KB5039217 or any updates failing to install


Jul 5, 2024
Windows Server 2019 is failing to install KB5039217

Troubleshooting done:

1.sfc /scannow - no integrity violation found

2.DISM online
Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase
DISM.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth /source:WIM:f:\sources\install.wim:2 /limitaccess

3. Manually downloaded KB5039217 from Microsoft Update Catalogue and install it - failed


Hi and and welcome to Sysnative,

Step 1. Download
SFCFix and save it to your desktop.

Warning: This fix was written specifically for this system. Do not run this fix on another system.
  • Save any work you have open, and close all programs.
  • Download the attachment SFCFix.zip and save it to your desktop.
  • Drag the SFCFix.zip file over the SFCFix.exe executable and release it.

  • SFCFix will launch, let it complete.
  • Once done, a file will appear on your desktop, called SFCFix.txt.
  • Post the logfile (SFCFix.txt) as attachment in your next reply.

Step 2. Run the following DISM command and post the result. If it fails attach a new copy of the CBS log.
DISM /online /cleanup-image /RestoreHealth



Please provide also the previous logs.

Upload a copy of the CBS folder
  • Open Windows Explorer and browse to the C:\Windows\Logs folder.
  • Right-click on the CBS folder and choose Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder.
  • Now the message will appear, "Windows cannot create the Compressed (zipped) Folder here. Do you want it to be placed on the desktop instead?"
  • Click on the Yes button here.

  • Attach the file CBS.zip to your next reply. If the file is too large to attach, upload the CBS.zip file to www.wetransfer.com and post the link in your next reply.

Export CBS (Component Based Servicing) hive
  • Click on the Start button and type regedit
  • When you see regedit on the list, right-click on it and select Run as administrator.
  • When regedit opens, using the left pane, navigate to the following registry key and select it by clicking on it once.
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing
  • Once selected, click File > Export....
  • Change the Save as type: to Registry Hive Files (*.*).


  • Name this file ComponentBasedServicing (with no file extension) and save it to your Desktop.
  • Right-click on the saved file and choose Send > Compressed (zipped) Folder.
  • Attach the .ZIP file to your next post.
  • If the file is too large to upload here, upload the file to www.wetransfer.com and post the link in your next reply.

Please run DISM again with Process Monitor running:

Capture Process Monitor Trace
1. Download and run Process Monitor. Leave this running while you perform the next steps.
2. Run the following command:
DISM /online /cleanup-image /RestoreHealth
3. Stop Process Monitor a minute after it fails, just to be sure everything is logged. You can simply do this by clicking the capture icon (CTRL +E) on the toolbar as shown below.


4. Select the File menu...Save... and save the file to your desktop. This is likely the default location. The name (unless changed) will be LogFile.PML. This is fine.
5. Zip up the LogFile.PML and upload it to WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free and provide the link.

Attach the following files in your next post.
- CBS logs.
- DISM log
- Process Monitor *.PML trace file.

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