No Dump Files in the "" file


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Feb 19, 2012
New Jersey Shore
Obviously, we expect there to be mini kernel memory dump files in the file attached by OPs.

Before assuming that there is something wrong with the OPs system rendering it incapable of producing dump files, it is worthwhile to check out some of the other files contained in the zip file first.

For example, this BSOD thread - Now only boot in Safe Mode and getting slower - Windows Crashes, BSOD, and Hangs Help and Support

There are no dump files found in the attached file.

The "DIR" portion of the Jcgriff2Log.txt file shows no dump files either (DIR listing is toward the end of the log):

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The WERCON portion of msinfo32.nfo ("Software Environment"; "Windows Error Reporting") is completely empty, which is rare, but not uncommon as Windows does provide an option to delete all WERCON entries via Action Center/ Problem Reporting & Solutions.

The oddity is compounded by the fact that the WERALL.txt file is not empty; however its contents reveal that the OP has some bad/broken Junctions; namely -
- Documents and Settings
- Appdata
- Local Settings

Seeing WER files with those path names (specifically the 1st & 3rd) first led me to wrongly conclude momentarily that OP had an XP system. A quick check of systeminfo.txt shows build number 6.0.6002 = Vista SP2

You can see the Junction problems, especially given the many repetitive \Application Data paths listed:

1st line of file:
1680 1/16/2015 12:06:11 AM "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Application Data\Application Data\Application Data\Application Data\Application Data\Application Data\Application Data\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\Report024feca2\Report.wer"

Entire file - View attachment WERALL.txt

Here is one of the longest entries showing the broken \Application Data Junction -
"C:\Users\John\Local Settings\Application Data\Application Data\Application Data\Application Data\Application Data\Application Data\Application Data\Application Data\Application Data\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\Report01d8f1fb\Report.wer"

The last time I tested, it was possible for the broken Junction to repeat itself up to 16 times. I guess it would depend on the length & the 255/6 character DOS shell limit. The Junction problem is also causing file listings to replicate for each WER file, i.e., you'll find the same filename, but with different numbers of replicated paths.

There is definitely something wrong with OPs system here because WERProgramData + WERLocalAppData files show at least 96 *.WER files, so I would expect to see msinfo32's WER section populated.

Anyway, back to our "no dump" issue --

Another file in the file that should be checked is the KernelDumpList.txt file, which I added to the app to create a DIR output listing of -

%windir%\minidump\*.dmp + also DIR for the full kernel dump, located - %windir%\memory.dmp

OPs KernelDumpList.txt file shows 15 minidumps, but no full kernel dump -

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I honestly have no idea why the mini dump files did not get copied, but the log entry does show a failing ERRLEVEL "1" for the "DONE" copy step -

Sat 05/23/2015 12:32:02.56 Copying mini-kernel dump files - error level - 0
Sat 05/23/2015 12:32:02.69 Copying mini-kernel dump files Done - error level - 1

In this case, my recommendation would be for OP to manually copy the \windows\minidump directory to \documents, then zip it up. You cannot zip up the \windows\minidump dir itself due to perm errors. Zipping in place will work if logged on to the SID -500 Hidden Admin user account.

Another place to check to see if an OP experienced BSODs are the Event Viewer logs. The file contains the System + Application Event Logs, courtesy of the wevtutil command. One search term is "Bugcheck" to help find the log entries.

This OPs system has quite a few strange things going on as outlined above. I guess things can be fixed, but given the inability of the Sysnative app to copy dumps; the empty WERCON in msinfo32; empty EVTX logs; Junction issues; etc... + the fact it is an old Vista installation (~7 years old):

OS Name: Microsoft® Windows Vista Home Premium
OS Version: 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2 Build 6002

Original Install Date: 3/5/2008, 1:13:10 PM

If this were my system, I would seriously consider reinstalling Vista. That is the same recommendation that Carrona made to the OP.

One other strange item that I noticed -- the Sysnative app uses WMI to gather RAM info (RAMInfo.html file). It shows 5 sticks of RAM - (or 4 sticks + a 5th line...?) -

4x4 GB
1x1 MB

The RAMInfo.html file itself: View attachment RAMInfo.html

I've never seen anything like that last line showing 1048576 bytes ever before.

Further problems related to path is apparent by OP's trouble when running the PERFMON Health report:
Error attempting PERFMON is:

"The system cannot find path specified".
Regards. . .

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