[SOLVED] Server 2008 R2 Cant update IE 10


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I am having no luck trying to update IE from v10 to v11. I've tried the updates and they don't work--I get an error that say IE did not finish installing and gives a link for the IE troubleshooter. It suggests Uninstalling IE 9. I go to uninstall IE 9 and it says an error occurred, not all the updates were successfully installed. I ran the Readiness tool and have attached the ChecSUR.log. There are several missing identities.

I tried running sfc but it aborts stating there is a repair pending requiring a reboot. Rebooting does not clear this error.

Any suggestions?
View attachment CheckSUR.log
Hi and welcome to Sysnative. Sorry for the delay. If you still need assistance, please do the following.

Retrieve Components/Software Hives

  • Please download the Freeware RegBak from here: Acelogix Software - Download products
    You will find it at the bottom of the page that the link brings you to.
  • Go ahead and install this program and accept all the defaults. After the last install screen the program should open.
  • Click the New Backup button. Accept the defaults and simply click Start.
  • When it says Finished successfully, click the Close button.
  • This will bring you back to the main screen of the program. You will see one entry in this list with the date that you did it. Right-click on this line-item and select Explore Backup...
  • This will bring you into the folder where the backup was made. You should see a Users folder and a Windows folder along with a couple other files. Double-click on the Windows folder to open it. Then open the System32 folder and then config folder. You should see around 6 files in here, two of which are named COMPONENTS and SOFTWARE.
  • Copy these two files to your Desktop. If the COMPONENTS file does not exist, please fetch it instead from C:\Windows\System32\config\COMPONENTS.
  • Now right click on these files on your desktop and select Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder.
  • Then please upload the zip file(s) to your favourite file sharing website (it will be too big to upload here). Examples of services to upload to are Dropbox or One Drive or SendSpace and then just provide the link in your reply.
  • You can close any open windows you have as well as the RegBack program now.
This may take a couple rounds to resolve. Please do the following.

Step#1 - SFCFix Script
Warning: this fix is specific to the user in this thread. No one else should follow these instructions as it may cause more harm than good. If you are after assistance, please start a thread of your own.

  1. Download SFCFix.exe (by niemiro) and save this to your Desktop. If you still have this on your desktop from downloading previously, you don't need to re-download.
  2. Download the file below, SFCFix.zip, and save this to your Desktop. Ensure that this file is named SFCFix.zip - do not rename it.
  3. Save any open documents and close all open windows.
  4. On your Desktop, you should see two files: SFCFix.exe and SFCFix.zip.
  5. Drag the file SFCFix.zip onto the file SFCFix.exe and release it.
  6. SFCFix will now process the script.
  7. Upon completion, a file should be created on your Desktop: SFCFix.txt.
  8. Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste (Ctrl+V) the contents of this file into your next post for me to analyse please


Good one more to fix. Do the fix and run SURT again. Thanks.

Step#1 - SFCFix Script
Warning: this fix is specific to the user in this thread. No one else should follow these instructions as it may cause more harm than good. If you are after assistance, please start a thread of your own.

  1. Download SFCFix.exe (by niemiro) and save this to your Desktop. If you still have this on your desktop from downloading previously, you don't need to re-download.
  2. Download the file below, SFCFix.zip, and save this to your Desktop. Ensure that this file is named SFCFix.zip - do not rename it.
  3. Save any open documents and close all open windows.
  4. On your Desktop, you should see two files: SFCFix.exe and SFCFix.zip.
  5. Drag the file SFCFix.zip onto the file SFCFix.exe and release it.
  6. SFCFix will now process the script.
  7. Upon completion, a file should be created on your Desktop: SFCFix.txt.
  8. Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste (Ctrl+V) the contents of this file into your next post for me to analyse please


Thanks. I may have to fix this final issue on my end. Please reboot your machine and then navigate to c:\windows\system32\config and copy the COMPONENTS hive to your desktop. Please zip and send to me. Please be certain that this is your current hive.
OK, I fixed the last corruption manually. Please follow the instructions below and then run a new CheckSUR and post log.

Step#1 - Replace Manually
1. Download the attached file named COMPONENTSNEW.ZIP and save to your desktop.
2. Right-click on it and select Extract all.... Make sure the "Show extracted files when complete" is checked and click Extract.
3. Now we have the COMPONENTS file that we will be using to replace your current one.
4. Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\config
5. Right-click on the current COMPONENTS file and select rename. Rename it to COMPONENTS.bad.
Note: If you get an error that the file is in use, reboot your computer and then try again.
6. Take the file from the Componentsnew folder on your desktop and paste it into C:\Windows\System32\config
Sorry for the delayed response but had issues getting the Components file replaced. Finally did that this morning and reran the Windows Prep file. Attached is the new CheckSUR.log file. Still have 1 error.

View attachment CheckSUR.log
Never mind. I ran the Prep utility again and it shows no errors!! Thanks.
Ok while the sysprep runs clean, Windows Update will not run and Neither will SFC. SFC says there is a repair pending on reboot. In the winsxs folder there is a pending.xml file that has a number of entries in it. I have attached it below.

View attachment pending.zip
OK, we weren't finished yet so let's get one more log first. Please do the following. I know you did this but I need very current logs.

SFC Scan

  1. Click on the Start button and in the search box, type Command Prompt
  2. When you see Command Prompt on the list, right-click on it and select Run as administrator
  3. When command prompt opens, copy and paste the following commands into it, press enter after each

    sfc /scannow

    Wait for this to finish or error out before you continue

    copy %windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log %userprofile%\Desktop\cbs.txt
  4. This will create a file, cbs.txt on your Desktop. Please attach this to your next post.

Please Note:: if the file is too big to upload to your next post please upload via a service such as Dropbox or One Drive or SendSpace and just provide the link.
Thanks. The first thing we should try is to revert the pending changes.

Revert Pending Changes
1. Boot into the Windows RE mode:
2. Once the command Window is displayed please follow the below steps.
3. Type notepad into the command prompt and hit enter.
4. Click the File menu in notepad and choose Open. Click on Computer on the left hand side so that you see all the drive letters. You sill see Boot (X:) and likely others. Look for the drive letter that is associated to Local Disk.
5. Once you've identified the driver letter you may cancel out of this screen and close notepad.
6. Now type the following into the Command Prompt replacing C (shown in red) with the drive letter you identified in bullet#4. Note, there is a space after C:\ as well as before the last forward slash.
DISM /Image:C:\ /Cleanup-Image /RevertPendingActions

7. If all goes well you will see the following as the last few lines. Please let me know if you don't.
Reverting pending actions from the image...
The operation completed. Any revert of pending actions will be attempted after reboot.
The operation completed successfully.
I am about 75 miles away from the server so will not be able to do this until next weekend. Any idea if there will be other tasks that need to be done in the WinRE environment?

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