I have been having an issue with my current PC build since the outset. Basically, the ASIO meter in Cubase is sitting at 5-10% and it will all of a sudden spike into the red, causing the audio to briefly drop-out/crackle. I also seem to get random audio drop-outs when watching videos, either online or offline.
I have tried an exhaustive list of things to try to solve the problem, but so far, nothing has worked.
My hardware is as follows:
- i7 4790K
- 16GB DDR3 1600 RAM
- Steinberg/Yamaha UR824 USB 2.0 audio interface
- GTX970 4GB
So far, I have tried:
- Disabling Network Adapter ('Killer' brand. Also tried various driver versions and driver only installs)
- Disabling on-board audio and Nvidia HD Audio (in device manager, BIOS, and Nvidia control panel)
- Disabling variable CPU clock speeds and CPU throttling/power saving features in the BIOS.
- High performance power profile (USB selective suspend 'off', System cooling policy 'active', HD sleep 'never', display off 'never', sleep 'never'.
- Turned 'Indexing' off on all drives
- Updated Intel chipset drivers
- Tried various Intel USB driver versions
- Updated BIOS
- Updated firmware on UR824 audio interface
- Tried different Yamaha/Steinberg USB drivers for UR824
- Tried removing all plugins from Cubase and re-adding them 1 at a time
- Disabled ASIO Guard within Cubase (and tried it on various settings)
- Tried different ASIO buffer settings
- Analysed system with DPClat and LatencyMon for an hour with no DPC spikes (though depending on the network driver used, dxgkrnl.sys is spiking/throwing up 'black' and even 'red' DPC latency warnings)
- Tried various Nvidia driver versions
- Upgraded videocard (same issue with GTX760 and GTX970)
- Mains powered USB hub for everything but the audio interface and mouse
- Turned off hyperthreading in the BIOS
At this point I have exhausted everything that I can think of, and could really use some help figuring out the cause.
I have tried an exhaustive list of things to try to solve the problem, but so far, nothing has worked.
My hardware is as follows:
- i7 4790K
- 16GB DDR3 1600 RAM
- Steinberg/Yamaha UR824 USB 2.0 audio interface
- GTX970 4GB
So far, I have tried:
- Disabling Network Adapter ('Killer' brand. Also tried various driver versions and driver only installs)
- Disabling on-board audio and Nvidia HD Audio (in device manager, BIOS, and Nvidia control panel)
- Disabling variable CPU clock speeds and CPU throttling/power saving features in the BIOS.
- High performance power profile (USB selective suspend 'off', System cooling policy 'active', HD sleep 'never', display off 'never', sleep 'never'.
- Turned 'Indexing' off on all drives
- Updated Intel chipset drivers
- Tried various Intel USB driver versions
- Updated BIOS
- Updated firmware on UR824 audio interface
- Tried different Yamaha/Steinberg USB drivers for UR824
- Tried removing all plugins from Cubase and re-adding them 1 at a time
- Disabled ASIO Guard within Cubase (and tried it on various settings)
- Tried different ASIO buffer settings
- Analysed system with DPClat and LatencyMon for an hour with no DPC spikes (though depending on the network driver used, dxgkrnl.sys is spiking/throwing up 'black' and even 'red' DPC latency warnings)
- Tried various Nvidia driver versions
- Upgraded videocard (same issue with GTX760 and GTX970)
- Mains powered USB hub for everything but the audio interface and mouse
- Turned off hyperthreading in the BIOS
At this point I have exhausted everything that I can think of, and could really use some help figuring out the cause.