Personal Papers


Staff member
Sep 27, 2017
South Carolina
Many people keep very important personal papers like deeds, certificates of ownership, birth certificates, marriage certificates, stocks & bonds and with certain caveats, wills in a Safety Deposit Box at a bank. There can never be too many backups of anything important so why not a HD filled with digital images of the previously mentioned documents along with others deemed meaningful? A fire can destroy media storage so chances of a bank and your house going up in smoke simultaneously is unlikely. IMO, I wouldn't trust the Cloud with the kind of info mentioned. Too much available to the "bad guys" in one place.
One of the biggest problems with images or "copies" of very important personal papers like deeds, certificates of ownership, birth certificates, marriage certificates, stocks & bonds and wills is copies (unless properly notarized) of such documents are not legal for anything. This means a digital copy on a hard disk is, at best, only informational - since I know of no way to notarize a digital copy.

I think keeping copies is important. But to me, a better solution is to get notarized copies and give them for safe keeping to trusted family members, your lawyer, the designated executor of your will or even a trusted friend or neighbor - for the same reason you mention above - the odds of your home and theirs going up in smoke at the same time are slim.

Don't forget at least the last 3 years of your tax records too.

The bigger problem that I am seeing is more and more bank offices are doing away with their safe deposit boxes. :( I have two banks. One is Wells Fargo and it has safe deposit boxes I keep important papers in. I even have a backup copy of this, my main computer in there. But my other bank is a regional bank. It recently moved into a brand new building and they did away with their safe deposit boxes. :(

Also, if you do have a bank safe deposit box, make sure you keep your bank updated on your address in case they do away with boxes - or risk your box getting drilled open and the content sent whoknowswhere?

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