - (4) Test RAM with PassMark MemTest86 | Sysnative Forums

For info, this BSOD error message - "Critical Process Died" - is often an indicator of a bad or failing hard drive.

Regards. . .


Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.19041.685 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Loading Dump File [C:\Users\PalmDesert\AppData\Local\Temp\Temp3_SysnativeFileCollectionApp.zip\052721-12125-01.dmp]
Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available

************* Path validation summary **************
Response                         Time (ms)     Location
Deferred                                       SRV*c:\symbols*https://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
Symbol search path is: SRV*c:\symbols*https://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
Executable search path is: 
Windows 10 Kernel Version 19041 MP (20 procs) Free x64
Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS Personal
Built by: 19041.1.amd64fre.vb_release.191206-1406
Machine Name:
Kernel base = 0xfffff804`2c600000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff804`2d22a1b0
Debug session time: Thu May 27 22:41:02.871 2021 (UTC - 4:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 0:00:12.841
Loading Kernel Symbols
Loading User Symbols
Loading unloaded module list
For analysis of this file, run !analyze -v
Processing initial command '!analyze -v;r;kv;lmtn;lmtsmn;.bugcheck'
16: kd> !analyze -v;r;kv;lmtn;lmtsmn;.bugcheck
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

        A critical system process died
Arg1: ffff960319161280, Process object or thread object
Arg2: 0000000000000000, If this is 0, a process died. If this is 1, a thread died.
Arg3: 0000000000000000
Arg4: 0000000000000000

Debugging Details:

ETW minidump data unavailable


    Key  : Analysis.CPU.Sec
    Value: 3

    Key  : Analysis.DebugAnalysisProvider.CPP
    Value: Create: 8007007e on SYSNATIVE-FORUM

    Key  : Analysis.DebugData
    Value: CreateObject

    Key  : Analysis.DebugModel
    Value: CreateObject

    Key  : Analysis.Elapsed.Sec
    Value: 11

    Key  : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
    Value: 73

    Key  : Analysis.System
    Value: CreateObject


BUGCHECK_P1: ffff960319161280




PROCESS_NAME:  services.exe

CRITICAL_PROCESS:  services.exe

EXCEPTION_RECORD:  fffffcffffffffff -- (.exr 0xfffffcffffffffff)
Cannot read Exception record @ fffffcffffffffff

ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0x19140080 - <Unable to get error code text>


ffff9407`9e85eb98 fffff804`2cf084d2 : 00000000`000000ef ffff9603`19161280 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
ffff9407`9e85eba0 fffff804`2cdfa4ab : 00000000`00000001 fffff804`2c89de5d 00000000`00000002 fffff804`2c89d477 : nt!PspCatchCriticalBreak+0x10e
ffff9407`9e85ec40 fffff804`2cc5ea14 : ffff9603`00000000 00000000`00000000 ffff9603`19161280 ffff9603`191616b8 : nt!PspTerminateAllThreads+0x19c1cf
ffff9407`9e85ecb0 fffff804`2cc5ed3c : ffff9603`19161280 00000000`00000001 ffffffff`ffffffff fffff804`2d6abf44 : nt!PspTerminateProcess+0xe0
ffff9407`9e85ecf0 fffff804`2ca086b5 : ffff9603`19161280 ffff9603`19140080 ffff9407`9e85ede0 fffff804`2cd1fa22 : nt!NtTerminateProcess+0x9c
ffff9407`9e85ed60 fffff804`2c9fab50 : fffff804`2ca3b8c5 ffff9407`9e85f958 ffff9407`9e85f958 ffffffff`ffffffff : nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x25
ffff9407`9e85eef8 fffff804`2ca3b8c5 : ffff9407`9e85f958 ffff9407`9e85f958 ffffffff`ffffffff 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiServiceLinkage
ffff9407`9e85ef00 fffff804`2d666141 : fffffcff`ffffffff fffffc80`00001300 00000000`c0000005 fffff804`2c928d64 : nt!KiDispatchException+0x1b5915
ffff9407`9e85f7b0 fffffcff`ffffffff : fffffc80`00001300 00000000`c0000005 fffff804`2c928d64 ffff9603`19161901 : 0xfffff804`2d666141
ffff9407`9e85f7b8 fffffc80`00001300 : 00000000`c0000005 fffff804`2c928d64 ffff9603`19161901 fffffc80`00001300 : 0xfffffcff`ffffffff
ffff9407`9e85f7c0 00000000`c0000005 : fffff804`2c928d64 ffff9603`19161901 fffffc80`00001300 ffff9407`9e85f868 : 0xfffffc80`00001300
ffff9407`9e85f7c8 fffff804`2c928d64 : ffff9603`19161901 fffffc80`00001300 ffff9407`9e85f868 ffff9407`9e85f878 : 0xc0000005
ffff9407`9e85f7d0 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!MiUserFault+0x874

SYMBOL_NAME:  nt!PspCatchCriticalBreak+10e


IMAGE_NAME:  ntkrnlmp.exe

IMAGE_VERSION:  10.0.19041.985

STACK_COMMAND:  .thread ; .cxr ; kb


FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  0xEF_services.exe_BUGCHECK_CRITICAL_PROCESS_19140080_nt!PspCatchCriticalBreak

