Server 2016 - not able to install cumulative updates


New member
Apr 25, 2020
Dear Sysnative team,

I am trying to make update of Windows Server 2016 and it is all the time failing with similar errors ... i tried many hints, but nothing helped ...
SFC and DISM is also failing, so maybe the server is "lost" ... it is working, but i dont like it running without updates :)
I ran SFCFIX and it told me everything is OK, now after reboot it says, it crashed - so I allowed to send some data ...

Maybe you can help me, but if you consider it as a time waste, just tell me .... it works some years so it should continue to work ...

Thanks, Beno, Czech Republic


I see an out of memory error in the logs, how much memory does this server have?

There seem to be a fair number of missing component keys and corrupt or missing files as well. Has the memory on the server been tested? Is it running RAID, and were there any unexpected power outages or crashes?

Thanks for the answer. Well, it is Virtual Server (HYPER-V), memory allocated: 20480MB, disc 225 of 300 GB free. RAM OK, two hardware servers in cluster, no other virtuals failing. One and half year we had several problems with network (broadcast storms), so several times the cluster failed and the only one solution was hardly power-off both servers and then the virtuals were able to run - looks like some another issue of Server 2016, because I have found many articles about cluster failing and no possibility to "kill" virtual machine service. But the error about windows update looks like much older because commonly the server wants to install 2018/05 cumulative update, so it is failing 2 years ...... I took over IT department on first of January 2019 and since I am "playing" with it ....
Got it. What roles are configured on this VM? ( e.g. RDS, DC, DNS, etc. ) Do you have a Server 2016 ISO available?
Without special roles ... only several folders shared to run factory ERP and EDI communication. Yeah, ISO available, I tried some actions with DISM and ISO and it always fails ...
In this case it might be best to take a full backup and then attempt an in-place upgrade ( mount the ISO then run Setup.exe and choose the option to keep your files and settings ). Would this be possible in your environment?

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