I need a favor from a European member...

Oct 9, 2014
Hi! If anyone would be as kind as to see if their cell phone providers offer pre-orders on the Metallic Copper version of the Note 9. Currently, every freaking color is available in Croatia, except the copper which I want.

And, yes, I insist on the copper one, because hell, if I'm paying this much for a phone, I want it to be freaking perfect!

The US market is not particularly interesting to me, because I can't get my hands on a US model, hence the title.

I would greatly appreciate if someone took their time and investigated this.


Doesn't look like the copper model is available from any providers here in the UK. Even the Samsung UK site doesn't list it as a colour choice.
I have contacted some friends and it appears that Samsung has pulled the same crap last year. The copper models will likely be available a few months from now in tech shops instead of through official (retail) Samsung distributors in Croatia.

Oh, FFS Samsung.
I read a review and despite the high price, it doesn't ship with the latest version of Android. It ships with oreo rather than pie. Apparently it won't be updated to pie until spring 2019 so waiting to get it might be an advantage.
Android 9 has been released a week ago, considering the update cycle of many vendors I would be very surprised if Samsung would be able to install Android Pie this year on the Note 9. I have a OnePlus 3T and when it came out, late 2016, it came with Android 6, OnePlus promised Android 7 before the year ended, they did it with literally less than 1 hour to spare, I was a little surprised though since the OOS (Oxygen OS) is nearly plain Android, but then they gave themselves a month or so.
Samsung is not good about updating phones. I own a Samsung tablet and a phone. Both came with marshmallow.
The tablet was purchased in Nov. 2016 and was updated to nougat. The phone was purchased in March 2017 and is still running marshmallow. Every time I get an update, I hope that it would be updated to nougat. So far - no.
I need to amend my previous post. Apparently it is not Samsung failing to update;it is my carrier, Virgin Mobile (Sprint network). Some models of the J3 Emerge have been updated to nougat on different carriers.
If anyone is interested, the battery life drain test has been released: YouTube

A rather interesting test.

I was very surprised to see such a huge difference between the 2 Samsung phones.

I would have thought that the 2 Samsung phones would have been closer in battery life.
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