OS_VERSION:  10.0.19041.1

BUILDLAB_STR:  vb_release


OSNAME:  Windows 10

FAILURE_ID_HASH:  {ac9bc32a-2336-a7b3-e8c8-b287a632f710}

Followup:     MachineOwner

rax=ffff960319140080 rbx=ffff960319161203 rcx=00000000000000ef
rdx=ffff960319161280 rsi=ffff960319161280 rdi=ffff960319161280
rip=fffff8042c9f6cf0 rsp=ffff94079e85eb98 rbp=00000000c0000000
 r8=0000000000000000  r9=0000000000000000 r10=7ffffffffffffffc
r11=0000000000000001 r12=00000000000d1600 r13=00000000000003a4
r14=0000000000000000 r15=00000000c0000005
iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc
cs=0010  ss=0018  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00040246
fffff804`2c9f6cf0 48894c2408      mov     qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx ss:0018:ffff9407`9e85eba0=00000000000000ef
 # Child-SP          RetAddr           : Args to Child                                                           : Call Site
00 ffff9407`9e85eb98 fffff804`2cf084d2 : 00000000`000000ef ffff9603`19161280 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
01 ffff9407`9e85eba0 fffff804`2cdfa4ab : 00000000`00000001 fffff804`2c89de5d 00000000`00000002 fffff804`2c89d477 : nt!PspCatchCriticalBreak+0x10e
02 ffff9407`9e85ec40 fffff804`2cc5ea14 : ffff9603`00000000 00000000`00000000 ffff9603`19161280 ffff9603`191616b8 : nt!PspTerminateAllThreads+0x19c1cf
03 ffff9407`9e85ecb0 fffff804`2cc5ed3c : ffff9603`19161280 00000000`00000001 ffffffff`ffffffff fffff804`2d6abf44 : nt!PspTerminateProcess+0xe0
04 ffff9407`9e85ecf0 fffff804`2ca086b5 : ffff9603`19161280 ffff9603`19140080 ffff9407`9e85ede0 fffff804`2cd1fa22 : nt!NtTerminateProcess+0x9c
05 ffff9407`9e85ed60 fffff804`2c9fab50 : fffff804`2ca3b8c5 ffff9407`9e85f958 ffff9407`9e85f958 ffffffff`ffffffff : nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x25 (TrapFrame @ ffff9407`9e85ed60)
06 ffff9407`9e85eef8 fffff804`2ca3b8c5 : ffff9407`9e85f958 ffff9407`9e85f958 ffffffff`ffffffff 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiServiceLinkage
07 ffff9407`9e85ef00 fffff804`2d666141 : fffffcff`ffffffff fffffc80`00001300 00000000`c0000005 fffff804`2c928d64 : nt!KiDispatchException+0x1b5915
08 ffff9407`9e85f7b0 fffffcff`ffffffff : fffffc80`00001300 00000000`c0000005 fffff804`2c928d64 ffff9603`19161901 : 0xfffff804`2d666141
09 ffff9407`9e85f7b8 fffffc80`00001300 : 00000000`c0000005 fffff804`2c928d64 ffff9603`19161901 fffffc80`00001300 : 0xfffffcff`ffffffff
0a ffff9407`9e85f7c0 00000000`c0000005 : fffff804`2c928d64 ffff9603`19161901 fffffc80`00001300 ffff9407`9e85f868 : 0xfffffc80`00001300
0b ffff9407`9e85f7c8 fffff804`2c928d64 : ffff9603`19161901 fffffc80`00001300 ffff9407`9e85f868 ffff9407`9e85f878 : 0xc0000005
0c ffff9407`9e85f7d0 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!MiUserFault+0x874
start             end                 module name
ffff93aa`bd200000 ffff93aa`bd4d8000   win32kbase win32kbase.sys 5314DC9D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
ffff93aa`bd650000 ffff93aa`bd6ea000   win32k   win32k.sys   E87370BB (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
ffff93aa`bdfe0000 ffff93aa`be396000   win32kfull win32kfull.sys 2C3CD9EB (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
ffff93aa`be3a0000 ffff93aa`be3ea000   cdd      cdd.dll      00000000 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2a290000 fffff804`2a62d000   mcupdate_GenuineIntel mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll 492FB48D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2a630000 fffff804`2a636000   hal      hal.dll      1A7BE8E9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2a640000 fffff804`2a64b000   kd       kd.dll       FE185FA8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2a650000 fffff804`2a677000   tm       tm.sys       87A66D30 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2a680000 fffff804`2a68b000   BOOTVID  BOOTVID.dll  D13EE5B6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2b620000 fffff804`2b8e0000   TbtBusDrv TbtBusDrv.sys Sun Jan 24 15:41:18 2021 (600DDB6E)
fffff804`2b8f0000 fffff804`2b944000   WUDFRd   WUDFRd.sys   8B909C0C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2c600000 fffff804`2d646000   nt       ntkrnlmp.exe 411F9E5A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38a00000 fffff804`38a6a000   CLFS     CLFS.SYS     8D0E98E0 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38a70000 fffff804`38a8a000   PSHED    PSHED.dll    4C55DC99 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38a90000 fffff804`38ba3000   clipsp   clipsp.sys   Thu Apr 22 16:51:04 2021 (6081E1B8)
fffff804`38bb0000 fffff804`38c1f000   FLTMGR   FLTMGR.SYS   02839B66 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38c20000 fffff804`38c49000   ksecdd   ksecdd.sys   5F6E7114 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38c50000 fffff804`38cb3000   msrpc    msrpc.sys    CACA2825 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38cc0000 fffff804`38cce000   cmimcext cmimcext.sys 633C2FE0 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38cd0000 fffff804`38ce1000   werkernel werkernel.sys 1BD4610F (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38cf0000 fffff804`38cfc000   ntosext  ntosext.sys  71DD3C9F (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38d00000 fffff804`38de3000   CI       CI.dll       4BAE6991 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38df0000 fffff804`38ea7000   cng      cng.sys      28B59E22 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38eb0000 fffff804`38f82000   Wdf01000 Wdf01000.sys AA90A000 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38f90000 fffff804`38fa3000   WDFLDR   WDFLDR.SYS   565B60B2 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38fb0000 fffff804`38fbf000   SleepStudyHelper SleepStudyHelper.sys 664F6ECB (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38fc0000 fffff804`38fd1000   WppRecorder WppRecorder.sys 15060D00 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38fe0000 fffff804`39006000   acpiex   acpiex.sys   C8D60B44 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39010000 fffff804`3902a000   SgrmAgent SgrmAgent.sys A6474774 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39030000 fffff804`390fc000   ACPI     ACPI.sys     98F9EEE3 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39100000 fffff804`3910c000   WMILIB   WMILIB.SYS   CD518505 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39110000 fffff804`3917b000   intelpep intelpep.sys 4F6AD80A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39180000 fffff804`39197000   WindowsTrustedRT WindowsTrustedRT.sys 7AF9978A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`391a0000 fffff804`391ab000   IntelTA  IntelTA.sys  9D7941CE (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`391b0000 fffff804`391bb000   WindowsTrustedRTProxy WindowsTrustedRTProxy.sys AA5F5790 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`391c0000 fffff804`391d4000   pcw      pcw.sys      D212A83E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`391e0000 fffff804`391f0000   FNETHYRAMAS FNETHYRAMAS.SYS Wed Oct  3 23:33:28 2018 (5BB58A08)
fffff804`39200000 fffff804`3920b000   msisadrv msisadrv.sys D84D625E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39210000 fffff804`39287000   pci      pci.sys      CA5D1594 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39290000 fffff804`392a5000   vdrvroot vdrvroot.sys E613EBA7 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`392b0000 fffff804`392df000   pdc      pdc.sys      1B16F9E0 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`392e0000 fffff804`392f9000   CEA      CEA.sys      10766347 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39300000 fffff804`39331000   partmgr  partmgr.sys  160E871C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39340000 fffff804`393ea000   spaceport spaceport.sys 1C59DF13 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`393f0000 fffff804`39409000   volmgr   volmgr.sys   51E4251D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39410000 fffff804`39473000   volmgrx  volmgrx.sys  5298D717 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39480000 fffff804`3949e000   mountmgr mountmgr.sys 6FA7424A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`394a0000 fffff804`394c3000   secnvme  secnvme.sys  Mon Feb 12 03:33:59 2018 (5A815177)
fffff804`394d0000 fffff804`39583000   storport storport.sys 67E3907E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39590000 fffff804`3975f000   iaStorAC iaStorAC.sys Thu Feb 18 07:45:53 2021 (602E6181)
fffff804`39760000 fffff804`3977c000   EhStorClass EhStorClass.sys DA9273CC (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39780000 fffff804`3979a000   fileinfo fileinfo.sys AEE275C2 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`397a0000 fffff804`397e0000   Wof      Wof.sys      66C89E3D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`397f0000 fffff804`39ac9000   Ntfs     Ntfs.sys     370CAC8C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39ad0000 fffff804`39add000   Fs_Rec   Fs_Rec.sys   B9E5C55C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39ae0000 fffff804`39c4f000   ndis     ndis.sys     A488D2D5 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39c50000 fffff804`39ce8000   NETIO    NETIO.SYS    AD9289C7 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39cf0000 fffff804`39d22000   ksecpkg  ksecpkg.sys  EB0A8339 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39d30000 fffff804`3a01b000   tcpip    tcpip.sys    6F1DDD5D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a020000 fffff804`3a09f000   fwpkclnt fwpkclnt.sys 1E076A7F (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a0a0000 fffff804`3a0d0000   wfplwfs  wfplwfs.sys  3340819A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a0e0000 fffff804`3a1a8000   fvevol   fvevol.sys   3D283BDA (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a1b0000 fffff804`3a1bb000   volume   volume.sys   83CF10C9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a1c0000 fffff804`3a22d000   volsnap  volsnap.sys  8AFD80F6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a230000 fffff804`3a280000   rdyboost rdyboost.sys 76CA3270 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a290000 fffff804`3a2b6000   mup      mup.sys      71933DBD (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a2c0000 fffff804`3a2d2000   iorate   iorate.sys   94A693A6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a300000 fffff804`3a31c000   disk     disk.sys     3457FE4D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a320000 fffff804`3a38c000   CLASSPNP CLASSPNP.SYS 9A21D83D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d4c0000 fffff804`4d865000   dxgkrnl  dxgkrnl.sys  2FF6D99C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d870000 fffff804`4d888000   watchdog watchdog.sys F13839AB (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d890000 fffff804`4d8a6000   BasicDisplay BasicDisplay.sys A816CE22 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d8b0000 fffff804`4d8c1000   BasicRender BasicRender.sys 4A52C9B4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d8d0000 fffff804`4d8ec000   Npfs     Npfs.SYS     9E3E4C73 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d8f0000 fffff804`4d901000   Msfs     Msfs.SYS     95155DF1 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d910000 fffff804`4d92b000   CimFS    CimFS.SYS    2FFADC8B (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d930000 fffff804`4d952000   tdx      tdx.sys      28EC0E80 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d960000 fffff804`4d970000   TDI      TDI.SYS      D1AD2BD4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d980000 fffff804`4d99a000   gnf      gnf.sys      Wed Aug  5 00:18:28 2020 (5F2A3314)
fffff804`4d9a0000 fffff804`4d9fc000   netbt    netbt.sys    45CF76EF (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4da00000 fffff804`4da13000   afunix   afunix.sys   9501F0D8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4da20000 fffff804`4dac3000   afd      afd.sys      CC0C9B73 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dad0000 fffff804`4dadc000   igovsd   igovsd.sys   Thu Dec 10 07:51:03 2020 (5FD219B7)
fffff804`4dae0000 fffff804`4db10000   cdrom    cdrom.sys    D4B31131 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4db20000 fffff804`4db35000   filecrypt filecrypt.sys 3C7F622A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4db40000 fffff804`4db4e000   tbs      tbs.sys      CDEA9CC8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4db50000 fffff804`4db5a000   Null     Null.SYS     01FE6381 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4db60000 fffff804`4db6a000   Beep     Beep.SYS     E4AC8238 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4db70000 fffff804`4db8a000   vwififlt vwififlt.sys 4B458835 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4db90000 fffff804`4dbbb000   pacer    pacer.sys    26BE44D4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dbe0000 fffff804`4dbfe000   crashdmp crashdmp.sys 9A19AF81 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dc00000 fffff804`4dc7b000   rdbss    rdbss.sys    4B281605 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dc80000 fffff804`4dc92000   nsiproxy nsiproxy.sys F6E31779 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dca0000 fffff804`4dcae000   npsvctrig npsvctrig.sys 677B42C8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dcb0000 fffff804`4dcc0000   mssmbios mssmbios.sys 6233611A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dcd0000 fffff804`4dcd7000   MsIo64   MsIo64.sys   Sun Jan 19 22:35:15 2020 (5E251FF3)
fffff804`4dce0000 fffff804`4dcea000   gpuenergydrv gpuenergydrv.sys F10C03D8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dcf0000 fffff804`4dcf8000   GLCKIO2  GLCKIO2.sys  Mon Apr 22 09:44:46 2019 (5CBDC54E)
fffff804`4dd00000 fffff804`4dd08000   ene      ene.sys      Fri May  8 02:07:19 2020 (5EB4F717)
fffff804`4dd10000 fffff804`4dd3c000   dfsc     dfsc.sys     5EDE3E45 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dd40000 fffff804`4dd4b000   Larmkanal Larmkanal.sys Wed Sep  2 03:27:48 2015 (55E6A4F4)
fffff804`4dd50000 fffff804`4dd5d000   vmdrv    vmdrv.sys    Fri Sep 25 09:11:31 2020 (5F6DEC83)
fffff804`4dd60000 fffff804`4ddcc000   fastfat  fastfat.SYS  ED0854E5 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ddd0000 fffff804`4dde7000   bam      bam.sys      4BADB6B8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ddf0000 fffff804`4ddfb000   AsIO3    AsIO3.sys    Tue Dec 15 03:10:32 2020 (5FD86F78)
fffff804`4de00000 fffff804`4de09000   AsIO2    AsIO2.sys    Wed May 20 04:47:26 2020 (5EC4EE9E)
fffff804`4de10000 fffff804`4de19000   AsUpIO   AsUpIO.sys   Mon May 13 08:36:36 2019 (5CD964D4)
fffff804`4de20000 fffff804`4de26000   AsIO     AsIO.sys     Wed Aug 22 05:54:47 2012 (5034AC67)
fffff804`4de30000 fffff804`4de7e000   ahcache  ahcache.sys  20345F4C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4de80000 fffff804`4de92000   CompositeBus CompositeBus.sys 6AE1B302 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dea0000 fffff804`4deed000   msiscsi  msiscsi.sys  11F970C6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4def0000 fffff804`4defd000   kdnic    kdnic.sys    9401D3B8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4df00000 fffff804`4df15000   umbus    umbus.sys    E7B4847E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4df20000 fffff804`4df2c000   wmiacpi  wmiacpi.sys  4A8BFC2C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4df30000 fffff804`4df50000   iaLPSS2_GPIO2_TGL iaLPSS2_GPIO2_TGL.sys Mon Jan 18 20:17:15 2021 (6006331B)
fffff804`4df60000 fffff804`4df92000   msgpioclx msgpioclx.sys 491CB749 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dfa0000 fffff804`4dfe0000   intelppm intelppm.sys 7EBD22FD (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dff0000 fffff804`4dffe000   Phosgene Phosgene.sys Wed Sep  2 03:28:10 2015 (55E6A50A)
fffff804`4e000000 fffff804`4e00f000   ksthunk  ksthunk.sys  2816E646 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e010000 fffff804`4e021000   nvvad64v nvvad64v.sys Thu Mar 14 04:58:48 2019 (5C8A17C8)
fffff804`4e030000 fffff804`4e03d000   NvModuleTracker NvModuleTracker.sys Tue Aug 11 04:35:06 2020 (5F32583A)
fffff804`4e040000 fffff804`4e050000   nvvhci   nvvhci.sys   Fri Jan 10 13:31:07 2020 (5E18C2EB)
fffff804`4e060000 fffff804`4e06d000   NdisVirtualBus NdisVirtualBus.sys A7AE93D1 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e070000 fffff804`4e07c000   swenum   swenum.sys   E117266B (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e080000 fffff804`4e08e000   CorsairVBusDriver CorsairVBusDriver.sys Tue Jun 30 12:53:14 2020 (5EFB6DFA)
fffff804`4e090000 fffff804`4e09b000   logi_joy_bus_enum logi_joy_bus_enum.sys Fri Feb 26 15:41:58 2021 (60395D16)
fffff804`4e0a0000 fffff804`4e0b2000   logi_joy_xlcore logi_joy_xlcore.sys Fri Feb 26 15:42:04 2021 (60395D1C)
fffff804`4e0c0000 fffff804`4e0d4000   ndiscap  ndiscap.sys  DCEEC70E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e0e0000 fffff804`4e0f4000   netbios  netbios.sys  618ED82E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e100000 fffff804`4e1a1000   Vid      Vid.sys      59F1C008 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e1b0000 fffff804`4e1d1000   winhvr   winhvr.sys   C1F13DBD (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e1e0000 fffff804`4e1ee000   rdpbus   rdpbus.sys   84DFD52A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e1f0000 fffff804`4e1fe000   ScreamingBAudio64 ScreamingBAudio64.sys Thu Jul  1 14:54:32 2010 (4C2CE468)
fffff804`4e200000 fffff804`4e2a5000   UsbHub3  UsbHub3.sys  1C930669 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e2b0000 fffff804`4e2be000   USBD     USBD.SYS     76AC3507 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e2c0000 fffff804`4e2d1000   kbdhid   kbdhid.sys   DF2550C2 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e2e0000 fffff804`4e2f4000   kbdclass kbdclass.sys 3156654A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e300000 fffff804`4e323000   nvhda64v nvhda64v.sys Mon May  3 04:04:45 2021 (608FAE9D)
fffff804`4e330000 fffff804`4e353000   CyUcmClient CyUcmClient.sys Wed Mar 18 09:54:45 2020 (5E722825)
fffff804`4e360000 fffff804`4e38e000   UcmCx    UcmCx.sys    C4C3A145 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e390000 fffff804`4e3c3000   usbccgp  usbccgp.sys  6ADA60BC (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e3d0000 fffff804`4e3f5000   USBSTOR  USBSTOR.SYS  01431615 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e400000 fffff804`4e412000   hidusb   hidusb.sys   1B0E634F (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e420000 fffff804`4e45a000   usbaudio usbaudio.sys DF5075E4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e460000 fffff804`4e46c000   logi_audio_surround logi_audio_surround.sys Fri Feb 26 15:43:30 2021 (60395D72)
fffff804`4e4d0000 fffff804`4e4f0000   WinUSB   WinUSB.SYS   891D9061 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e500000 fffff804`4e510000   mouhid   mouhid.sys   E502FBD9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e520000 fffff804`4e533000   mouclass mouclass.sys 3E1AA9CC (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e570000 fffff804`4e579000   CorsairVHidDriver CorsairVHidDriver.sys Tue Jun 30 12:53:18 2020 (5EFB6DFE)
fffff804`4e580000 fffff804`4e5bf000   HIDCLASS HIDCLASS.SYS 021FDD4D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e5c0000 fffff804`4e5d3000   HIDPARSE HIDPARSE.SYS 3404D246 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e600000 fffff804`4e618000   AVoluteSS3Vad AVoluteSS3Vad.sys Tue Aug  6 04:38:40 2019 (5D493C90)
fffff804`4e760000 fffff804`4e7e0000   RtUsbA64_2276 RtUsbA64.2276.sys Tue Dec 22 07:06:47 2020 (5FE1E157)
fffff804`4ec00000 fffff804`4ed84000   BTHport  BTHport.sys  2F5829F4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ed90000 fffff804`4edcd000   rfcomm   rfcomm.sys   F3616FE9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4edd0000 fffff804`4edf2000   BthEnum  BthEnum.sys  AE07C873 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ee00000 fffff804`4ee26000   bthpan   bthpan.sys   DC7BFA34 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ee30000 fffff804`4ee51000   Microsoft_Bluetooth_Legacy_LEEnumerator Microsoft.Bluetooth.Legacy.LEEnumerator.sys EDE45F37 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ee70000 fffff804`4ee7e000   dump_diskdump dump_diskdump.sys 95F39C8A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4eeb0000 fffff804`4eed3000   dump_secnvme dump_secnvme.sys Mon Feb 12 03:33:59 2018 (5A815177)
fffff804`4ef00000 fffff804`4ef1d000   dump_dumpfve dump_dumpfve.sys C53FE97F (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ef20000 fffff804`4f001000   dxgmms2  dxgmms2.sys  7F2D77CB (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4f010000 fffff804`4f02b000   monitor  monitor.sys  1CD682D7 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4f2e0000 fffff804`4f6b0000   ibtusb   ibtusb.sys   Tue Feb 16 05:12:16 2021 (602B9A80)
fffff804`4f6c0000 fffff804`4f6e1000   BTHUSB   BTHUSB.sys   BD0A8AB1 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`50800000 fffff804`50876000   ks       ks.sys       365F95B9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`50880000 fffff804`50918000   USBXHCI  USBXHCI.SYS  2E44F1B6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`50920000 fffff804`50964000   ucx01000 ucx01000.sys 11447CC9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`50970000 fffff804`509a2000   iaLPSS2_I2C_TGL iaLPSS2_I2C_TGL.sys Mon Jan 18 20:16:45 2021 (600632FD)
fffff804`509b0000 fffff804`509ca000   SpbCx    SpbCx.sys    81B6F697 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`509d0000 fffff804`50a1c000   TeeDriverW10x64 TeeDriverW10x64.sys Tue Feb 16 08:18:42 2021 (602BC632)
fffff804`50a20000 fffff804`50aa0000   e2f68    e2f68.sys    Sun Nov  8 10:00:19 2020 (5FA80803)
fffff804`50ab0000 fffff804`51049000   Netwtw10 Netwtw10.sys Wed Mar  3 10:16:19 2021 (603FA843)
fffff804`51050000 fffff804`51140000   wdiwifi  wdiwifi.sys  793813F4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`51150000 fffff804`5115e000   vwifibus vwifibus.sys 8AF48D2C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`51160000 fffff804`5116c000   acpitime acpitime.sys BB606674 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`51170000 fffff804`53700000   nvlddmkm nvlddmkm.sys Thu May 13 02:17:31 2021 (609CC47B)
fffff804`53710000 fffff804`53735000   HDAudBus HDAudBus.sys 6195DFDC (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`53740000 fffff804`537a6000   portcls  portcls.sys  5373C5A4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`537b0000 fffff804`537d1000   drmk     drmk.sys     Wed Oct 13 03:43:12 1999 (38043810)
fffff804`537e0000 fffff804`537eb000   acpipagr acpipagr.sys 092D0DD8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`537f0000 fffff804`537fe000   UEFI     UEFI.sys     100A3FFE (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)

