I've had my PC for just over a year and the BSODs have just been increasing. Particularly the memory_management BSOD.
I've searched online and did the memchks and all which showed no issues with my memory sticks. Physically re-seated them as well.
I moved to doing the SFC and DISM checks and found out the I have corrupted windows image files? I've tried to have a go with what I could over the last few hours but I just couldn't manage it. Windows 11 update would not let me update either via the update tool (Download error - 0x80070002) or the manual update.
I also get the DISM error: 0x800f081f
I've attached the most recent SFC and DISM logs. I tried the SFCFix application on the website but that gave a 'crashed notification' when it did the scan.
I saw some people give really good and targeted advice for people with similar issues on this forum so I would really appreciate the help I can get here.
Thank you!
I've had my PC for just over a year and the BSODs have just been increasing. Particularly the memory_management BSOD.
I've searched online and did the memchks and all which showed no issues with my memory sticks. Physically re-seated them as well.
I moved to doing the SFC and DISM checks and found out the I have corrupted windows image files? I've tried to have a go with what I could over the last few hours but I just couldn't manage it. Windows 11 update would not let me update either via the update tool (Download error - 0x80070002) or the manual update.
I also get the DISM error: 0x800f081f
I've attached the most recent SFC and DISM logs. I tried the SFCFix application on the website but that gave a 'crashed notification' when it did the scan.
I saw some people give really good and targeted advice for people with similar issues on this forum so I would really appreciate the help I can get here.
Thank you!