If the PC dies, Windows 8 will be its killer, says analyst


Emeritus, Contributor
Apr 2, 2012
In another illustration of the diminishing importance of the PC, a research firm today said that more than a third of surveyed consumers who once used personal computers to access content said they had switched to tablets and smartphones.

But unlike others who, noting the same trends, have said it signals the death of the PC, John Buffone of the NPD Group argued that PCs aren't going anywhere for the moment.

"There is a significant amount of functionality that is best conducted on computers," said Buffone in an interview. That work, often collectively dubbed "content creation," could remain the provenance of PCs for a long time to come.

If the PC dies, Windows 8 will be its killer, says analyst - Computerworld
I would agree, which is why I want to see if Microsoft still favors or accommodates the PC users by the release of Windows 9. Windows 8 will be the killer in disguise, but Windows 9 will be the decision maker. I'm going to be pissed quite frankly though if the PC dies, mostly because the average user still has no true comprehension of how powerful they can really be. In fact, the majority of people out there can hardly even understand their own phone fully anymore. We have become lazy to learning, and more reliant on technology just "doing things for us", because we assume "they just work", and when they don't work we consider them "stupid".

I can't say I'm a fan of today's world for that reason. We can have fancy stuff, but in my opinion, it should not just be the developers and innovators of these things that have all the knowledge about them. For many many good reasons as well.

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