JavaScript moves forward in Microsoft Edge with ECMAScript 6 and beyond


Emeritus, Contributor
Apr 2, 2012
ECMAScript is the official name for the JavaScript language we all know and love. The next version of ECMAScript, ES6 (henceforth referred to by its new name, ES2015), is nearing the end of its standards process journey. At this stage the latest draft is final and will not be receiving any further updates. In the coming weeks, ECMA will vote to officially recognize the final draft as the official ES2015 specification.

ES2015 is perhaps the largest update to JavaScript ever.
Significant additions are made to the standard library, with nearly every built-in gaining additional capabilities, and a swath of new syntax additions as well. The syntax added runs the gamut from simple sugars, like default and rest parameters that make your code more understandable and easier to author and maintain, to huge new capabilities like iterators and generators.

We see a lot of excitement around ES2015 across a number of feedback channels. For example, ES2015 features have amassed thousands of votes on our UserVoice. We have been working on building comprehensive ES2015 support over the last year so you can use these great new features.
JavaScript moves forward in Microsoft Edge with ECMAScript 6 and beyond

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