Microsoft takes on global cybercrime epidemic in tenth malware disruption


Emeritus, Contributor
Apr 2, 2012
Playing offense against cybercriminals is what drives me and everyone here at the Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit. Today, Microsoft has upped the ante against global cybercrime, taking legal action to clean up malware and help ensure customers stay safer online. In a civil case filed on June 19, Microsoft named two foreign nationals, Mohamed Benabdellah and Naser Al Mutairi, and a U.S. company, Vitalwerks Internet Solutions, LLC (doing business as, for their roles in creating, controlling, and assisting in infecting millions of computers with malicious software—harming Microsoft, its customers and the public at large.
Microsoft takes on global cybercrime epidemic in tenth malware disruption - The Official Microsoft Blog - Site Home - TechNet Blogs

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