Recurring bsod 0xA0000006 on new laptop


New member
Apr 22, 2020
hello sysnative,
i'm also encountering same problem and i just bought this laptop in previous month. the frequent bsods are ruining my experience. they have the error code 0xa0000006 which sadly isn't solved anywhere. i hope i will get a solution to my problem here. i have attached the minidumps and system information file.


Check answers from those sites :
* BSOD with stop code 0xa0000006 is killing me and I don't know what to do
* Newest Radeon Adrenalin update brakes MSI Alpha... | Community

In my case, upgrading EC firmware, completely desinstall amd driver, dragon center then reinstall amd driver from msi support page (do not use any other version) and reinstall dragon center (from ms store) seems to solve the issue.

But if you just bought it, send it back and ask for refund.
This laptop doesn't worth its price for such crappy stability months after it was first released.
For sure it's GPU related.

Sadly only msi alpha 15 use such discrete gpu (5500m). But neither amd nor msi seem to bother.

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