How to install Windows 11 without internet connection


Moderator, Windows Update Expert, Security Analyst
Staff member
Aug 16, 2015
The Netherlands
There could be several reasons why you want to install Windows 11 without an active internet connection.
  • You want to setup the installation with a local account.
  • You have a slow internet connection and you want to delay the automatic updates until after installation.
  • You want to install the RTM build (specific ISO) without the automatic updates during the installation process, just to be able to install specific Servicing Stack Updates and/or Cumulative Updates.
  • You want to install a base template to deploy in other (virtual) environments.
This is a short guide how to install Windows 11 without internet connection.

1. Disable your LAN/WiFi connection (or remove any virtual network adapter into the VM settings).
2. Boot the System / VM from the Windows 11 ISO and follow the instructions till the following screen appears.
3. Press SHIFT + F10 to open the command prompt.
4. Now enter the following commands:
Rich (BB code):
taskkill /f /im oobenetworkconnectionflow.exe


5. When the last command is executed, the system will reboot automatically.
6. After this, you have to set some of the things (country / region / keyboard layout) again you have already set up before.
7. But now you will see the following screen and the option I don't have internet.


8. In the following screen press the option Continue with limited setup.
9. Now you can create an local account and finish the installation within a few minutes without any additional (optional) settings and or automatic updates which could be time consuming.
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