Passwords for 32M Twitter accounts may have been hacked and leaked


Emeritus, Contributor
Apr 2, 2012
There is yet another hack for users of popular social media sites to worry about. Hackers may have used malware to collect more than 32 million Twitter login credentials that are now being sold on the dark web. Twitter says that its systems have not been breached.

“We are confident that these usernames and credentials were not obtained by a Twitter data breach – our systems have not been breached. In fact, we’ve been working to help keep accounts protected by checking our data against what’s been shared from recent other password leaks,” a Twitter spokesperson said.

LeakedSource, a site with a search engine of leaked login credentials, said in a blog post that it received a copy of the user information from “,” the same alias used by the person who gave it hacked data from Russian social network VK last week.

Other major security compromises which have hit the news recently include a Myspace hack that involved over 360 million accounts, possibly making it the largest one ever, and the leak of 100 million LinkedIn passwords stolen in 2012.
Twitter: We weren't hacked but we're forcing password resets after 32 million credentials leak

Twitter says this week's reported leak of 32 million of the site's user names and passwords wasn't the result of a breach of its servers. But it's now responded by locking some exposed accounts and requiring users to pick new passwords.

"We've investigated claims of Twitter @names and passwords available on the dark web and we're confident the information was not obtained from a hack of Twitter's servers," Michael Coates, Twitter's trust and information security officer, said on Friday.

News broke on Thursday that 32 million Twitter passwords were being traded on the dark web, making it the latest in a string of mega password leaks over the past month, affecting MySpace, LinkedIn, and Tumblr users. Combined, the leaks amount to well over half a billion records.
Twitter: We weren't hacked but we're forcing password resets after 32 million credentials leak | ZDNet

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