Pirate sites ban Windows 10 over privacy worries


Emeritus, Contributor
Apr 2, 2012
There's been a good amount of privacy freak-out over Windows 10.
Concerns have been sparked by things such as the Wi-Fi password sharing feature and the fact that Windows 10 by default shares a lot of your personal information - contacts, calendar details, text and touch input, location data, and what Ars Technica calls "a whole lot more" - with Microsoft's servers.
Of late, that paranoia has spiked over the notion that Microsoft plans to keep people from running conterfeit software.
The notion came out of Microsoft's new Windows 10 update procedures, which, coupled with the company's Services Agreement, could allow Redmond to block pirated content and unauthorized hardware and reach right out and wipe torrents clean off of people's hard drives.
Fear spread that, in the words of one report, "Microsoft has practically baked DRM [digital rights management] into the core of Windows 10".

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