The truth, whether pleasant or not, needs to be reiterated over and over simply to make sure fair warning has been given. I routinely interface with clients who are at 30-40% XP in their environments, and are just now starting to realize that they'll run afoul of certain security requirements, compliance requirements, and will fail security audits after April of 2014 unless they migrate or get extended support agreements (which still requires a migration plan, as Microsoft requires one before agreeing to continue to provide security updates past EOL dates). 2014 has been on the radar since 2009, yet it's amazing how little has been done to prepare. I'm painfully aware of systems that simply can't be replaced because apps don't run in LUA environments like Vista+, but plans should have been made to address those concerns 5 years ago. Unfortunately, in today's quarterly business cycle, that is something to "deal with later".
Guess what? "Later" is here.