Did you know that we’re always updating DNTMe to block new trackers? You’re seeing this post because one of these updates just happened: we added 28 new trackers to DNTMe’s block list. These updates are free, automatic, and designed to keep you safer and more private online. They happen whenever we add trackers to our list of things to block, and you don’t have to do a thing.
How do we add new trackers to block?
We detect new trackers in all sorts of ways, like through scans of the web, researching new advertisers and tracking technologies online (as we do in our collaboration with UC Berkeley Center for Law and Technology on their Web Privacy Census), or–our favorite–hearing from you. Tracking technologies come in many forms, and some are more invasive than others. As a DNTMe user, you know we’ve always categorized trackers into segments such as social networks, analytics companies, and ad networks, and that you can control what categories are on or off at any time. Now, we’re doing even more.