Unloaded modules:
fffff804`4d410000 fffff804`4d41f000   dump_storpor
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  0000F000
fffff804`4d450000 fffff804`4d474000   dump_secnvme
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00024000
fffff804`4d4a0000 fffff804`4d4be000   dump_dumpfve
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  0001E000
fffff804`4e470000 fffff804`4e4c5000   WUDFRd.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00055000
fffff804`4f420000 fffff804`4f6e1000   TbtBusDrv.sy
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  002C1000
fffff804`4f6f0000 fffff804`4f745000   WUDFRd.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00055000
fffff804`4dd40000 fffff804`4dd5c000   dam.sys 
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  0001C000
fffff804`4d4c0000 fffff804`4dadb000   vgk.sys 
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  0061B000
fffff804`3a2e0000 fffff804`3a2f1000   hwpolicy.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00011000
start             end                 module name
fffff804`39030000 fffff804`390fc000   ACPI     ACPI.sys     98F9EEE3 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38fe0000 fffff804`39006000   acpiex   acpiex.sys   C8D60B44 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`537e0000 fffff804`537eb000   acpipagr acpipagr.sys 092D0DD8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`51160000 fffff804`5116c000   acpitime acpitime.sys BB606674 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4da20000 fffff804`4dac3000   afd      afd.sys      CC0C9B73 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4da00000 fffff804`4da13000   afunix   afunix.sys   9501F0D8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4de30000 fffff804`4de7e000   ahcache  ahcache.sys  20345F4C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4de20000 fffff804`4de26000   AsIO     AsIO.sys     Wed Aug 22 05:54:47 2012 (5034AC67)
fffff804`4de00000 fffff804`4de09000   AsIO2    AsIO2.sys    Wed May 20 04:47:26 2020 (5EC4EE9E)
fffff804`4ddf0000 fffff804`4ddfb000   AsIO3    AsIO3.sys    Tue Dec 15 03:10:32 2020 (5FD86F78)
fffff804`4de10000 fffff804`4de19000   AsUpIO   AsUpIO.sys   Mon May 13 08:36:36 2019 (5CD964D4)
fffff804`4e600000 fffff804`4e618000   AVoluteSS3Vad AVoluteSS3Vad.sys Tue Aug  6 04:38:40 2019 (5D493C90)
fffff804`4ddd0000 fffff804`4dde7000   bam      bam.sys      4BADB6B8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d890000 fffff804`4d8a6000   BasicDisplay BasicDisplay.sys A816CE22 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d8b0000 fffff804`4d8c1000   BasicRender BasicRender.sys 4A52C9B4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4db60000 fffff804`4db6a000   Beep     Beep.SYS     E4AC8238 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2a680000 fffff804`2a68b000   BOOTVID  BOOTVID.dll  D13EE5B6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4edd0000 fffff804`4edf2000   BthEnum  BthEnum.sys  AE07C873 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ee00000 fffff804`4ee26000   bthpan   bthpan.sys   DC7BFA34 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ec00000 fffff804`4ed84000   BTHport  BTHport.sys  2F5829F4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4f6c0000 fffff804`4f6e1000   BTHUSB   BTHUSB.sys   BD0A8AB1 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
ffff93aa`be3a0000 ffff93aa`be3ea000   cdd      cdd.dll      00000000 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dae0000 fffff804`4db10000   cdrom    cdrom.sys    D4B31131 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`392e0000 fffff804`392f9000   CEA      CEA.sys      10766347 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38d00000 fffff804`38de3000   CI       CI.dll       4BAE6991 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d910000 fffff804`4d92b000   CimFS    CimFS.SYS    2FFADC8B (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a320000 fffff804`3a38c000   CLASSPNP CLASSPNP.SYS 9A21D83D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38a00000 fffff804`38a6a000   CLFS     CLFS.SYS     8D0E98E0 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38a90000 fffff804`38ba3000   clipsp   clipsp.sys   Thu Apr 22 16:51:04 2021 (6081E1B8)
fffff804`38cc0000 fffff804`38cce000   cmimcext cmimcext.sys 633C2FE0 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38df0000 fffff804`38ea7000   cng      cng.sys      28B59E22 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4de80000 fffff804`4de92000   CompositeBus CompositeBus.sys 6AE1B302 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e080000 fffff804`4e08e000   CorsairVBusDriver CorsairVBusDriver.sys Tue Jun 30 12:53:14 2020 (5EFB6DFA)
fffff804`4e570000 fffff804`4e579000   CorsairVHidDriver CorsairVHidDriver.sys Tue Jun 30 12:53:18 2020 (5EFB6DFE)
fffff804`4dbe0000 fffff804`4dbfe000   crashdmp crashdmp.sys 9A19AF81 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e330000 fffff804`4e353000   CyUcmClient CyUcmClient.sys Wed Mar 18 09:54:45 2020 (5E722825)
fffff804`4dd10000 fffff804`4dd3c000   dfsc     dfsc.sys     5EDE3E45 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a300000 fffff804`3a31c000   disk     disk.sys     3457FE4D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`537b0000 fffff804`537d1000   drmk     drmk.sys     Wed Oct 13 03:43:12 1999 (38043810)
fffff804`4ee70000 fffff804`4ee7e000   dump_diskdump dump_diskdump.sys 95F39C8A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ef00000 fffff804`4ef1d000   dump_dumpfve dump_dumpfve.sys C53FE97F (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4eeb0000 fffff804`4eed3000   dump_secnvme dump_secnvme.sys Mon Feb 12 03:33:59 2018 (5A815177)
fffff804`4d4c0000 fffff804`4d865000   dxgkrnl  dxgkrnl.sys  2FF6D99C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ef20000 fffff804`4f001000   dxgmms2  dxgmms2.sys  7F2D77CB (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`50a20000 fffff804`50aa0000   e2f68    e2f68.sys    Sun Nov  8 10:00:19 2020 (5FA80803)
fffff804`39760000 fffff804`3977c000   EhStorClass EhStorClass.sys DA9273CC (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dd00000 fffff804`4dd08000   ene      ene.sys      Fri May  8 02:07:19 2020 (5EB4F717)
fffff804`4dd60000 fffff804`4ddcc000   fastfat  fastfat.SYS  ED0854E5 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4db20000 fffff804`4db35000   filecrypt filecrypt.sys 3C7F622A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39780000 fffff804`3979a000   fileinfo fileinfo.sys AEE275C2 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38bb0000 fffff804`38c1f000   FLTMGR   FLTMGR.SYS   02839B66 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`391e0000 fffff804`391f0000   FNETHYRAMAS FNETHYRAMAS.SYS Wed Oct  3 23:33:28 2018 (5BB58A08)
fffff804`39ad0000 fffff804`39add000   Fs_Rec   Fs_Rec.sys   B9E5C55C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a0e0000 fffff804`3a1a8000   fvevol   fvevol.sys   3D283BDA (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a020000 fffff804`3a09f000   fwpkclnt fwpkclnt.sys 1E076A7F (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dcf0000 fffff804`4dcf8000   GLCKIO2  GLCKIO2.sys  Mon Apr 22 09:44:46 2019 (5CBDC54E)
fffff804`4d980000 fffff804`4d99a000   gnf      gnf.sys      Wed Aug  5 00:18:28 2020 (5F2A3314)
fffff804`4dce0000 fffff804`4dcea000   gpuenergydrv gpuenergydrv.sys F10C03D8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2a630000 fffff804`2a636000   hal      hal.dll      1A7BE8E9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`53710000 fffff804`53735000   HDAudBus HDAudBus.sys 6195DFDC (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e580000 fffff804`4e5bf000   HIDCLASS HIDCLASS.SYS 021FDD4D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e5c0000 fffff804`4e5d3000   HIDPARSE HIDPARSE.SYS 3404D246 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e400000 fffff804`4e412000   hidusb   hidusb.sys   1B0E634F (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4df30000 fffff804`4df50000   iaLPSS2_GPIO2_TGL iaLPSS2_GPIO2_TGL.sys Mon Jan 18 20:17:15 2021 (6006331B)
fffff804`50970000 fffff804`509a2000   iaLPSS2_I2C_TGL iaLPSS2_I2C_TGL.sys Mon Jan 18 20:16:45 2021 (600632FD)
fffff804`39590000 fffff804`3975f000   iaStorAC iaStorAC.sys Thu Feb 18 07:45:53 2021 (602E6181)
fffff804`4f2e0000 fffff804`4f6b0000   ibtusb   ibtusb.sys   Tue Feb 16 05:12:16 2021 (602B9A80)
fffff804`4dad0000 fffff804`4dadc000   igovsd   igovsd.sys   Thu Dec 10 07:51:03 2020 (5FD219B7)
fffff804`39110000 fffff804`3917b000   intelpep intelpep.sys 4F6AD80A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dfa0000 fffff804`4dfe0000   intelppm intelppm.sys 7EBD22FD (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`391a0000 fffff804`391ab000   IntelTA  IntelTA.sys  9D7941CE (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a2c0000 fffff804`3a2d2000   iorate   iorate.sys   94A693A6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e2e0000 fffff804`4e2f4000   kbdclass kbdclass.sys 3156654A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e2c0000 fffff804`4e2d1000   kbdhid   kbdhid.sys   DF2550C2 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2a640000 fffff804`2a64b000   kd       kd.dll       FE185FA8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4def0000 fffff804`4defd000   kdnic    kdnic.sys    9401D3B8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`50800000 fffff804`50876000   ks       ks.sys       365F95B9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38c20000 fffff804`38c49000   ksecdd   ksecdd.sys   5F6E7114 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39cf0000 fffff804`39d22000   ksecpkg  ksecpkg.sys  EB0A8339 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e000000 fffff804`4e00f000   ksthunk  ksthunk.sys  2816E646 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dd40000 fffff804`4dd4b000   Larmkanal Larmkanal.sys Wed Sep  2 03:27:48 2015 (55E6A4F4)
fffff804`4e460000 fffff804`4e46c000   logi_audio_surround logi_audio_surround.sys Fri Feb 26 15:43:30 2021 (60395D72)
fffff804`4e090000 fffff804`4e09b000   logi_joy_bus_enum logi_joy_bus_enum.sys Fri Feb 26 15:41:58 2021 (60395D16)
fffff804`4e0a0000 fffff804`4e0b2000   logi_joy_xlcore logi_joy_xlcore.sys Fri Feb 26 15:42:04 2021 (60395D1C)
fffff804`2a290000 fffff804`2a62d000   mcupdate_GenuineIntel mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll 492FB48D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ee30000 fffff804`4ee51000   Microsoft_Bluetooth_Legacy_LEEnumerator Microsoft.Bluetooth.Legacy.LEEnumerator.sys EDE45F37 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4f010000 fffff804`4f02b000   monitor  monitor.sys  1CD682D7 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e520000 fffff804`4e533000   mouclass mouclass.sys 3E1AA9CC (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e500000 fffff804`4e510000   mouhid   mouhid.sys   E502FBD9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39480000 fffff804`3949e000   mountmgr mountmgr.sys 6FA7424A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d8f0000 fffff804`4d901000   Msfs     Msfs.SYS     95155DF1 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4df60000 fffff804`4df92000   msgpioclx msgpioclx.sys 491CB749 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dcd0000 fffff804`4dcd7000   MsIo64   MsIo64.sys   Sun Jan 19 22:35:15 2020 (5E251FF3)
fffff804`39200000 fffff804`3920b000   msisadrv msisadrv.sys D84D625E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dea0000 fffff804`4deed000   msiscsi  msiscsi.sys  11F970C6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38c50000 fffff804`38cb3000   msrpc    msrpc.sys    CACA2825 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dcb0000 fffff804`4dcc0000   mssmbios mssmbios.sys 6233611A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a290000 fffff804`3a2b6000   mup      mup.sys      71933DBD (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39ae0000 fffff804`39c4f000   ndis     ndis.sys     A488D2D5 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e0c0000 fffff804`4e0d4000   ndiscap  ndiscap.sys  DCEEC70E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e060000 fffff804`4e06d000   NdisVirtualBus NdisVirtualBus.sys A7AE93D1 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e0e0000 fffff804`4e0f4000   netbios  netbios.sys  618ED82E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d9a0000 fffff804`4d9fc000   netbt    netbt.sys    45CF76EF (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39c50000 fffff804`39ce8000   NETIO    NETIO.SYS    AD9289C7 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`50ab0000 fffff804`51049000   Netwtw10 Netwtw10.sys Wed Mar  3 10:16:19 2021 (603FA843)
fffff804`4d8d0000 fffff804`4d8ec000   Npfs     Npfs.SYS     9E3E4C73 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dca0000 fffff804`4dcae000   npsvctrig npsvctrig.sys 677B42C8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dc80000 fffff804`4dc92000   nsiproxy nsiproxy.sys F6E31779 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2c600000 fffff804`2d646000   nt       ntkrnlmp.exe 411F9E5A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`397f0000 fffff804`39ac9000   Ntfs     Ntfs.sys     370CAC8C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38cf0000 fffff804`38cfc000   ntosext  ntosext.sys  71DD3C9F (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4db50000 fffff804`4db5a000   Null     Null.SYS     01FE6381 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e300000 fffff804`4e323000   nvhda64v nvhda64v.sys Mon May  3 04:04:45 2021 (608FAE9D)
fffff804`51170000 fffff804`53700000   nvlddmkm nvlddmkm.sys Thu May 13 02:17:31 2021 (609CC47B)
fffff804`4e030000 fffff804`4e03d000   NvModuleTracker NvModuleTracker.sys Tue Aug 11 04:35:06 2020 (5F32583A)
fffff804`4e010000 fffff804`4e021000   nvvad64v nvvad64v.sys Thu Mar 14 04:58:48 2019 (5C8A17C8)
fffff804`4e040000 fffff804`4e050000   nvvhci   nvvhci.sys   Fri Jan 10 13:31:07 2020 (5E18C2EB)
fffff804`4db90000 fffff804`4dbbb000   pacer    pacer.sys    26BE44D4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39300000 fffff804`39331000   partmgr  partmgr.sys  160E871C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39210000 fffff804`39287000   pci      pci.sys      CA5D1594 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`391c0000 fffff804`391d4000   pcw      pcw.sys      D212A83E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`392b0000 fffff804`392df000   pdc      pdc.sys      1B16F9E0 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dff0000 fffff804`4dffe000   Phosgene Phosgene.sys Wed Sep  2 03:28:10 2015 (55E6A50A)
fffff804`53740000 fffff804`537a6000   portcls  portcls.sys  5373C5A4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38a70000 fffff804`38a8a000   PSHED    PSHED.dll    4C55DC99 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dc00000 fffff804`4dc7b000   rdbss    rdbss.sys    4B281605 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e1e0000 fffff804`4e1ee000   rdpbus   rdpbus.sys   84DFD52A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a230000 fffff804`3a280000   rdyboost rdyboost.sys 76CA3270 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ed90000 fffff804`4edcd000   rfcomm   rfcomm.sys   F3616FE9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e760000 fffff804`4e7e0000   RtUsbA64_2276 RtUsbA64.2276.sys Tue Dec 22 07:06:47 2020 (5FE1E157)
fffff804`4e1f0000 fffff804`4e1fe000   ScreamingBAudio64 ScreamingBAudio64.sys Thu Jul  1 14:54:32 2010 (4C2CE468)
fffff804`394a0000 fffff804`394c3000   secnvme  secnvme.sys  Mon Feb 12 03:33:59 2018 (5A815177)
fffff804`39010000 fffff804`3902a000   SgrmAgent SgrmAgent.sys A6474774 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38fb0000 fffff804`38fbf000   SleepStudyHelper SleepStudyHelper.sys 664F6ECB (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39340000 fffff804`393ea000   spaceport spaceport.sys 1C59DF13 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`509b0000 fffff804`509ca000   SpbCx    SpbCx.sys    81B6F697 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`394d0000 fffff804`39583000   storport storport.sys 67E3907E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e070000 fffff804`4e07c000   swenum   swenum.sys   E117266B (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4db40000 fffff804`4db4e000   tbs      tbs.sys      CDEA9CC8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2b620000 fffff804`2b8e0000   TbtBusDrv TbtBusDrv.sys Sun Jan 24 15:41:18 2021 (600DDB6E)
fffff804`39d30000 fffff804`3a01b000   tcpip    tcpip.sys    6F1DDD5D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d960000 fffff804`4d970000   TDI      TDI.SYS      D1AD2BD4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d930000 fffff804`4d952000   tdx      tdx.sys      28EC0E80 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`509d0000 fffff804`50a1c000   TeeDriverW10x64 TeeDriverW10x64.sys Tue Feb 16 08:18:42 2021 (602BC632)
fffff804`2a650000 fffff804`2a677000   tm       tm.sys       87A66D30 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e360000 fffff804`4e38e000   UcmCx    UcmCx.sys    C4C3A145 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`50920000 fffff804`50964000   ucx01000 ucx01000.sys 11447CC9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`537f0000 fffff804`537fe000   UEFI     UEFI.sys     100A3FFE (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4df00000 fffff804`4df15000   umbus    umbus.sys    E7B4847E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e420000 fffff804`4e45a000   usbaudio usbaudio.sys DF5075E4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e390000 fffff804`4e3c3000   usbccgp  usbccgp.sys  6ADA60BC (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e2b0000 fffff804`4e2be000   USBD     USBD.SYS     76AC3507 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e200000 fffff804`4e2a5000   UsbHub3  UsbHub3.sys  1C930669 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e3d0000 fffff804`4e3f5000   USBSTOR  USBSTOR.SYS  01431615 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`50880000 fffff804`50918000   USBXHCI  USBXHCI.SYS  2E44F1B6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39290000 fffff804`392a5000   vdrvroot vdrvroot.sys E613EBA7 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e100000 fffff804`4e1a1000   Vid      Vid.sys      59F1C008 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dd50000 fffff804`4dd5d000   vmdrv    vmdrv.sys    Fri Sep 25 09:11:31 2020 (5F6DEC83)
fffff804`393f0000 fffff804`39409000   volmgr   volmgr.sys   51E4251D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39410000 fffff804`39473000   volmgrx  volmgrx.sys  5298D717 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a1c0000 fffff804`3a22d000   volsnap  volsnap.sys  8AFD80F6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a1b0000 fffff804`3a1bb000   volume   volume.sys   83CF10C9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`51150000 fffff804`5115e000   vwifibus vwifibus.sys 8AF48D2C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4db70000 fffff804`4db8a000   vwififlt vwififlt.sys 4B458835 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d870000 fffff804`4d888000   watchdog watchdog.sys F13839AB (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38eb0000 fffff804`38f82000   Wdf01000 Wdf01000.sys AA90A000 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38f90000 fffff804`38fa3000   WDFLDR   WDFLDR.SYS   565B60B2 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`51050000 fffff804`51140000   wdiwifi  wdiwifi.sys  793813F4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38cd0000 fffff804`38ce1000   werkernel werkernel.sys 1BD4610F (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a0a0000 fffff804`3a0d0000   wfplwfs  wfplwfs.sys  3340819A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
ffff93aa`bd650000 ffff93aa`bd6ea000   win32k   win32k.sys   E87370BB (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
ffff93aa`bd200000 ffff93aa`bd4d8000   win32kbase win32kbase.sys 5314DC9D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
ffff93aa`bdfe0000 ffff93aa`be396000   win32kfull win32kfull.sys 2C3CD9EB (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39180000 fffff804`39197000   WindowsTrustedRT WindowsTrustedRT.sys 7AF9978A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`391b0000 fffff804`391bb000   WindowsTrustedRTProxy WindowsTrustedRTProxy.sys AA5F5790 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e1b0000 fffff804`4e1d1000   winhvr   winhvr.sys   C1F13DBD (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e4d0000 fffff804`4e4f0000   WinUSB   WinUSB.SYS   891D9061 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4df20000 fffff804`4df2c000   wmiacpi  wmiacpi.sys  4A8BFC2C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39100000 fffff804`3910c000   WMILIB   WMILIB.SYS   CD518505 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`397a0000 fffff804`397e0000   Wof      Wof.sys      66C89E3D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38fc0000 fffff804`38fd1000   WppRecorder WppRecorder.sys 15060D00 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2b8f0000 fffff804`2b944000   WUDFRd   WUDFRd.sys   8B909C0C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)

