Installation/Registry issue


New member
May 18, 2016

I'm not sure in which forum to post this, so i guess i'll just do it here since i believe this is a registry problem.
A couple of weeks ago i started experiencing some weird issues with my graphics driver. I couldn't change any of the options in my graphics utility anymore (this actually had been going on for a long time though, i just ignored it) as they would always just reset to default settings when i closed the program. I read up on it and people were claiming it was a known problem with the NVIDIA driver, so i decided to reinstall it. Problem is, i can't install the driver anymore. The installer itself claims i need to install an Intel driver first (for the integrated graphics on my Laptop, i assume) which i already have installed, so i try to update it but it won't let me do that either. It gives me a "0x80070643 - Fatal error during installation". I tried uninstalling the Intel driver and installing the driver fresh again. You guessed it: couldn't reinstall it either. I try the Nvidia driver again, and this time it actually starts installing it (apparently it DOESN'T need the Intel driver) but fails. After another search for a fix, i find a way to install the drivers manually by going to the device manager and pointing it to the directory of the "unzipped" driver, but again it gives me an error: "Registry database is corrupt".

And this is the point where i'm stuck at. Nothing i've tried to fix errors in the registry has worked, i can't refresh/recover Windows as it too gives me an error screen, i've been checking out threads of people with similar issues on this forum and others but nothing has really helped me. Some of the stuff i read has led me to believe it might be the Components registry hive that has been corrupted somehow (Windows updates also stopped working correctly months ago and i had to turn them off) but i'm not sure what happened or what i did to leave my system so screwed up. Would appreciate it if anyone here could help me.
Is there a reason why i never got a reply to this? Was i supposed to provide more information or something? Most of the big names on this forum saw it, so i guess they just didn't care. I started this thread specifically because you urge people to not try solutions intended for other members and to start your own discussion. But that did me no good, it seems.

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