[SOLVED] KB extraction tool


Dec 16, 2013
The moderators know
(I think this is the most appropriate place to ask this question)

- I still have the "KB Extraction" tool (written by "Niemiro") that allows me to extract/unpack stand alone *.MSU packages. But there is a problem. When I extract those *.MSU files that are meant for Windows 7 then the tool still works. But when I try to extract files from a Win 8 *.MSU file then it seems the tool doesn't work that well anymore.
- Is there a way to extract the files from those Win 8 .MSU packages ? Do the good folks here at Sysnative have a similar tool for Win 8 & perhaps Win 10 ? Is there such a tool being developed for Win 8 or Win 10 here at Sysnative ?
Moved this thread to Windows Update - it's a WU specific tool, so probably best fits here.

KBExtractor hasn't seen any updates in a while - I'm not sure if we're currently planning on updating it or not.

@niemiro @softwaremaniac @Tekno Venus - any ideas on similar tools that might be helpful?
- Nope. That didn't work. That tool was able to extract the e.g. *.CAT, *.MUM, *.MANIFEST files but that was not what I was looking for.
- "KB Extractor" is also able to extract the subfolders that are included in such a *.MSU file. In those sub-folders there are A LOT OF files (e.g. *.DLL files). And I want to know what files are located in those sub-folders. KB Extractor is able to do so in a *.MSU file for Windows 7. But in a Win 8 or Win 10 (*.MSU) file KB Extractor comes up with info that's completely worthless. It seems that Win 8 & Win 10 use a different decompression algorithm to extract the data form those *.MSU files. Don't know what to make of it.
- Question: Does KB Extractor use any of the system files in e.g. Win 7 to extract the content of such a *.MSU file ?
- Let me explain what I have done so far. First of all: I have a Win 7 Pro system and use KB extractor v1.2.0.0.
- When I extract KB 4474419 (for Windows 7) then in the folder "Extracted" a total of 2139 files and folders show up. Of those 2139 files 512 are (sub-)folders each containing one or more files (e.g. *.dll & *.dll.mui). The rest of those 2139 files (in "Extracted") are *.cat, *.mum and *.manifest files.
- When I try to open KB 4512938 (for windows 8.1 only) with the "KB Extractor" tool (v1.2.0.0) then I get 83 files of which 11 are folders. And only 2 of those folders do contain one or more files. Of those 83 files 72 files are *.cat, *.mum and *.manifest files.
- This behaviour makes me think that "KB Extractor" uses some extraction algorithm that's build-in in Win 7, Win 8 & Win 10 (didn't try a *.MSU file that was meant for Win 10) but that Win 8 & Win 10 system use a different extraction algorithm to extract the *.MSU files. And then "KB Extractor" version "gets confused".
- When I use "Universal Extractor" (on my Win 7 system) then a different set of folders and files emerge. It's even different from what e.g. KB_Extractor produces. But both seem to "go off the rails" when it comes to properly extracting files from a *.MSU file.
- Ooooops. Where can I download the latest version of KB Extractor ? I searched Sysnative but found nothing. Did I overlook something ?
- Bummer. A REAL REAL REAL pity. In the past I have used this tool to know what files are included in those .MSU files. It has helped me to improve a program that's being used on a very wide scale by computer users and even here at Sysnative. (No, no names).

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