Multiple BSOD on Windows 8.1


Jun 30, 2016
A brief history before I give all the information:
I bought an alienware 15 last year which came with windows 8.1 pre-installed and I upgraded it to Windows 10. Last week, the system crashed and was not able to boot up at any cost. The recovery tools did not identify any partitions etc. With a recovery drive I was able to install a fresh copy of windows 8.1 and get the system up and running. But post that I have been having multiple BSODs. I need to restart the system almost 3 times everytime I put the system to sleep or shutdown.
The other details:
OS - Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista ?
Currently windows 8.1

· x86 (32-bit) or x64 ?
· What was original installed OS on system?
As indicated it came with windows 8.1, which I upgraded to windows 10, but now currently running windows 8.1
· Is the OS an OEM version (came pre-installed on system) or full retail version (YOU purchased it from retailer)?
OEM version
· Age of system (hardware)
Bought last year in august
· Age of OS installation - have you re-installed the OS?
1 week back

Intel i7- 4710HQ
· Video Card
Intel HD graphics 4600
NVDIA Geforce GTX 970M
· MotherBoard - (if NOT a laptop)
· Power Supply - brand & wattage (if laptop, skip this one)

· System Manufacturer

· Exact model number (if laptop, check label on bottom)
ALienware 15

· Laptop or Desktop?

I am unable to run the perfom function as it is giving me an error that the request has been denied by the administrator.


there are no BSOD's in it to dig into^^
correct this.

woot..... that is interesting.. the Dell guy who has raised the issue ticket to the research team was also unable to find BSOD dumps. But let me share a few screenshots if they can help you.

in the Softwarelist i found
mbam malwarebytes
McAfee - the testsuite?
Adminservice whats that?
PC Doctor from Dell - is he able maintaining your system for files? someone killed the dumfiles,

1. Mbam is something i recently installed, since the Dell guy said there is some malware which is causing the crash. It found 4 possible files which could be infected (deleted them) but none of them were system files
2. Mcafee is something which came with the laptop, keeping it till it expires. Its way to resource heavy on the system
3. Killer service and adminservice are from aethros which manage the network connection on the laptop
4. i dont have a pc doctor installed

Another development, i just had my battery replaced yesterday. Post that the multiple crashes at the time of power up and waking up have ceased. going to test this a few times to be sure on this thing. Is it possible that a faulty battery was causing the crash?
get rid of McAfee.
PC Doctor from Dell is what you have on your machine, at least they call it so.

> Is it possible that a faulty battery was causing the crash?
not that i'm aware of, but the shown BSOD indicates either troubles during swapping from disk to memory, or memory itself.
without a dump there is nothing we can do.

ok..had another BSOD today.. adding the sysnative file- i hope this time it will have the dump since a blue screenviewer also showed crash details. This time around the crash happened when I started playing Dota 2. Additionally, the problem: plugged in, not charging is also back.


OK, McAfee still on Board, malwarebytes too.

as you stated some malware was found and isolated? you have probably your problem,
not clean your machine and something unknown at least in the minidump is causing an

fired by
nt!_guard_check_icall_fptr <PERF> (nt+0x0)

i think its the best doing a clean install and scan / check your tools twice before installing them.

Unsure if a full memory.dmp reveals the exact reason.

Michael & sorry for late responding.
Looks like a severe corruption in a file system nonpaged pool block.
Need a kernel dump.

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