Hello and welcome to Sysnative! You've come to the right place. :)
A word of warning from me personally, I am busy with school and exams at the moment. I will do my best to get back to replies in a timely manner, however it is possible there may be a long delay. I apologise about that in advance, hope you understand.
Anyway, on we go.
Could you please follow the
BSOD Posting Instructions since that provides more info than just the minidumps.
However, I have run the dumps you have given me.
Outdated 3rd Party Drivers
These drivers are ones manufactured by a 3rd Party (not Microsoft) and are either outdated or known causes of BSOD's.
To update the drivers to the latest version, follow the links below the drivers to find the manufacturer's website and the download location. If an update cannot be found, please uninstall the related software or device. The software can be uninstalled via Control Panel and the device through Device Manager. If you are stuck and require help, please let me know.
BSOD Analysis
I have a feeling that these BSODs may be related to a hardware error of sorts. The first dump is the one that is intriguing me.
Unable to read KTHREAD address fffffa8007cb23b8
Probably caused by : Unknown_Image ( ANALYSIS_INCONCLUSIVE )
You should not see Unknown_Image in dumps. It's indicative of a hardware fault.
Other factors that indicate potential hardware faults:
A fatal Machine Check Exception has occurred.
Arg1: 0000000000000000
Arg2: fffff880013eead0
Arg3: 0000000000000000
Arg4: 0000000000000000
BUGCHECK_STR: 0x9C_GenuineIntel
A 0x9c bugcheck, or MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION, is very similar to a 0x124 bugcheck. The 0x124 is normally indicative of a CPU faliure, but can be other hardware faults.
0x9c_GenuineIntel is also indicative of a CPU fault.
Enable Driver Verifier for now to see if a 3rd party driver can be identified -->
Perform some basic hardware tests:
RAM - Please run Memtest86+ to check your RAM. A tutorial on how to do this is available here:
Test RAM With Memtest86+ - Sysnative Forums
HDD - Check your HDD for errors using Seatools. A tutorial for this is available here:
Hard Drive (HDD) Diagnostics - Sysnative Forums
If they both pass, we will run some stress tests.
Also, next time you have a BSOD, please could you navigate to
C:\Windows and upload
MEMORY.DMP. This is a full kernel dump. It will be too large to upload here. Please zip it up and upload it to a file sharing site such as SkyDrive or Dropbox. SkyDrive is the recommended one.