Practical Malware Analysis


Emeritus, Contributor
Apr 2, 2012
Earlier this year, no starch press, sent SophosLabs an unrequested copy of the book Practical Malware Analysis: The hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software with a letter saying "If you do enjoy the book, I hope that you will consider posting a review ...". Well I enjoyed the book and so here is the review :)

Both authors, Michael Sikorsji and Andrew Honig, have impressive resumes (NSA, MIT and DoD) and list of reviewers looks impressive including: Sal Solfo (Columbia University) and Ilfak Guilfanov (IDA).

The book is well written and, like an academic textbook, each chapter ends with a series of questions and lab exercises. What is more, unlike text books, the teacher's answer copy is in the Appendix - it accounts for nearly *half* the book.

The book consists of 6 parts plus the Appendices:

  • Part 1: Basic Analysis
  • Part 2: Advanced Static Analysis
  • Part 3: Advanced Dynamic Analysis
  • Part 4: Malware Functionality
  • Part 5: Anti-reverse-engineering
  • Part 6: Special Topics

  • Appendix A: Important Windows Functionality
  • Appendix B: Tools for malware analysis
  • Appendix C: Solutions to Labs

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