- Aug 7, 2023
- 5
Hi everyone, just to simplify thing i will explain the short way possible, but i can provide more information if its needed, i facing a problem that makes any mouse that is pluged in my computer to not work properly like in the this video:
. The problem is when i pluge any of the mouses that had contact with my pc in any other pc the new pc begings to show the same problem... i bougth a new pc and once i pluged my mouse on it the problem came back, i dont know what to do anymore... even with a clean instalation of windows in a brand new pc once i pluge the old mouses the pc seems to be doomed and even buying a new mouse dosent work because once the pc got in touch with the mouses that had contact with my old pc he is able to keep this problem even after cleaning completely the NVME and seems to infect the mouse that passes to be usable forever.