Unloaded modules:
fffff804`4d410000 fffff804`4d41f000   dump_storpor
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  0000F000
fffff804`4d450000 fffff804`4d474000   dump_secnvme
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00024000
fffff804`4d4a0000 fffff804`4d4be000   dump_dumpfve
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  0001E000
fffff804`4e470000 fffff804`4e4c5000   WUDFRd.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00055000
fffff804`4f420000 fffff804`4f6e1000   TbtBusDrv.sy
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  002C1000
fffff804`4f6f0000 fffff804`4f745000   WUDFRd.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00055000
fffff804`4dd40000 fffff804`4dd5c000   dam.sys 
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  0001C000
fffff804`4d4c0000 fffff804`4dadb000   vgk.sys 
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  0061B000
fffff804`3a2e0000 fffff804`3a2f1000   hwpolicy.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00011000
Bugcheck code 000000EF
Arguments ffff9603`19161280 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
Last edited:
It appears that the computer is having both hardware and operating system / component store problems.

Consider deleting the multiple page files and using only the page file on the Windows drive.

As jcgriff2 posted the most likely problems are related to drive and RAM.

After completing the multiple drive and RAM testing consider testing GPU and CPU.

Run step #2, #3, and #5 and post results / share links into this thread:
Windows Update Forum Posting Instructions

  Log Name: System
  Source: volmgr
  Date: 2021-05-28T01:18:52.9750000Z
  Event ID: 161
  Task: N/A
  Level: Error
  Opcode: N/A
  Keyword: Classic
  User: N/A
  User Name: N/A
  Computer: Jakes-PC
Dump file creation failed due to error during dump creation.

  Log Name: System
  Source: volmgr
  Date: 2021-05-28T01:18:45.7480000Z
  Event ID: 46
  Task: N/A
  Level: Error
  Opcode: N/A
  Keyword: Classic
  User: N/A
  User Name: N/A
  Computer: Jakes-PC
Crash dump initialization failed!

  Log Name: System
  Source: volmgr
  Date: 2021-05-27T19:42:27.8020000Z
  Event ID: 161
  Task: N/A
  Level: Error
  Opcode: N/A
  Keyword: Classic
  User: N/A
  User Name: N/A
  Computer: Jakes-PC
Dump file creation failed due to error during dump creation.

  Log Name: System
  Source: volmgr
  Date: 2021-05-27T14:55:37.7000000Z
  Event ID: 161
  Task: N/A
  Level: Error
  Opcode: N/A
  Keyword: Classic
  User: N/A
  User Name: N/A
  Computer: Jakes-PC
Dump file creation failed due to error during dump creation.

  Log Name: System
  Source: volmgr
  Date: 2021-05-27T14:55:37.6850000Z
  Event ID: 161
  Task: N/A
  Level: Error
  Opcode: N/A
  Keyword: Classic
  User: N/A
  User Name: N/A
  Computer: Jakes-PC
Dump file creation failed due to error during dump creation.

