
How to Deploy Windows 7 from a USB Drive - TechNet Articles - United States (English) - TechNet Wiki
The Tutorial for Windows 8 is the same & contains detailed CMD info + screenshots

How to Deploy Windows 7 from a USB Drive
Diskpart Commands
This process will prepare the USB drive for the Windows 7 disk files. The normal Windows GUI format tool will not suffice, as this does not use the active option to make the drive bootable.
Please note: This will delete all data on the drive, so ensure all files are backed up before continuing.
- Open the command prompt
- Type: diskpart
- Type: list disk
- This will show all connected disks, their disk numbers, connection status and disk size
- Using the sizes, determine which disk is your USB drive and remember its disk number (i.e. Disk 2)
- Type the following commands: (where X is the disk number of your USB drive)
a. sel dis X
b. clean
c. cre par pri
d. active
e. format fs=fat32 Quick
f. exit
Once the disk is formatted and prepared, you can copy the Windows 7 installation files onto the disk, whether this is from the DVD, ISO or a modified image.
How to Deploy Windows 7 from a USB Drive - TechNet Articles - United States (English) - TechNet Wiki
The Tutorial for Windows 8 is the same & contains detailed CMD info + screenshots
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