Hopefully someone will be able to point me in the right direction here; I've had a problem ongoing for a couple of weeks which is now starting to really interrupt my work.
Initially I was having random freezes (particularly on just leaving the PC alone for a few minutes), restarts without warning and the occasional BSOD (different messages). I replaced my PSU to try and rule this out (as that was the only component in my PC that wasn't already pretty new). Since when, stability is better but still getting BSODs - just less often.
I switched on the Verifier, and this resulted in a BSOD before even entering Windows; the driver pointed to was ndisrd.sys although removing (renaming) this resulted in no internet access of course so not something I can leave in place! I presume some other driver is clashing with it.
I've removed/reinstalled every device I could think of (graphics, network, USB3 etc.) and disabled some other devices that aren't used, but still no joy. I noticed "memory error" alerts in the minidump, but running the Windows Memory Validator did not bring forth any errors.
OS - Windows 10 x64
Installed from installation media (not Win8 upgrade)
CPU : AMD FX-8370
Video : NVidia GTX970
PSU : be quiet! Dark Power Pro P11 850W
Relevant ZIP files attached. I'll be really grateful if anyone is able to help. Thanks in advance.
Initially I was having random freezes (particularly on just leaving the PC alone for a few minutes), restarts without warning and the occasional BSOD (different messages). I replaced my PSU to try and rule this out (as that was the only component in my PC that wasn't already pretty new). Since when, stability is better but still getting BSODs - just less often.
I switched on the Verifier, and this resulted in a BSOD before even entering Windows; the driver pointed to was ndisrd.sys although removing (renaming) this resulted in no internet access of course so not something I can leave in place! I presume some other driver is clashing with it.
I've removed/reinstalled every device I could think of (graphics, network, USB3 etc.) and disabled some other devices that aren't used, but still no joy. I noticed "memory error" alerts in the minidump, but running the Windows Memory Validator did not bring forth any errors.
OS - Windows 10 x64
Installed from installation media (not Win8 upgrade)
CPU : AMD FX-8370
Video : NVidia GTX970
PSU : be quiet! Dark Power Pro P11 850W
Relevant ZIP files attached. I'll be really grateful if anyone is able to help. Thanks in advance.