05/22/2021  10:08 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_1a1_fc69c0c981e6af7dc987cc06830ccdb3b414c4a_00000000_cab_797724d9-2f1b-42b7-b404-5873032fd828
05/22/2021  10:08 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_124_3e91844839faf86e7ab64c7626d987f5c40df3b_00000000_cab_072c54aa-f423-487d-ac33-5cdf5f4f1c01
05/22/2021  10:08 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_124_33f315afa67f974bcde16bc874c745a4b07f59a_00000000_cab_babb1444-f755-43c7-b367-efbff5e9d55d
05/22/2021  10:08 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_124_5aa6f834106d905489bd8cb8e3dca893dbb699b_00000000_cab_11f69912-715d-41ef-9654-961e94e2af4b
05/22/2021  10:09 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_124_4b6544cc978d9ea49f38efc5d15645b2c6cb2_00000000_cab_6e393295-611c-477e-b796-cc3e889a89a3
05/22/2021  10:09 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_124_de84c4f0227e93794e4fc7c6e635dd22b441e_00000000_cab_f5a3b238-8007-48dc-883f-0423a08be6de
05/22/2021  10:09 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_124_3556ff693f92977f230ceba1163e86be9754dca_00000000_cab_4fd599dc-dc0b-4b3e-be25-4313742da673
05/22/2021  10:09 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_124_a04c61bdbb8db782466470c0605fcb7f2eaae691_00000000_cab_9f0a3ea2-bfdc-4bdb-a049-5f060b6cd980
05/22/2021  10:09 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_141_59acb1151e1c9bbeffcbe44b286b2ede5abfdf_00000000_cab_b1a9b1c7-61af-4454-9887-7313e466902b
05/22/2021  10:09 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_117_33675d190c9f520563717eb3769aecd7fca2abc_00000000_cab_aa679147-15ee-4001-af5c-0079f2659633
05/22/2021  10:10 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_141_614e7fbf71e2572e482c755666b9c65d88687_00000000_cab_a3030ff2-01a0-47c6-9843-d684bc3336fe
05/22/2021  10:10 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_117_bd69e4b5c131415a3923da5b0979fff08526fe_00000000_cab_67e78a40-b6e6-4799-ae49-b78a20f4247a
05/22/2021  10:10 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_141_b42a9034d1761932b3635a4c53c5fcfce5d9d7_00000000_cab_02dd498e-3747-4503-a783-4d526793229b
05/22/2021  10:10 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_141_88b4de415d5edebe4b7e33f79556b9546ebb4d5_00000000_cab_fbf2c50b-144f-424d-b1d6-2e9482323d96
05/22/2021  10:11 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_117_202b616ee58668ef8d752b9778a0b658a7d06611_00000000_cab_a170bf63-a3e5-460d-a226-181864da9240
05/22/2021  10:11 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_117_efb981405aeef2ea516aeec37683b061cf447b9_00000000_cab_65607156-7191-480f-90c1-720c35a1103b
05/22/2021  10:11 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_141_80bba4df4f67cecdb829e05d5b316d9c69e887_00000000_cab_f5ae2801-0996-4175-9c14-a3534358002a
05/22/2021  10:11 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_117_dec291b16765710d57b33e9a5502485b0c8c6b_00000000_cab_6ec743c8-5837-41c0-8720-c778d4d48954
05/22/2021  10:11 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_1e_12b7be25b40d2a1f2d6c7cbf427cc22b58e8f0_00000000_cab_1807079a-82d2-4710-9e8a-fc2f1c40c14a
05/22/2021  10:20 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_124_341eab31ae3b4effc21703a25311d4cedf2737c_00000000_cab_87e12a7f-9fef-4bd4-ae0b-04d496edf1ea
05/22/2021  10:20 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_124_a1b989ec8d6bf975f6b3675f26b06a3cd0e5ff_00000000_cab_6f28ad31-33c4-4490-9060-4f43e55f7b9c
05/22/2021  10:20 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_1a1_b448a57116cee3cd110fd64e485f1b13091d83_00000000_cab_114ad936-d453-42ba-b0cd-1597bbec62f6
05/22/2021  10:21 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_ef_c5ed9fa889922e9194cf82f127e11886ab032ae_00000000_cab_89e69bf0-2fea-4a3e-b764-8c2f5b07d033
05/22/2021  10:21 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_1e_801c798d338cb9e17c720822b28b31541394a6_00000000_cab_c6971f9a-36e7-46be-ac6b-089fec005a73
05/22/2021  11:20 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_124_e2f38ff01a92989efea9527cb33c729eaca18a1_00000000_cab_99ab9f6b-2c53-4210-a5a5-88596d53fac1
05/22/2021  11:20 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_ef_c5ed9fa889922e9194cf82f127e11886ab032ae_00000000_cab_4506eb19-123a-4fae-ad0a-ecf567e834fb
05/23/2021  10:20 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_117_c2282db4d4653ea5f554f4786c543131d5462_00000000_cab_b2aa23f9-5cc3-42ae-bf8a-462155e44cc8
05/23/2021  10:23 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_ef_beb3e74fd32f449a615fac88173edd545352daf5_00000000_cab_cf080f7e-0fd4-4b89-b6d0-e9bf9d4cb86
05/23/2021  11:11 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_ef_aaa920b9461e89e8dd5bfd259d768e52b6d1df1_00000000_cab_71b1a908-660c-4407-a06f-569cf26ea006
05/24/2021  03:15 AM    <DIR>                       Kernel_117_8547b431747fb8dd69605592d573648bf5cc11c_00000000_cab_91107cdb-bbc0-49d5-855e-9cf71987b52b
05/24/2021  03:15 AM    <DIR>                       Kernel_117_197bf072ab855e58b455d2a5cae4ecde8d17f17_00000000_cab_67869142-2e65-4ad7-94d5-5d780855f42d
05/24/2021  03:16 AM    <DIR>                       Kernel_117_4ef6a9659cebe0881845137293a2b6e16f6a178a_00000000_cab_93558c2e-f817-4ef4-9b9f-d4b6c7ca0c24
05/24/2021  03:16 AM    <DIR>                       Kernel_ef_1d2bdcd819bbed8389485c6153257bbca9d5d_00000000_cab_a63b5435-3e5c-4c7e-92e2-3d30906afbcd
05/24/2021  03:16 AM    <DIR>                       Kernel_ef_1a60ee12b3bf2c0c46a3b7338cde0b679a4b7e2_00000000_cab_180b16ee-8e95-4c51-bd0d-16caa0a98725
05/24/2021  03:16 AM    <DIR>                       Kernel_d1_6a3648ad35b97dce9d1e108e19de22886feafc49_00000000_cab_0c0dfb25-441c-4cb2-90d1-f464f84b7de4
05/24/2021  03:02 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_ef_9214acc02272ad2daf97ad787111d362f42a0_00000000_cab_e973ed27-6fa6-4271-a0fc-e24c5e610cc5
05/24/2021  03:46 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_d1_4678e2fb19647bbcc928b2f96f6954283828aa_00000000_cab_a9a963bb-6abb-48b3-836b-bd517035c15a
05/24/2021  09:34 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_117_28ce8ee0654269e38522bd7361ba6dc77dfdc_00000000_cab_20417583-0cc9-4f97-8058-56194c395bf8
05/24/2021  09:59 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_117_ae72298384e437a16faf9f7769856a4ce69c2f0_00000000_cab_c34a0989-6829-4dde-9fc4-b641461e4210
05/24/2021  09:59 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_117_e37cfe82040fef1b68a3f176f76b87ccac51e17_00000000_cab_c78a85d6-7e03-49b6-8c19-442eed2dc005
05/24/2021  09:59 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_117_b9478217442dbcc459bafb842b3dbe473950e9f9_00000000_cab_4c2431a5-663a-42c5-b616-b12034decb98
05/24/2021  10:09 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_117_f122cb2b2ec68e5daaaa76ee7fb65225eeacd6e_00000000_cab_3dfb8ea6-0118-4aa1-9b08-b8ecaf3cfc9b
05/24/2021  10:09 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_117_e3a4ab33764b9647d2e2512c6413da16582ef_00000000_cab_647a8dd0-f012-4a29-b8a1-74b772722238
05/24/2021  10:10 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_117_dc18ebc7dad75a0b09dfd6d435a8de32b45c3b_00000000_cab_cd853504-ab18-46b5-b4ce-e068adee76e4
05/24/2021  10:23 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_117_c18a4ec99e88d5c6c2d5cc37263ad3f4bef355f_00000000_cab_7fc4442b-a04c-4e10-bde5-6e4ed272cdb6
05/24/2021  10:59 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_ef_86aeae58328156676ed1f7cbf8619f04869a6_00000000_cab_f2d2b679-e684-47d7-bce4-a2d7c6115df3
05/25/2021  12:27 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_ef_e0daa5923499c1a44f305ea135c66b494451447_00000000_cab_fa28eaa3-6030-49f8-888c-cd2a7ba2752f
05/26/2021  02:27 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_ef_e9444bbf9ae3e369b5b13c4ebc6b766d3a1b11_00000000_cab_b844465e-ff3f-4f0f-9364-aa5cf018cd7f
05/26/2021  04:02 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_ef_8f49ee9e94c1753f33bdd70ba11f364d239ef98_00000000_cab_44e71a7d-cb18-44f3-bf9d-adb4324ee7bc
05/26/2021  05:55 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_ef_1edfdc3dbc20115fc2d59fff4c26efa9a6d1232b_00000000_cab_6d113468-930d-4f87-a128-e5020e407bad
05/27/2021  02:57 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_ef_78b7c353a7f2fcc6d967932b118891527384b356_00000000_cab_6f078a65-d7fd-4d86-8820-09817b823e09
05/27/2021  07:43 PM    <DIR>                       Kernel_ef_96b1e9c96e55d635fb33bca13f15d42cd3349ec_00000000_cab_bda9842f-9b56-4ce6-85c2-c89bd248b1c0
05/28/2021  12:42 AM    <DIR>                       Kernel_1e_3761e31058553a8da989fa44e5d21da0c134e94c_00000000_cab_4f4bc74c-4025-4cc9-bfbe-bc03942ba472
Hi. . .

3 of your 5 BSOD dumps were corrupted and could not be processed.

Check all hard drives with Sea Tools for DOS, LONG test - (4) Hard Drive (HDD) Diagnostics (Sea Tools for DOS) & SSD Test | Sysnative Forums

Check RAM -- run 1 stick at a time; alternate the slots - (4) Test RAM with PassMark MemTest86 | Sysnative Forums

For info, this BSOD error message - "Critical Process Died" - is often an indicator of a bad or failing hard drive.

Regards. . .


Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.19041.685 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Loading Dump File [C:\Users\PalmDesert\AppData\Local\Temp\Temp3_SysnativeFileCollectionApp.zip\052721-12125-01.dmp]
Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available

************* Path validation summary **************
Response                         Time (ms)     Location
Deferred                                       SRV*c:\symbols*https://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
Symbol search path is: SRV*c:\symbols*https://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
Executable search path is:
Windows 10 Kernel Version 19041 MP (20 procs) Free x64
Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS Personal
Built by: 19041.1.amd64fre.vb_release.191206-1406
Machine Name:
Kernel base = 0xfffff804`2c600000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff804`2d22a1b0
Debug session time: Thu May 27 22:41:02.871 2021 (UTC - 4:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 0:00:12.841
Loading Kernel Symbols
Loading User Symbols
Loading unloaded module list
For analysis of this file, run !analyze -v
Processing initial command '!analyze -v;r;kv;lmtn;lmtsmn;.bugcheck'
16: kd> !analyze -v;r;kv;lmtn;lmtsmn;.bugcheck
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

        A critical system process died
Arg1: ffff960319161280, Process object or thread object
Arg2: 0000000000000000, If this is 0, a process died. If this is 1, a thread died.
Arg3: 0000000000000000
Arg4: 0000000000000000

Debugging Details:

ETW minidump data unavailable


    Key  : Analysis.CPU.Sec
    Value: 3

    Key  : Analysis.DebugAnalysisProvider.CPP
    Value: Create: 8007007e on SYSNATIVE-FORUM

    Key  : Analysis.DebugData
    Value: CreateObject

    Key  : Analysis.DebugModel
    Value: CreateObject

    Key  : Analysis.Elapsed.Sec
    Value: 11

    Key  : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
    Value: 73

    Key  : Analysis.System
    Value: CreateObject


BUGCHECK_P1: ffff960319161280




PROCESS_NAME:  services.exe

CRITICAL_PROCESS:  services.exe

EXCEPTION_RECORD:  fffffcffffffffff -- (.exr 0xfffffcffffffffff)
Cannot read Exception record @ fffffcffffffffff

ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0x19140080 - <Unable to get error code text>


ffff9407`9e85eb98 fffff804`2cf084d2 : 00000000`000000ef ffff9603`19161280 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
ffff9407`9e85eba0 fffff804`2cdfa4ab : 00000000`00000001 fffff804`2c89de5d 00000000`00000002 fffff804`2c89d477 : nt!PspCatchCriticalBreak+0x10e
ffff9407`9e85ec40 fffff804`2cc5ea14 : ffff9603`00000000 00000000`00000000 ffff9603`19161280 ffff9603`191616b8 : nt!PspTerminateAllThreads+0x19c1cf
ffff9407`9e85ecb0 fffff804`2cc5ed3c : ffff9603`19161280 00000000`00000001 ffffffff`ffffffff fffff804`2d6abf44 : nt!PspTerminateProcess+0xe0
ffff9407`9e85ecf0 fffff804`2ca086b5 : ffff9603`19161280 ffff9603`19140080 ffff9407`9e85ede0 fffff804`2cd1fa22 : nt!NtTerminateProcess+0x9c
ffff9407`9e85ed60 fffff804`2c9fab50 : fffff804`2ca3b8c5 ffff9407`9e85f958 ffff9407`9e85f958 ffffffff`ffffffff : nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x25
ffff9407`9e85eef8 fffff804`2ca3b8c5 : ffff9407`9e85f958 ffff9407`9e85f958 ffffffff`ffffffff 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiServiceLinkage
ffff9407`9e85ef00 fffff804`2d666141 : fffffcff`ffffffff fffffc80`00001300 00000000`c0000005 fffff804`2c928d64 : nt!KiDispatchException+0x1b5915
ffff9407`9e85f7b0 fffffcff`ffffffff : fffffc80`00001300 00000000`c0000005 fffff804`2c928d64 ffff9603`19161901 : 0xfffff804`2d666141
ffff9407`9e85f7b8 fffffc80`00001300 : 00000000`c0000005 fffff804`2c928d64 ffff9603`19161901 fffffc80`00001300 : 0xfffffcff`ffffffff
ffff9407`9e85f7c0 00000000`c0000005 : fffff804`2c928d64 ffff9603`19161901 fffffc80`00001300 ffff9407`9e85f868 : 0xfffffc80`00001300
ffff9407`9e85f7c8 fffff804`2c928d64 : ffff9603`19161901 fffffc80`00001300 ffff9407`9e85f868 ffff9407`9e85f878 : 0xc0000005
ffff9407`9e85f7d0 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!MiUserFault+0x874

SYMBOL_NAME:  nt!PspCatchCriticalBreak+10e


IMAGE_NAME:  ntkrnlmp.exe

IMAGE_VERSION:  10.0.19041.985

STACK_COMMAND:  .thread ; .cxr ; kb


FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  0xEF_services.exe_BUGCHECK_CRITICAL_PROCESS_19140080_nt!PspCatchCriticalBreak

