How to perform an in-place upgrade of an insider build using the latest ISO from UUP dump


Moderator, Windows Update Expert, Security Analyst
Staff member
Aug 16, 2015
The Netherlands
Insider builds of Windows are preview (beta) releases which may contain bugs which can cause problems with newer updates. It is recommended to report such bugs in the Microsoft Feedback Hub. To resolve issues with insider builds you can use UUP dump to create an ISO of the latest Insider build to perform an in-place upgrade (repair install).

Release information for the different Insider Channels.
What is UUP dump and how does it connect with Microsoft servers?
UUP is an abbreviation of (Unified Update Platform) and Microsoft's update delivery method nowadays. UUP dump is an Open Source API which uses the official Microsoft source servers to create and deliver legitimate ISOs like the Media Creation Tool, however, there are some differences. With the Media Creation Tool you can only create an ISO for the latest (stable) build. UUP dump works the same way, but is able to create ISO files from different insider (unstable) build channels (beta, dev, canary). Using the following instructions, you can create a new ISO of an Insider build and perform an in-place-upgrade.

Instructions for how to perform an in-place upgrade of an insider build using the latest ISO from UUP dump
  • Go to the UUP dump website and select the Insider Channel you are subscribed to.
  • To do so, you can use the main page to download the latest build. If you want to download a specific build, then use the search function or the list with recently added builds.

  • Click on the blue x64 button for the release channel which you want to create an ISO for.
  • In the next screen select the Windows Insider build. For example: 22621.1906 (Windows 11 22H2) or 22631.1906 (Windows 11 23H2)
  • To find out which build you are currently running type winver into the command prompt or navigate to Settings > System > Info.


  • In the next screen select your current language from the drop down list and click Next.
  • By default Windows Home and Pro are selected, please change this option if you want to create an ISO for Home or Pro only.
  • In the next screen you will see a summary of your selection, click here on the blue Create download package button.
  • Extract this ZIP-file (in this example:


  • When this ZIP-file is extracted, right click the file uup_download_windows.cmd and select the option Run as administrator.
  • Depending on your internet speed this process could take some time, so please be patient and let the script run, even when it seems there is no more progress.
  • When this script is ready, press 0 to close the command prompt window.
  • Inside UUPDump folder you will see a lot of files including the created ISO file for the Insider Build, mount this ISO or create an USB-stick with Rufus to perform the in-place upgrade.

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