"Random" BSOD error - Windows 7 x64


New member
Dec 24, 2014
Hello - I've been getting BSOD errors for about a year now, at seemingly random times...can be when I'm simply browsing the web, editing a document in MS Office, etc.

Laptop: Lenovo Thinkpad T430
OS: Windows 7 Enterprise SP1; 64 Bit (this is the original OS installed by OEM)
Age: System is about 2 years old
CPU: Intel Core i7-3520M 2.9 ghz (quad-core)
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Display Adapter: Intel HD Graphics 4000

I've attached the output from perfmon and the File Collection app. Thank you in advance for your time.

If it helps, I ran BlueScreenView, which points to hall.dll address 12a3b, and a bug check code ending in 124. I've read that pertains to hardware errors but not sure where to go from there.



re: "Random" BSOD error - Windows 7 x64

Error         : D[COLOR="#00FFFF"]CACHE[/COLOR][COLOR="#FF8C00"]L2[/COLOR]_[COLOR="#800080"]DRD[/COLOR]_ERR (Proc 1 [COLOR="#FF0000"]Bank 6[/COLOR])
  Status      : 0xfe20000000041136
  Address     : 0x00000000db800000
  Misc.       : 0x00000030e1000086

Your CPU is most likely the culprit. The CPU itself found the error in the level 2 cache; specifically a data read error, most likely meaning the cache has become corrupted. Given that this error is consistent in the level 2 cache on the 6th cache bank, I'm almost certain this is a failing CPU. If your CPU is still under warranty, now is the time to get a replacement/refund.
Have you manually changed any settings in the BIOS?
Is your computer overheating?

Is the answer is no to both of them then I would say you need a new CPU.
re: "Random" BSOD error - Windows 7 x64

Wow, that was fast, thank you.

Bios: I've changed boot order before when I had to boot from a USB, I probably never changed it back. It's also possible that our company IT guy may have changed something in Bios without my knowledge (this was formerly a company laptop, but we have a program where we can buy our corporate laptops for personal use when we get a new one for work, so now it is my personal laptop and is not supported by the company's IT dept.) Is there a way to check to see if any other BIOS settings have been changed?

Overheating: Unsure. Are there tools you would recommend to test this? Does not feel hot to the touch.

Also: I just ran Driver Verifier according to instructions at https://www.sysnative.com/forums/bs...ted-windows-10-8-1-8-7-and-windows-vista.html, and immediately on restart received another BSOD of code 0000007E. On the BSOD screen, it said dump complete, but when I got back into Windows (by using safe mode to stop the verifier), no new dump files were created in the Minidump folder. Any idea why?
re: "Random" BSOD error - Windows 7 x64

You can reset the BIOS by restoring the default options or clearing the CMOS.

You can download and run Speccy to view the temperatures.

There can be numerous reasons why dumps aren't created; hardware failure is one of them. There are other minor settings but that doesn't seem likely with your situation. 0x7E isn't a driver verifier bugcheck, but rather a system thread generating an unhandled exception, again, most likely due to a CPU error, stemming from miscalculations.

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