OS_VERSION:  10.0.19041.1

BUILDLAB_STR:  vb_release


OSNAME:  Windows 10

FAILURE_ID_HASH:  {ac9bc32a-2336-a7b3-e8c8-b287a632f710}

Followup:     MachineOwner

rax=ffff960319140080 rbx=ffff960319161203 rcx=00000000000000ef
rdx=ffff960319161280 rsi=ffff960319161280 rdi=ffff960319161280
rip=fffff8042c9f6cf0 rsp=ffff94079e85eb98 rbp=00000000c0000000
r8=0000000000000000  r9=0000000000000000 r10=7ffffffffffffffc
r11=0000000000000001 r12=00000000000d1600 r13=00000000000003a4
r14=0000000000000000 r15=00000000c0000005
iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc
cs=0010  ss=0018  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00040246
fffff804`2c9f6cf0 48894c2408      mov     qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx ss:0018:ffff9407`9e85eba0=00000000000000ef
# Child-SP          RetAddr           : Args to Child                                                           : Call Site
00 ffff9407`9e85eb98 fffff804`2cf084d2 : 00000000`000000ef ffff9603`19161280 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
01 ffff9407`9e85eba0 fffff804`2cdfa4ab : 00000000`00000001 fffff804`2c89de5d 00000000`00000002 fffff804`2c89d477 : nt!PspCatchCriticalBreak+0x10e
02 ffff9407`9e85ec40 fffff804`2cc5ea14 : ffff9603`00000000 00000000`00000000 ffff9603`19161280 ffff9603`191616b8 : nt!PspTerminateAllThreads+0x19c1cf
03 ffff9407`9e85ecb0 fffff804`2cc5ed3c : ffff9603`19161280 00000000`00000001 ffffffff`ffffffff fffff804`2d6abf44 : nt!PspTerminateProcess+0xe0
04 ffff9407`9e85ecf0 fffff804`2ca086b5 : ffff9603`19161280 ffff9603`19140080 ffff9407`9e85ede0 fffff804`2cd1fa22 : nt!NtTerminateProcess+0x9c
05 ffff9407`9e85ed60 fffff804`2c9fab50 : fffff804`2ca3b8c5 ffff9407`9e85f958 ffff9407`9e85f958 ffffffff`ffffffff : nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x25 (TrapFrame @ ffff9407`9e85ed60)
06 ffff9407`9e85eef8 fffff804`2ca3b8c5 : ffff9407`9e85f958 ffff9407`9e85f958 ffffffff`ffffffff 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiServiceLinkage
07 ffff9407`9e85ef00 fffff804`2d666141 : fffffcff`ffffffff fffffc80`00001300 00000000`c0000005 fffff804`2c928d64 : nt!KiDispatchException+0x1b5915
08 ffff9407`9e85f7b0 fffffcff`ffffffff : fffffc80`00001300 00000000`c0000005 fffff804`2c928d64 ffff9603`19161901 : 0xfffff804`2d666141
09 ffff9407`9e85f7b8 fffffc80`00001300 : 00000000`c0000005 fffff804`2c928d64 ffff9603`19161901 fffffc80`00001300 : 0xfffffcff`ffffffff
0a ffff9407`9e85f7c0 00000000`c0000005 : fffff804`2c928d64 ffff9603`19161901 fffffc80`00001300 ffff9407`9e85f868 : 0xfffffc80`00001300
0b ffff9407`9e85f7c8 fffff804`2c928d64 : ffff9603`19161901 fffffc80`00001300 ffff9407`9e85f868 ffff9407`9e85f878 : 0xc0000005
0c ffff9407`9e85f7d0 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!MiUserFault+0x874
start             end                 module name
ffff93aa`bd200000 ffff93aa`bd4d8000   win32kbase win32kbase.sys 5314DC9D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
ffff93aa`bd650000 ffff93aa`bd6ea000   win32k   win32k.sys   E87370BB (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
ffff93aa`bdfe0000 ffff93aa`be396000   win32kfull win32kfull.sys 2C3CD9EB (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
ffff93aa`be3a0000 ffff93aa`be3ea000   cdd      cdd.dll      00000000 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2a290000 fffff804`2a62d000   mcupdate_GenuineIntel mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll 492FB48D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2a630000 fffff804`2a636000   hal      hal.dll      1A7BE8E9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2a640000 fffff804`2a64b000   kd       kd.dll       FE185FA8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2a650000 fffff804`2a677000   tm       tm.sys       87A66D30 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2a680000 fffff804`2a68b000   BOOTVID  BOOTVID.dll  D13EE5B6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2b620000 fffff804`2b8e0000   TbtBusDrv TbtBusDrv.sys Sun Jan 24 15:41:18 2021 (600DDB6E)
fffff804`2b8f0000 fffff804`2b944000   WUDFRd   WUDFRd.sys   8B909C0C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2c600000 fffff804`2d646000   nt       ntkrnlmp.exe 411F9E5A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38a00000 fffff804`38a6a000   CLFS     CLFS.SYS     8D0E98E0 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38a70000 fffff804`38a8a000   PSHED    PSHED.dll    4C55DC99 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38a90000 fffff804`38ba3000   clipsp   clipsp.sys   Thu Apr 22 16:51:04 2021 (6081E1B8)
fffff804`38bb0000 fffff804`38c1f000   FLTMGR   FLTMGR.SYS   02839B66 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38c20000 fffff804`38c49000   ksecdd   ksecdd.sys   5F6E7114 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38c50000 fffff804`38cb3000   msrpc    msrpc.sys    CACA2825 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38cc0000 fffff804`38cce000   cmimcext cmimcext.sys 633C2FE0 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38cd0000 fffff804`38ce1000   werkernel werkernel.sys 1BD4610F (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38cf0000 fffff804`38cfc000   ntosext  ntosext.sys  71DD3C9F (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38d00000 fffff804`38de3000   CI       CI.dll       4BAE6991 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38df0000 fffff804`38ea7000   cng      cng.sys      28B59E22 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38eb0000 fffff804`38f82000   Wdf01000 Wdf01000.sys AA90A000 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38f90000 fffff804`38fa3000   WDFLDR   WDFLDR.SYS   565B60B2 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38fb0000 fffff804`38fbf000   SleepStudyHelper SleepStudyHelper.sys 664F6ECB (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38fc0000 fffff804`38fd1000   WppRecorder WppRecorder.sys 15060D00 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38fe0000 fffff804`39006000   acpiex   acpiex.sys   C8D60B44 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39010000 fffff804`3902a000   SgrmAgent SgrmAgent.sys A6474774 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39030000 fffff804`390fc000   ACPI     ACPI.sys     98F9EEE3 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39100000 fffff804`3910c000   WMILIB   WMILIB.SYS   CD518505 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39110000 fffff804`3917b000   intelpep intelpep.sys 4F6AD80A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39180000 fffff804`39197000   WindowsTrustedRT WindowsTrustedRT.sys 7AF9978A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`391a0000 fffff804`391ab000   IntelTA  IntelTA.sys  9D7941CE (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`391b0000 fffff804`391bb000   WindowsTrustedRTProxy WindowsTrustedRTProxy.sys AA5F5790 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`391c0000 fffff804`391d4000   pcw      pcw.sys      D212A83E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`391e0000 fffff804`391f0000   FNETHYRAMAS FNETHYRAMAS.SYS Wed Oct  3 23:33:28 2018 (5BB58A08)
fffff804`39200000 fffff804`3920b000   msisadrv msisadrv.sys D84D625E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39210000 fffff804`39287000   pci      pci.sys      CA5D1594 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39290000 fffff804`392a5000   vdrvroot vdrvroot.sys E613EBA7 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`392b0000 fffff804`392df000   pdc      pdc.sys      1B16F9E0 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`392e0000 fffff804`392f9000   CEA      CEA.sys      10766347 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39300000 fffff804`39331000   partmgr  partmgr.sys  160E871C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39340000 fffff804`393ea000   spaceport spaceport.sys 1C59DF13 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`393f0000 fffff804`39409000   volmgr   volmgr.sys   51E4251D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39410000 fffff804`39473000   volmgrx  volmgrx.sys  5298D717 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39480000 fffff804`3949e000   mountmgr mountmgr.sys 6FA7424A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`394a0000 fffff804`394c3000   secnvme  secnvme.sys  Mon Feb 12 03:33:59 2018 (5A815177)
fffff804`394d0000 fffff804`39583000   storport storport.sys 67E3907E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39590000 fffff804`3975f000   iaStorAC iaStorAC.sys Thu Feb 18 07:45:53 2021 (602E6181)
fffff804`39760000 fffff804`3977c000   EhStorClass EhStorClass.sys DA9273CC (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39780000 fffff804`3979a000   fileinfo fileinfo.sys AEE275C2 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`397a0000 fffff804`397e0000   Wof      Wof.sys      66C89E3D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`397f0000 fffff804`39ac9000   Ntfs     Ntfs.sys     370CAC8C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39ad0000 fffff804`39add000   Fs_Rec   Fs_Rec.sys   B9E5C55C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39ae0000 fffff804`39c4f000   ndis     ndis.sys     A488D2D5 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39c50000 fffff804`39ce8000   NETIO    NETIO.SYS    AD9289C7 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39cf0000 fffff804`39d22000   ksecpkg  ksecpkg.sys  EB0A8339 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39d30000 fffff804`3a01b000   tcpip    tcpip.sys    6F1DDD5D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a020000 fffff804`3a09f000   fwpkclnt fwpkclnt.sys 1E076A7F (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a0a0000 fffff804`3a0d0000   wfplwfs  wfplwfs.sys  3340819A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a0e0000 fffff804`3a1a8000   fvevol   fvevol.sys   3D283BDA (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a1b0000 fffff804`3a1bb000   volume   volume.sys   83CF10C9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a1c0000 fffff804`3a22d000   volsnap  volsnap.sys  8AFD80F6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a230000 fffff804`3a280000   rdyboost rdyboost.sys 76CA3270 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a290000 fffff804`3a2b6000   mup      mup.sys      71933DBD (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a2c0000 fffff804`3a2d2000   iorate   iorate.sys   94A693A6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a300000 fffff804`3a31c000   disk     disk.sys     3457FE4D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a320000 fffff804`3a38c000   CLASSPNP CLASSPNP.SYS 9A21D83D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d4c0000 fffff804`4d865000   dxgkrnl  dxgkrnl.sys  2FF6D99C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d870000 fffff804`4d888000   watchdog watchdog.sys F13839AB (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d890000 fffff804`4d8a6000   BasicDisplay BasicDisplay.sys A816CE22 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d8b0000 fffff804`4d8c1000   BasicRender BasicRender.sys 4A52C9B4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d8d0000 fffff804`4d8ec000   Npfs     Npfs.SYS     9E3E4C73 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d8f0000 fffff804`4d901000   Msfs     Msfs.SYS     95155DF1 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d910000 fffff804`4d92b000   CimFS    CimFS.SYS    2FFADC8B (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d930000 fffff804`4d952000   tdx      tdx.sys      28EC0E80 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d960000 fffff804`4d970000   TDI      TDI.SYS      D1AD2BD4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d980000 fffff804`4d99a000   gnf      gnf.sys      Wed Aug  5 00:18:28 2020 (5F2A3314)
fffff804`4d9a0000 fffff804`4d9fc000   netbt    netbt.sys    45CF76EF (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4da00000 fffff804`4da13000   afunix   afunix.sys   9501F0D8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4da20000 fffff804`4dac3000   afd      afd.sys      CC0C9B73 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dad0000 fffff804`4dadc000   igovsd   igovsd.sys   Thu Dec 10 07:51:03 2020 (5FD219B7)
fffff804`4dae0000 fffff804`4db10000   cdrom    cdrom.sys    D4B31131 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4db20000 fffff804`4db35000   filecrypt filecrypt.sys 3C7F622A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4db40000 fffff804`4db4e000   tbs      tbs.sys      CDEA9CC8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4db50000 fffff804`4db5a000   Null     Null.SYS     01FE6381 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4db60000 fffff804`4db6a000   Beep     Beep.SYS     E4AC8238 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4db70000 fffff804`4db8a000   vwififlt vwififlt.sys 4B458835 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4db90000 fffff804`4dbbb000   pacer    pacer.sys    26BE44D4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dbe0000 fffff804`4dbfe000   crashdmp crashdmp.sys 9A19AF81 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dc00000 fffff804`4dc7b000   rdbss    rdbss.sys    4B281605 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dc80000 fffff804`4dc92000   nsiproxy nsiproxy.sys F6E31779 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dca0000 fffff804`4dcae000   npsvctrig npsvctrig.sys 677B42C8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dcb0000 fffff804`4dcc0000   mssmbios mssmbios.sys 6233611A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dcd0000 fffff804`4dcd7000   MsIo64   MsIo64.sys   Sun Jan 19 22:35:15 2020 (5E251FF3)
fffff804`4dce0000 fffff804`4dcea000   gpuenergydrv gpuenergydrv.sys F10C03D8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dcf0000 fffff804`4dcf8000   GLCKIO2  GLCKIO2.sys  Mon Apr 22 09:44:46 2019 (5CBDC54E)
fffff804`4dd00000 fffff804`4dd08000   ene      ene.sys      Fri May  8 02:07:19 2020 (5EB4F717)
fffff804`4dd10000 fffff804`4dd3c000   dfsc     dfsc.sys     5EDE3E45 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dd40000 fffff804`4dd4b000   Larmkanal Larmkanal.sys Wed Sep  2 03:27:48 2015 (55E6A4F4)
fffff804`4dd50000 fffff804`4dd5d000   vmdrv    vmdrv.sys    Fri Sep 25 09:11:31 2020 (5F6DEC83)
fffff804`4dd60000 fffff804`4ddcc000   fastfat  fastfat.SYS  ED0854E5 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ddd0000 fffff804`4dde7000   bam      bam.sys      4BADB6B8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ddf0000 fffff804`4ddfb000   AsIO3    AsIO3.sys    Tue Dec 15 03:10:32 2020 (5FD86F78)
fffff804`4de00000 fffff804`4de09000   AsIO2    AsIO2.sys    Wed May 20 04:47:26 2020 (5EC4EE9E)
fffff804`4de10000 fffff804`4de19000   AsUpIO   AsUpIO.sys   Mon May 13 08:36:36 2019 (5CD964D4)
fffff804`4de20000 fffff804`4de26000   AsIO     AsIO.sys     Wed Aug 22 05:54:47 2012 (5034AC67)
fffff804`4de30000 fffff804`4de7e000   ahcache  ahcache.sys  20345F4C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4de80000 fffff804`4de92000   CompositeBus CompositeBus.sys 6AE1B302 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dea0000 fffff804`4deed000   msiscsi  msiscsi.sys  11F970C6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4def0000 fffff804`4defd000   kdnic    kdnic.sys    9401D3B8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4df00000 fffff804`4df15000   umbus    umbus.sys    E7B4847E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4df20000 fffff804`4df2c000   wmiacpi  wmiacpi.sys  4A8BFC2C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4df30000 fffff804`4df50000   iaLPSS2_GPIO2_TGL iaLPSS2_GPIO2_TGL.sys Mon Jan 18 20:17:15 2021 (6006331B)
fffff804`4df60000 fffff804`4df92000   msgpioclx msgpioclx.sys 491CB749 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dfa0000 fffff804`4dfe0000   intelppm intelppm.sys 7EBD22FD (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dff0000 fffff804`4dffe000   Phosgene Phosgene.sys Wed Sep  2 03:28:10 2015 (55E6A50A)
fffff804`4e000000 fffff804`4e00f000   ksthunk  ksthunk.sys  2816E646 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e010000 fffff804`4e021000   nvvad64v nvvad64v.sys Thu Mar 14 04:58:48 2019 (5C8A17C8)
fffff804`4e030000 fffff804`4e03d000   NvModuleTracker NvModuleTracker.sys Tue Aug 11 04:35:06 2020 (5F32583A)
fffff804`4e040000 fffff804`4e050000   nvvhci   nvvhci.sys   Fri Jan 10 13:31:07 2020 (5E18C2EB)
fffff804`4e060000 fffff804`4e06d000   NdisVirtualBus NdisVirtualBus.sys A7AE93D1 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e070000 fffff804`4e07c000   swenum   swenum.sys   E117266B (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e080000 fffff804`4e08e000   CorsairVBusDriver CorsairVBusDriver.sys Tue Jun 30 12:53:14 2020 (5EFB6DFA)
fffff804`4e090000 fffff804`4e09b000   logi_joy_bus_enum logi_joy_bus_enum.sys Fri Feb 26 15:41:58 2021 (60395D16)
fffff804`4e0a0000 fffff804`4e0b2000   logi_joy_xlcore logi_joy_xlcore.sys Fri Feb 26 15:42:04 2021 (60395D1C)
fffff804`4e0c0000 fffff804`4e0d4000   ndiscap  ndiscap.sys  DCEEC70E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e0e0000 fffff804`4e0f4000   netbios  netbios.sys  618ED82E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e100000 fffff804`4e1a1000   Vid      Vid.sys      59F1C008 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e1b0000 fffff804`4e1d1000   winhvr   winhvr.sys   C1F13DBD (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e1e0000 fffff804`4e1ee000   rdpbus   rdpbus.sys   84DFD52A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e1f0000 fffff804`4e1fe000   ScreamingBAudio64 ScreamingBAudio64.sys Thu Jul  1 14:54:32 2010 (4C2CE468)
fffff804`4e200000 fffff804`4e2a5000   UsbHub3  UsbHub3.sys  1C930669 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e2b0000 fffff804`4e2be000   USBD     USBD.SYS     76AC3507 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e2c0000 fffff804`4e2d1000   kbdhid   kbdhid.sys   DF2550C2 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e2e0000 fffff804`4e2f4000   kbdclass kbdclass.sys 3156654A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e300000 fffff804`4e323000   nvhda64v nvhda64v.sys Mon May  3 04:04:45 2021 (608FAE9D)
fffff804`4e330000 fffff804`4e353000   CyUcmClient CyUcmClient.sys Wed Mar 18 09:54:45 2020 (5E722825)
fffff804`4e360000 fffff804`4e38e000   UcmCx    UcmCx.sys    C4C3A145 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e390000 fffff804`4e3c3000   usbccgp  usbccgp.sys  6ADA60BC (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e3d0000 fffff804`4e3f5000   USBSTOR  USBSTOR.SYS  01431615 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e400000 fffff804`4e412000   hidusb   hidusb.sys   1B0E634F (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e420000 fffff804`4e45a000   usbaudio usbaudio.sys DF5075E4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e460000 fffff804`4e46c000   logi_audio_surround logi_audio_surround.sys Fri Feb 26 15:43:30 2021 (60395D72)
fffff804`4e4d0000 fffff804`4e4f0000   WinUSB   WinUSB.SYS   891D9061 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e500000 fffff804`4e510000   mouhid   mouhid.sys   E502FBD9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e520000 fffff804`4e533000   mouclass mouclass.sys 3E1AA9CC (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e570000 fffff804`4e579000   CorsairVHidDriver CorsairVHidDriver.sys Tue Jun 30 12:53:18 2020 (5EFB6DFE)
fffff804`4e580000 fffff804`4e5bf000   HIDCLASS HIDCLASS.SYS 021FDD4D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e5c0000 fffff804`4e5d3000   HIDPARSE HIDPARSE.SYS 3404D246 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e600000 fffff804`4e618000   AVoluteSS3Vad AVoluteSS3Vad.sys Tue Aug  6 04:38:40 2019 (5D493C90)
fffff804`4e760000 fffff804`4e7e0000   RtUsbA64_2276 RtUsbA64.2276.sys Tue Dec 22 07:06:47 2020 (5FE1E157)
fffff804`4ec00000 fffff804`4ed84000   BTHport  BTHport.sys  2F5829F4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ed90000 fffff804`4edcd000   rfcomm   rfcomm.sys   F3616FE9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4edd0000 fffff804`4edf2000   BthEnum  BthEnum.sys  AE07C873 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ee00000 fffff804`4ee26000   bthpan   bthpan.sys   DC7BFA34 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ee30000 fffff804`4ee51000   Microsoft_Bluetooth_Legacy_LEEnumerator Microsoft.Bluetooth.Legacy.LEEnumerator.sys EDE45F37 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ee70000 fffff804`4ee7e000   dump_diskdump dump_diskdump.sys 95F39C8A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4eeb0000 fffff804`4eed3000   dump_secnvme dump_secnvme.sys Mon Feb 12 03:33:59 2018 (5A815177)
fffff804`4ef00000 fffff804`4ef1d000   dump_dumpfve dump_dumpfve.sys C53FE97F (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ef20000 fffff804`4f001000   dxgmms2  dxgmms2.sys  7F2D77CB (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4f010000 fffff804`4f02b000   monitor  monitor.sys  1CD682D7 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4f2e0000 fffff804`4f6b0000   ibtusb   ibtusb.sys   Tue Feb 16 05:12:16 2021 (602B9A80)
fffff804`4f6c0000 fffff804`4f6e1000   BTHUSB   BTHUSB.sys   BD0A8AB1 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`50800000 fffff804`50876000   ks       ks.sys       365F95B9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`50880000 fffff804`50918000   USBXHCI  USBXHCI.SYS  2E44F1B6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`50920000 fffff804`50964000   ucx01000 ucx01000.sys 11447CC9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`50970000 fffff804`509a2000   iaLPSS2_I2C_TGL iaLPSS2_I2C_TGL.sys Mon Jan 18 20:16:45 2021 (600632FD)
fffff804`509b0000 fffff804`509ca000   SpbCx    SpbCx.sys    81B6F697 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`509d0000 fffff804`50a1c000   TeeDriverW10x64 TeeDriverW10x64.sys Tue Feb 16 08:18:42 2021 (602BC632)
fffff804`50a20000 fffff804`50aa0000   e2f68    e2f68.sys    Sun Nov  8 10:00:19 2020 (5FA80803)
fffff804`50ab0000 fffff804`51049000   Netwtw10 Netwtw10.sys Wed Mar  3 10:16:19 2021 (603FA843)
fffff804`51050000 fffff804`51140000   wdiwifi  wdiwifi.sys  793813F4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`51150000 fffff804`5115e000   vwifibus vwifibus.sys 8AF48D2C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`51160000 fffff804`5116c000   acpitime acpitime.sys BB606674 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`51170000 fffff804`53700000   nvlddmkm nvlddmkm.sys Thu May 13 02:17:31 2021 (609CC47B)
fffff804`53710000 fffff804`53735000   HDAudBus HDAudBus.sys 6195DFDC (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`53740000 fffff804`537a6000   portcls  portcls.sys  5373C5A4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`537b0000 fffff804`537d1000   drmk     drmk.sys     Wed Oct 13 03:43:12 1999 (38043810)
fffff804`537e0000 fffff804`537eb000   acpipagr acpipagr.sys 092D0DD8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`537f0000 fffff804`537fe000   UEFI     UEFI.sys     100A3FFE (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)

