An elderly person that I know use a windows 10 pro PC. When this person uses the PC it is mostly to browse Facebook on chrome. This person alleges that when typing a comment on Facebook the browser redirects to the article of which the comment was related. When attempting to go back to continue the comment, then it is discovered that what was written disappeared. I have never seen this happen but I think this person may be clicking on something by mistake. This person alleges that is not the case. It seems to me that may be true. I would like to know if anyone has ever heard of a problem like this before? Also I have noticed that sometimes when the browser along with other items from the taskbar are minimized it is difficult to retrieve them. Trying to click on the chrome browser doesn't make it appear. What one has to do is right click chrome then click "Google Chrome" and when that appears close that which makes the original chrome browser with the original tabs open up. As far as I know AV hasn't detected anything.