Well, technically customers have spoken as to what they want or "what is right" in their eyes. They buy more ipads than PCs, and laptops outsell desktops when consumers do buy a "PC". Most power users aren't likely to like the new UI, but if the iPad is any indication (and as a field consultant that's where even IT people are going for their daily usage on a large scale), this *is* the future of computing. Those of us tied to a keyboard and mouse will not be happy, but we just aren't the lion's share of the market anymore. It's a bit sad to see an old UI paradigm start to die, but I can't say getting used to the new start panel has been that hard either - it's not as precise (nor does it have to be) as a mouse-driven menu, but I've been typing in the menu since Vista anyway, so at least I'm used to that (and that works well, and is probably what is desired of us with keyboards to do anyway).
It's sad and exciting all at the same time, honestly.