Unloaded modules:
fffff804`4d410000 fffff804`4d41f000   dump_storpor
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  0000F000
fffff804`4d450000 fffff804`4d474000   dump_secnvme
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00024000
fffff804`4d4a0000 fffff804`4d4be000   dump_dumpfve
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  0001E000
fffff804`4e470000 fffff804`4e4c5000   WUDFRd.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00055000
fffff804`4f420000 fffff804`4f6e1000   TbtBusDrv.sy
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  002C1000
fffff804`4f6f0000 fffff804`4f745000   WUDFRd.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00055000
fffff804`4dd40000 fffff804`4dd5c000   dam.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  0001C000
fffff804`4d4c0000 fffff804`4dadb000   vgk.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  0061B000
fffff804`3a2e0000 fffff804`3a2f1000   hwpolicy.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00011000
start             end                 module name
fffff804`39030000 fffff804`390fc000   ACPI     ACPI.sys     98F9EEE3 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38fe0000 fffff804`39006000   acpiex   acpiex.sys   C8D60B44 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`537e0000 fffff804`537eb000   acpipagr acpipagr.sys 092D0DD8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`51160000 fffff804`5116c000   acpitime acpitime.sys BB606674 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4da20000 fffff804`4dac3000   afd      afd.sys      CC0C9B73 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4da00000 fffff804`4da13000   afunix   afunix.sys   9501F0D8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4de30000 fffff804`4de7e000   ahcache  ahcache.sys  20345F4C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4de20000 fffff804`4de26000   AsIO     AsIO.sys     Wed Aug 22 05:54:47 2012 (5034AC67)
fffff804`4de00000 fffff804`4de09000   AsIO2    AsIO2.sys    Wed May 20 04:47:26 2020 (5EC4EE9E)
fffff804`4ddf0000 fffff804`4ddfb000   AsIO3    AsIO3.sys    Tue Dec 15 03:10:32 2020 (5FD86F78)
fffff804`4de10000 fffff804`4de19000   AsUpIO   AsUpIO.sys   Mon May 13 08:36:36 2019 (5CD964D4)
fffff804`4e600000 fffff804`4e618000   AVoluteSS3Vad AVoluteSS3Vad.sys Tue Aug  6 04:38:40 2019 (5D493C90)
fffff804`4ddd0000 fffff804`4dde7000   bam      bam.sys      4BADB6B8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d890000 fffff804`4d8a6000   BasicDisplay BasicDisplay.sys A816CE22 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d8b0000 fffff804`4d8c1000   BasicRender BasicRender.sys 4A52C9B4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4db60000 fffff804`4db6a000   Beep     Beep.SYS     E4AC8238 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2a680000 fffff804`2a68b000   BOOTVID  BOOTVID.dll  D13EE5B6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4edd0000 fffff804`4edf2000   BthEnum  BthEnum.sys  AE07C873 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ee00000 fffff804`4ee26000   bthpan   bthpan.sys   DC7BFA34 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ec00000 fffff804`4ed84000   BTHport  BTHport.sys  2F5829F4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4f6c0000 fffff804`4f6e1000   BTHUSB   BTHUSB.sys   BD0A8AB1 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
ffff93aa`be3a0000 ffff93aa`be3ea000   cdd      cdd.dll      00000000 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dae0000 fffff804`4db10000   cdrom    cdrom.sys    D4B31131 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`392e0000 fffff804`392f9000   CEA      CEA.sys      10766347 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38d00000 fffff804`38de3000   CI       CI.dll       4BAE6991 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d910000 fffff804`4d92b000   CimFS    CimFS.SYS    2FFADC8B (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a320000 fffff804`3a38c000   CLASSPNP CLASSPNP.SYS 9A21D83D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38a00000 fffff804`38a6a000   CLFS     CLFS.SYS     8D0E98E0 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38a90000 fffff804`38ba3000   clipsp   clipsp.sys   Thu Apr 22 16:51:04 2021 (6081E1B8)
fffff804`38cc0000 fffff804`38cce000   cmimcext cmimcext.sys 633C2FE0 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38df0000 fffff804`38ea7000   cng      cng.sys      28B59E22 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4de80000 fffff804`4de92000   CompositeBus CompositeBus.sys 6AE1B302 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e080000 fffff804`4e08e000   CorsairVBusDriver CorsairVBusDriver.sys Tue Jun 30 12:53:14 2020 (5EFB6DFA)
fffff804`4e570000 fffff804`4e579000   CorsairVHidDriver CorsairVHidDriver.sys Tue Jun 30 12:53:18 2020 (5EFB6DFE)
fffff804`4dbe0000 fffff804`4dbfe000   crashdmp crashdmp.sys 9A19AF81 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e330000 fffff804`4e353000   CyUcmClient CyUcmClient.sys Wed Mar 18 09:54:45 2020 (5E722825)
fffff804`4dd10000 fffff804`4dd3c000   dfsc     dfsc.sys     5EDE3E45 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a300000 fffff804`3a31c000   disk     disk.sys     3457FE4D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`537b0000 fffff804`537d1000   drmk     drmk.sys     Wed Oct 13 03:43:12 1999 (38043810)
fffff804`4ee70000 fffff804`4ee7e000   dump_diskdump dump_diskdump.sys 95F39C8A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ef00000 fffff804`4ef1d000   dump_dumpfve dump_dumpfve.sys C53FE97F (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4eeb0000 fffff804`4eed3000   dump_secnvme dump_secnvme.sys Mon Feb 12 03:33:59 2018 (5A815177)
fffff804`4d4c0000 fffff804`4d865000   dxgkrnl  dxgkrnl.sys  2FF6D99C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ef20000 fffff804`4f001000   dxgmms2  dxgmms2.sys  7F2D77CB (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`50a20000 fffff804`50aa0000   e2f68    e2f68.sys    Sun Nov  8 10:00:19 2020 (5FA80803)
fffff804`39760000 fffff804`3977c000   EhStorClass EhStorClass.sys DA9273CC (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dd00000 fffff804`4dd08000   ene      ene.sys      Fri May  8 02:07:19 2020 (5EB4F717)
fffff804`4dd60000 fffff804`4ddcc000   fastfat  fastfat.SYS  ED0854E5 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4db20000 fffff804`4db35000   filecrypt filecrypt.sys 3C7F622A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39780000 fffff804`3979a000   fileinfo fileinfo.sys AEE275C2 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38bb0000 fffff804`38c1f000   FLTMGR   FLTMGR.SYS   02839B66 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`391e0000 fffff804`391f0000   FNETHYRAMAS FNETHYRAMAS.SYS Wed Oct  3 23:33:28 2018 (5BB58A08)
fffff804`39ad0000 fffff804`39add000   Fs_Rec   Fs_Rec.sys   B9E5C55C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a0e0000 fffff804`3a1a8000   fvevol   fvevol.sys   3D283BDA (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a020000 fffff804`3a09f000   fwpkclnt fwpkclnt.sys 1E076A7F (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dcf0000 fffff804`4dcf8000   GLCKIO2  GLCKIO2.sys  Mon Apr 22 09:44:46 2019 (5CBDC54E)
fffff804`4d980000 fffff804`4d99a000   gnf      gnf.sys      Wed Aug  5 00:18:28 2020 (5F2A3314)
fffff804`4dce0000 fffff804`4dcea000   gpuenergydrv gpuenergydrv.sys F10C03D8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2a630000 fffff804`2a636000   hal      hal.dll      1A7BE8E9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`53710000 fffff804`53735000   HDAudBus HDAudBus.sys 6195DFDC (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e580000 fffff804`4e5bf000   HIDCLASS HIDCLASS.SYS 021FDD4D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e5c0000 fffff804`4e5d3000   HIDPARSE HIDPARSE.SYS 3404D246 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e400000 fffff804`4e412000   hidusb   hidusb.sys   1B0E634F (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4df30000 fffff804`4df50000   iaLPSS2_GPIO2_TGL iaLPSS2_GPIO2_TGL.sys Mon Jan 18 20:17:15 2021 (6006331B)
fffff804`50970000 fffff804`509a2000   iaLPSS2_I2C_TGL iaLPSS2_I2C_TGL.sys Mon Jan 18 20:16:45 2021 (600632FD)
fffff804`39590000 fffff804`3975f000   iaStorAC iaStorAC.sys Thu Feb 18 07:45:53 2021 (602E6181)
fffff804`4f2e0000 fffff804`4f6b0000   ibtusb   ibtusb.sys   Tue Feb 16 05:12:16 2021 (602B9A80)
fffff804`4dad0000 fffff804`4dadc000   igovsd   igovsd.sys   Thu Dec 10 07:51:03 2020 (5FD219B7)
fffff804`39110000 fffff804`3917b000   intelpep intelpep.sys 4F6AD80A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dfa0000 fffff804`4dfe0000   intelppm intelppm.sys 7EBD22FD (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`391a0000 fffff804`391ab000   IntelTA  IntelTA.sys  9D7941CE (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a2c0000 fffff804`3a2d2000   iorate   iorate.sys   94A693A6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e2e0000 fffff804`4e2f4000   kbdclass kbdclass.sys 3156654A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e2c0000 fffff804`4e2d1000   kbdhid   kbdhid.sys   DF2550C2 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2a640000 fffff804`2a64b000   kd       kd.dll       FE185FA8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4def0000 fffff804`4defd000   kdnic    kdnic.sys    9401D3B8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`50800000 fffff804`50876000   ks       ks.sys       365F95B9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38c20000 fffff804`38c49000   ksecdd   ksecdd.sys   5F6E7114 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39cf0000 fffff804`39d22000   ksecpkg  ksecpkg.sys  EB0A8339 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e000000 fffff804`4e00f000   ksthunk  ksthunk.sys  2816E646 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dd40000 fffff804`4dd4b000   Larmkanal Larmkanal.sys Wed Sep  2 03:27:48 2015 (55E6A4F4)
fffff804`4e460000 fffff804`4e46c000   logi_audio_surround logi_audio_surround.sys Fri Feb 26 15:43:30 2021 (60395D72)
fffff804`4e090000 fffff804`4e09b000   logi_joy_bus_enum logi_joy_bus_enum.sys Fri Feb 26 15:41:58 2021 (60395D16)
fffff804`4e0a0000 fffff804`4e0b2000   logi_joy_xlcore logi_joy_xlcore.sys Fri Feb 26 15:42:04 2021 (60395D1C)
fffff804`2a290000 fffff804`2a62d000   mcupdate_GenuineIntel mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll 492FB48D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ee30000 fffff804`4ee51000   Microsoft_Bluetooth_Legacy_LEEnumerator Microsoft.Bluetooth.Legacy.LEEnumerator.sys EDE45F37 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4f010000 fffff804`4f02b000   monitor  monitor.sys  1CD682D7 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e520000 fffff804`4e533000   mouclass mouclass.sys 3E1AA9CC (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e500000 fffff804`4e510000   mouhid   mouhid.sys   E502FBD9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39480000 fffff804`3949e000   mountmgr mountmgr.sys 6FA7424A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d8f0000 fffff804`4d901000   Msfs     Msfs.SYS     95155DF1 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4df60000 fffff804`4df92000   msgpioclx msgpioclx.sys 491CB749 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dcd0000 fffff804`4dcd7000   MsIo64   MsIo64.sys   Sun Jan 19 22:35:15 2020 (5E251FF3)
fffff804`39200000 fffff804`3920b000   msisadrv msisadrv.sys D84D625E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dea0000 fffff804`4deed000   msiscsi  msiscsi.sys  11F970C6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38c50000 fffff804`38cb3000   msrpc    msrpc.sys    CACA2825 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dcb0000 fffff804`4dcc0000   mssmbios mssmbios.sys 6233611A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a290000 fffff804`3a2b6000   mup      mup.sys      71933DBD (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39ae0000 fffff804`39c4f000   ndis     ndis.sys     A488D2D5 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e0c0000 fffff804`4e0d4000   ndiscap  ndiscap.sys  DCEEC70E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e060000 fffff804`4e06d000   NdisVirtualBus NdisVirtualBus.sys A7AE93D1 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e0e0000 fffff804`4e0f4000   netbios  netbios.sys  618ED82E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d9a0000 fffff804`4d9fc000   netbt    netbt.sys    45CF76EF (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39c50000 fffff804`39ce8000   NETIO    NETIO.SYS    AD9289C7 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`50ab0000 fffff804`51049000   Netwtw10 Netwtw10.sys Wed Mar  3 10:16:19 2021 (603FA843)
fffff804`4d8d0000 fffff804`4d8ec000   Npfs     Npfs.SYS     9E3E4C73 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dca0000 fffff804`4dcae000   npsvctrig npsvctrig.sys 677B42C8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dc80000 fffff804`4dc92000   nsiproxy nsiproxy.sys F6E31779 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2c600000 fffff804`2d646000   nt       ntkrnlmp.exe 411F9E5A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`397f0000 fffff804`39ac9000   Ntfs     Ntfs.sys     370CAC8C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38cf0000 fffff804`38cfc000   ntosext  ntosext.sys  71DD3C9F (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4db50000 fffff804`4db5a000   Null     Null.SYS     01FE6381 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e300000 fffff804`4e323000   nvhda64v nvhda64v.sys Mon May  3 04:04:45 2021 (608FAE9D)
fffff804`51170000 fffff804`53700000   nvlddmkm nvlddmkm.sys Thu May 13 02:17:31 2021 (609CC47B)
fffff804`4e030000 fffff804`4e03d000   NvModuleTracker NvModuleTracker.sys Tue Aug 11 04:35:06 2020 (5F32583A)
fffff804`4e010000 fffff804`4e021000   nvvad64v nvvad64v.sys Thu Mar 14 04:58:48 2019 (5C8A17C8)
fffff804`4e040000 fffff804`4e050000   nvvhci   nvvhci.sys   Fri Jan 10 13:31:07 2020 (5E18C2EB)
fffff804`4db90000 fffff804`4dbbb000   pacer    pacer.sys    26BE44D4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39300000 fffff804`39331000   partmgr  partmgr.sys  160E871C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39210000 fffff804`39287000   pci      pci.sys      CA5D1594 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`391c0000 fffff804`391d4000   pcw      pcw.sys      D212A83E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`392b0000 fffff804`392df000   pdc      pdc.sys      1B16F9E0 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dff0000 fffff804`4dffe000   Phosgene Phosgene.sys Wed Sep  2 03:28:10 2015 (55E6A50A)
fffff804`53740000 fffff804`537a6000   portcls  portcls.sys  5373C5A4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38a70000 fffff804`38a8a000   PSHED    PSHED.dll    4C55DC99 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dc00000 fffff804`4dc7b000   rdbss    rdbss.sys    4B281605 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e1e0000 fffff804`4e1ee000   rdpbus   rdpbus.sys   84DFD52A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a230000 fffff804`3a280000   rdyboost rdyboost.sys 76CA3270 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4ed90000 fffff804`4edcd000   rfcomm   rfcomm.sys   F3616FE9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e760000 fffff804`4e7e0000   RtUsbA64_2276 RtUsbA64.2276.sys Tue Dec 22 07:06:47 2020 (5FE1E157)
fffff804`4e1f0000 fffff804`4e1fe000   ScreamingBAudio64 ScreamingBAudio64.sys Thu Jul  1 14:54:32 2010 (4C2CE468)
fffff804`394a0000 fffff804`394c3000   secnvme  secnvme.sys  Mon Feb 12 03:33:59 2018 (5A815177)
fffff804`39010000 fffff804`3902a000   SgrmAgent SgrmAgent.sys A6474774 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38fb0000 fffff804`38fbf000   SleepStudyHelper SleepStudyHelper.sys 664F6ECB (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39340000 fffff804`393ea000   spaceport spaceport.sys 1C59DF13 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`509b0000 fffff804`509ca000   SpbCx    SpbCx.sys    81B6F697 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`394d0000 fffff804`39583000   storport storport.sys 67E3907E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e070000 fffff804`4e07c000   swenum   swenum.sys   E117266B (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4db40000 fffff804`4db4e000   tbs      tbs.sys      CDEA9CC8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2b620000 fffff804`2b8e0000   TbtBusDrv TbtBusDrv.sys Sun Jan 24 15:41:18 2021 (600DDB6E)
fffff804`39d30000 fffff804`3a01b000   tcpip    tcpip.sys    6F1DDD5D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d960000 fffff804`4d970000   TDI      TDI.SYS      D1AD2BD4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d930000 fffff804`4d952000   tdx      tdx.sys      28EC0E80 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`509d0000 fffff804`50a1c000   TeeDriverW10x64 TeeDriverW10x64.sys Tue Feb 16 08:18:42 2021 (602BC632)
fffff804`2a650000 fffff804`2a677000   tm       tm.sys       87A66D30 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e360000 fffff804`4e38e000   UcmCx    UcmCx.sys    C4C3A145 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`50920000 fffff804`50964000   ucx01000 ucx01000.sys 11447CC9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`537f0000 fffff804`537fe000   UEFI     UEFI.sys     100A3FFE (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4df00000 fffff804`4df15000   umbus    umbus.sys    E7B4847E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e420000 fffff804`4e45a000   usbaudio usbaudio.sys DF5075E4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e390000 fffff804`4e3c3000   usbccgp  usbccgp.sys  6ADA60BC (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e2b0000 fffff804`4e2be000   USBD     USBD.SYS     76AC3507 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e200000 fffff804`4e2a5000   UsbHub3  UsbHub3.sys  1C930669 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e3d0000 fffff804`4e3f5000   USBSTOR  USBSTOR.SYS  01431615 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`50880000 fffff804`50918000   USBXHCI  USBXHCI.SYS  2E44F1B6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39290000 fffff804`392a5000   vdrvroot vdrvroot.sys E613EBA7 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e100000 fffff804`4e1a1000   Vid      Vid.sys      59F1C008 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4dd50000 fffff804`4dd5d000   vmdrv    vmdrv.sys    Fri Sep 25 09:11:31 2020 (5F6DEC83)
fffff804`393f0000 fffff804`39409000   volmgr   volmgr.sys   51E4251D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39410000 fffff804`39473000   volmgrx  volmgrx.sys  5298D717 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a1c0000 fffff804`3a22d000   volsnap  volsnap.sys  8AFD80F6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a1b0000 fffff804`3a1bb000   volume   volume.sys   83CF10C9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`51150000 fffff804`5115e000   vwifibus vwifibus.sys 8AF48D2C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4db70000 fffff804`4db8a000   vwififlt vwififlt.sys 4B458835 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4d870000 fffff804`4d888000   watchdog watchdog.sys F13839AB (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38eb0000 fffff804`38f82000   Wdf01000 Wdf01000.sys AA90A000 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38f90000 fffff804`38fa3000   WDFLDR   WDFLDR.SYS   565B60B2 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`51050000 fffff804`51140000   wdiwifi  wdiwifi.sys  793813F4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38cd0000 fffff804`38ce1000   werkernel werkernel.sys 1BD4610F (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`3a0a0000 fffff804`3a0d0000   wfplwfs  wfplwfs.sys  3340819A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
ffff93aa`bd650000 ffff93aa`bd6ea000   win32k   win32k.sys   E87370BB (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
ffff93aa`bd200000 ffff93aa`bd4d8000   win32kbase win32kbase.sys 5314DC9D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
ffff93aa`bdfe0000 ffff93aa`be396000   win32kfull win32kfull.sys 2C3CD9EB (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39180000 fffff804`39197000   WindowsTrustedRT WindowsTrustedRT.sys 7AF9978A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`391b0000 fffff804`391bb000   WindowsTrustedRTProxy WindowsTrustedRTProxy.sys AA5F5790 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e1b0000 fffff804`4e1d1000   winhvr   winhvr.sys   C1F13DBD (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4e4d0000 fffff804`4e4f0000   WinUSB   WinUSB.SYS   891D9061 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`4df20000 fffff804`4df2c000   wmiacpi  wmiacpi.sys  4A8BFC2C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`39100000 fffff804`3910c000   WMILIB   WMILIB.SYS   CD518505 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`397a0000 fffff804`397e0000   Wof      Wof.sys      66C89E3D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`38fc0000 fffff804`38fd1000   WppRecorder WppRecorder.sys 15060D00 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff804`2b8f0000 fffff804`2b944000   WUDFRd   WUDFRd.sys   8B909C0C (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)

