[SOLVED] SFC and DISM issues


New member
Sep 21, 2022
I was trying to download the new windows 10 update 21H2 and i kept getting error 0x8007371b. Then when I tried to run the SFC /scannow it gave me "Windows Resource Protection could not start the repair service." I also cannot go into MSCONFIG, Device Manager and/or Services App. I used the component scanner and it stated i have 4 corruptions. I also have tried the Window Clean install from other websites but I get a variety of different errors such not being able to find autorun.dll.


Retrieve Components Hive
1. Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\Config and locate the COMPONENTS file.
2. Please copy this file to your desktop.
Note: If you receive an error that this file is in-use, simply reboot your computer and try again.
3. Right-click on this file on your desktop and select Send To...Compressed (zipped) folder. This will create a file named COMPONENTS.ZIP on your desktop.
4. The file will likely be too large to upload here so please upload to a file sharing service. Examples of services to upload to are Dropbox or OneDrive or WeTransfer and then just provide the link in your reply.
When I try to go into the Config file it states that it is empty. So there is no COMPONENTS file to measure if that is what you mean. If not, I do not know how to find the size of the components hive as reported by windows.
Your COMPONENTS hive was successfully parsed though so it shouldn't be empty. It seems that you've trying to open the COMPONENTS hive by clicking on it?


1. Please download Farbar Recovery Scan Tool and save it to your Desktop.
Note: You need to run the 64-bit Version so please ensure you download that one.
2. Download the attached fixlist.txt and save it to the Desktop.
Note. It's important that both files, FRST64 and fixlist.txt are in the same location or the fix will not work (in this case...the desktop).
3. Run FRST64 by Right-Clicking on the file and choosing Run as administrator.
4. Press the Fix button just once and wait. If for some reason the tool needs a restart, please make sure you let the system restart normally. After that let the tool complete its run.
5. When finished FRST64 will generate a log on the Desktop (Fixlog.txt). Please post the contents of it in your reply.

You should see a .zip created on your Desktop with the current date and time. Please attach this folder to your next post.


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