Many BSOD after installing new ram, but still getting them when old ram is in.


Jul 15, 2023
A brief description of your problem (but you can also include the steps you tried)
Basically, I bought new ram and tried to install it into my computer. I started to experience BSOD after about 6 hours, and now they just happen randomly. I enlisted the help of my friend who is normally good with computers, and they tried to help me and get me to do a few things. Like reseating the ram, trying with xmp loaded, updating the bios.. but then decided to try seeing if the problems fixed by going back to previous Ram. So now im on previous Ram and still bsod'ing.

Laptop or Desktop?

OS ? (Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista)
Windows 10.

x86 (32bit) or x64 (64bit)?

What was original installed OS on system?
Windows 10.

Is the OS an OEM version (came pre-installed on system) or full retail version (YOU purchased it from retailer)?

Age of system? (hardware)
Various. Mobo, CPU, Original Ram, psu, are 3 years old. GPU is like 2 years old. m.2 is 1 year old. Other ssd's are various ages. New ram is a few days old.

Age of OS installation?
A year.

Have you re-installed the OS?

ryzen 5 3600

RAM (brand, EXACT model, what slots are you using?)
Old and currently in system: 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4/3000mhz Dual Channel Memory (Corsair Vengeance LPX w/Heat Spreader)

New: Corsair VENGEANCE LPX DDR4 RAM 32GB (2x16GB) 3200MHz CL16 Intel XMP 2.0 iCUE Compatible Computer Memory - Black (CMK32GX4M2E3200C16)

Video Card
nvidia 3060

MotherBoard - (if NOT a laptop)
MSI B450 Tomahawk: ATX w/ RGB, USB 3.1, SATA3, 1x M.2

Power Supply - brand & wattage (if laptop, skip this one)
Corsair CX650 650W 80+ Bronze Gaming Power Supply

Is driver verifier enabled or disabled?

What security software are you using? (Firewall, antivirus, antimalware, antispyware, and so forth)

Are you using proxy, vpn, ipfilters or similar software?

Are you using Disk Image tools? (like daemon tools, alcohol 52% or 120%, virtual CloneDrive, roxio software)

Are you currently under/overclocking? Are there overclocking software installed on your system?


Did you rerun the bios optimization setup after swapping the old ram back in?

Every BSOD has a different named cause, to me that usually means hardware issue.

BugCheck 3B, {c0000005, fffff80655840c43, fffffc8607101c60, 0}
Probably caused by: FLTMGR.SYS ( FLTMGR!FltCbdqInitialize+21e3 )
BugCheck 1E, {ffffffffc0000005, 0, 8, 0}
Probably caused by: ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt!KiDispatchException+1793a3 )
BugCheck 133, {1, 1e00, fffff8003a8fb320, 0}
Probably caused by: ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt!KeAccumulateTicks+1bffe6 )
BugCheck 162, {ffffe08f52453080, ffffe08f51991068, ffffffff, 0}
Probably caused by: dxgkrnl.sys ( dxgkrnl!NtGdiDdDDIEscape+4ae9 )
BugCheck 133, {0, 501, 500, fffff805756fb320}
Probably caused by: WdNisDrv.sys ( WdNisDrv!implementation::stream_handler<implementation::irp,implementation::queue,implementation::csqueue>::complete_irp<<lambda_c0181479a74cc14d1ba9a1f0223edc1b> const & __ptr64>+5dd )
BugCheck A, {c, 2, 0, fffff80058c263d0}
Probably caused by: ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt!EtwpLogKernelEvent+260 )

Check the CPU fan is still tight to the cpu, plugged in and working, check all cables and connections are fully seated and tight
bios optimization setup?
No. I just loaded the default, and changed the fans to pw instead of dc.

Have doubled checked the hardware. Everything seems fine.
Your motherboard support webpage shows 46 pages, each one with 50 rows, i.e. 2300 RAM kits, that are compatibile with your motherboard.
The RAM model you wrote doesn't appear there.

Sure, Corsair says the following chipsets are compatible;
Intel 300 Series,Intel 400 Series,Intel 500 Series,Intel 600 Series,Intel 400 Series,Intel 500 Series,Intel 600 Series,Intel X299,AMD 300 Series,AMD 4
Amd 4 should be amd 400 series (b450 and x470 chipsets).

But why must you buy a RAM that isn't present in the MSI list?

The list has been updated 2023-02-20.
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Do you have a option for Optimized Defaults?

I do not believe so. I haven't seen that option.

Your motherboard support webpage shows 46 pages, each one with 50 rows, i.e. 2300 RAM kits, that are compatibile with your motherboard.
The RAM model you wrote doesn't appear there.

Sure, Corsair says the following chipsets are compatible;

Amd 4 should be amd 400 series (b450 and x470 chipsets).

But why must you buy a RAM that isn't present in the MSI list?

The list has been updated 2023-02-20.

I checked pcpartpicker and asked a few friends about it. Pcpartpicker didn't say anything and my friends said it should be fine.
But I am using my old ram now. Have been for the past 3/4 bsod.
These BSODs look rather like a hardware issue to me too...

Why did you replace the existing RAM?
What made you choose the new RAM? As mentioned, neither the old RAM nor the new RAM is on the QVL for your motherboard, how significant that is I don't know. It's not wise though.
You have AMD Ryzen Master installed, are you overclocking anything with that? If so, please revert to stock frequencies.
If you are also undervolting the CPU please disable that and revert to stock voltages.
There is a BIOS update dated 18th May 2023 available for your motherboard containing updated AGESA microcode. It might be wise to consider updating to that.

It's not obvious what hardware may be at fault here, it's even possible that you disturbed something whilst removing/installing it, so it's well worth checking all cards and all connectors to ensure they are fully seated. Please don't make any changes to your hardware now however, unless someone on here asks you to.

You do have several old and/or unusual third-party drivers installed, so it's probably worth enabling Driver Verifier to see whether we can catch a flaky driver before we delve into hardware testing. For full details on enabling Driver Verifier see Driver Verifier - BSOD related - Windows 11, 10, 8.1 and 8. Be sure to save all minidumps produced whilst Driver Verifier is enabled. Once you disable Driver Verifier please run the Sysnative BSOD Collection App again and upload the resulting file.
Well the reason for the upgrade was because prime day lol. I saw some ram that would be an upgrade, checked with friends and pcpartpicker to make sure they were compatible, and bought them.

The bios update I can try. Just a bit nervous messing with even more things right now.

I have been running driver verifier since the last crash. Computer was on for about 6 hours last night without crashing before I turned it off while I went to bed.
Will continue to run it today though and will report back

Small edit: I did notice that my computer took a while to actually load up windows while driver verifier is on. And it seems very sluggish. Is that normal?
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It's normal for it to be a bit sluggish with Driver Verifier.

Did you use exactly the options specified in the link I posted? It's very important that you use those options for Driver Verifier to be of any use.

I support your caution regarding the BIOS update, I would suggest making that the last troubleshooting option. Let's see whether Driver Verifier reveals anything.
Give it 48 hours - but do use whatever apps you normnally do and especially repeat whatever you think has made it crash in the past. Driver Verifier can only check drivers when they are loaded, so you need to use every app you have in order to get every third-party driver loaded at some point.
Alright. I'll come back tomorrow or the next day with the Sysnative BSOD Collection zip when done. Although I don't really have a way to recreate it.
Seems to be random. Like when just using the computer to browse the web, or just lately since its started happening, just watching a youtube video.
Ok, try to keep Driver Verifier running long enough to catch one of these events.
Well today's been an unlucky day so far it seems. Had a few crashes already. But will keep it on till tomorrow then get the collection.

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