Hello, I assembled a second hand computer for a friend with used parts, all seemed fine until he complained that it crashed on him while gaming. I checked some basic things, drivers ect but couldn't really pinpoint any specific problem.
After updating the bios and re-installing everything, I took care selecting the drivers and im reasonably sure I picked all the right ones. I gave it back and after a few days it crashed on him again. My very rudimentary diagnosis with "whocrashed" ect only gave a generic answer but the old minidump files were all 124 codes. After the re-install it seems to have changed to kernal dump files, I dont know if they will be useful but if they need to be changed I can do that.
Im not sure what to do next so any help would be greatly appreciated
Thank you
· OS - Windows 7 SP1
· x86 64bit
· What was original installed OS on system? No OS,assembled parts with new hdd's, kingston v300 (OS) seagate 1tb for storage
· Is the OS an OEM version? No, I used a win 7 disc SP1 install and all important updates selected
· Age of system, mobo and cpu are likely 3-4 years old
· Age of OS installation - 1 week
· CPU i5-2400
· Video Card Gigabyte HD7750 2gb (gddr3)
· MotherBoard - ASUS p8h67 m evo
· Power Supply - seasonic 450w (basic plain type)
· System Manufacturer -
· Exact model number
· Laptop or Desktop? Desktop
After updating the bios and re-installing everything, I took care selecting the drivers and im reasonably sure I picked all the right ones. I gave it back and after a few days it crashed on him again. My very rudimentary diagnosis with "whocrashed" ect only gave a generic answer but the old minidump files were all 124 codes. After the re-install it seems to have changed to kernal dump files, I dont know if they will be useful but if they need to be changed I can do that.
Im not sure what to do next so any help would be greatly appreciated
Thank you
· OS - Windows 7 SP1
· x86 64bit
· What was original installed OS on system? No OS,assembled parts with new hdd's, kingston v300 (OS) seagate 1tb for storage
· Is the OS an OEM version? No, I used a win 7 disc SP1 install and all important updates selected
· Age of system, mobo and cpu are likely 3-4 years old
· Age of OS installation - 1 week
· CPU i5-2400
· Video Card Gigabyte HD7750 2gb (gddr3)
· MotherBoard - ASUS p8h67 m evo
· Power Supply - seasonic 450w (basic plain type)
· System Manufacturer -
· Exact model number
· Laptop or Desktop? Desktop