We all have our reasons for going with one or the other.
My first computer was in 1992? (I think) I knew absolutely nothing about computers at the time, I was into CB/HAM radios and loved tweaking those things into oblivion. I had a CB radio w/SSB Single Side Band that I had tweaked. I had it running through a Texas Star 500 watt linear amplifier. When I keyed the mic, it set off motion detector lights and would even light up a fluorescent T8 bulb in my hand if I was close enough to the antenna.
My first computer was a Comp USA piece of crap with an 80 Mhz Cyrix 486 processor. I didn't know better and it was a good thing as I learned a lot because I had to work my butt off to keep that thing running.
I quickly got into online gaming and my first was Doom for Win 95.
By 1993-5 I was ready for a new rig and I had met a fellow gamer online (Jedi Knight Dark Forces I believe) and it turns out he was a software engineer at GM (We still talk to this day and he is still an engineer at GM) I gained a lot of respect for him and in one of our many conversations, he recommended I stay with Intel. Coming from his education and background, I took it to heart. That's one of my reasons.
Getting into the video side of things, I had tried ATI, VooDoo, then AMD, and Nvidia. I have since stuck with Nvidia because the few times I tried an AMD product, the drivers sucked so bad I about had a stroke.
All that being said: I make no claims to which is better. It is my reasons, my choices. I don't debate it either because I respect other people's reasons and beliefs. I just thought I'd share a little history and some insight on my reasons for choosing Intel/Nvidia which means absolutely nothing to the world at large.