Unloaded modules:
fffff804`4d410000 fffff804`4d41f000   dump_storpor
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  0000F000
fffff804`4d450000 fffff804`4d474000   dump_secnvme
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00024000
fffff804`4d4a0000 fffff804`4d4be000   dump_dumpfve
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  0001E000
fffff804`4e470000 fffff804`4e4c5000   WUDFRd.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00055000
fffff804`4f420000 fffff804`4f6e1000   TbtBusDrv.sy
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  002C1000
fffff804`4f6f0000 fffff804`4f745000   WUDFRd.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00055000
fffff804`4dd40000 fffff804`4dd5c000   dam.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  0001C000
fffff804`4d4c0000 fffff804`4dadb000   vgk.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  0061B000
fffff804`3a2e0000 fffff804`3a2f1000   hwpolicy.sys
    Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
    Checksum:  00000000
    ImageSize:  00011000
Bugcheck code 000000EF
Arguments ffff9603`19161280 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

Okay, so I downloaded the bootable to a usb drive and booted off of that, but after entering the boot screen for it, I'm greeted by this screen and nothing changes. (Attached)

I ran a chkdsk through Windows on all my drives and nothing came back with errors. My RAM isn't giving any errors either.
Thank you for your help so far!


  • 20210529_233745.jpg
    222.4 KB · Views: 5
It appears that the computer is having both hardware and operating system / component store problems.

Consider deleting the multiple page files and using only the page file on the Windows drive.

As jcgriff2 posted the most likely problems are related to drive and RAM.

After completing the multiple drive and RAM testing consider testing GPU and CPU.

Run step #2, #3, and #5 and post results / share links into this thread:
Windows Update Forum Posting Instructions

I performed steps 2, 3 and 5 like you requested and have attached them to this post.


  • CBS.zip
    5.1 MB · Views: 1
  • 0a67dfb054e8875b891fe234ccb2f1a3.png
    23.8 KB · Views: 6
  • 125201384edf67517061f995aefd9432.png
    16.5 KB · Views: 6

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