Hello. This site seems to be a really helpful site for Windows admins. I hope someone can assist me.
I have a physical server (Windows Server 2016 Std) that has a corrupt COMPONENTS file (c:\windows\system32\config) due to a bad disk block incurred during a raid array rebuild after a disk hot swap. My last good system state backup (SSB) is from Jan 5, because Jan 11 is when the COMPONENTS corruption occurred. SSB has failed since Jan 11.
I tried a system state restore, twice, but it fails due to access denied on various Windows Defender files/folders. I don't think I have any other issues with Windows EXE, DLL, etc files. My question is, can I simply replace the Config folder files with those from my SSB that I was able to extract? The only changes to this server since the Jan 5 SSB would have been Windows security patches (if they were successful - hard to tell). The Config folder files in question are:
Other info: I had to stop the Windows Module Installer service on my problem server because the tiworker.exe process was continually trying to read the COMPONENTS file and filling up the System event log with Disk Event ID 7. The server is a domain member, used solely as a file server. I have other physical servers just like it that can be used for reference or sources of "healthy" files.
Thank you!
I have a physical server (Windows Server 2016 Std) that has a corrupt COMPONENTS file (c:\windows\system32\config) due to a bad disk block incurred during a raid array rebuild after a disk hot swap. My last good system state backup (SSB) is from Jan 5, because Jan 11 is when the COMPONENTS corruption occurred. SSB has failed since Jan 11.
I tried a system state restore, twice, but it fails due to access denied on various Windows Defender files/folders. I don't think I have any other issues with Windows EXE, DLL, etc files. My question is, can I simply replace the Config folder files with those from my SSB that I was able to extract? The only changes to this server since the Jan 5 SSB would have been Windows security patches (if they were successful - hard to tell). The Config folder files in question are:
Other info: I had to stop the Windows Module Installer service on my problem server because the tiworker.exe process was continually trying to read the COMPONENTS file and filling up the System event log with Disk Event ID 7. The server is a domain member, used solely as a file server. I have other physical servers just like it that can be used for reference or sources of "healthy" files.
Thank you!