In 2000, Scott Culp wrote a terrific essay on computer security.
It was entitled the
10 Immutable Laws Of Security.
Fifteen years is a long time in cybersecurity so it seemed like a good time to revisit these "laws" and put them in the a context you might encounter this Christmas - a time when there's often a spike in attacks.
Observing them could prevent a festive season you'd rather forget.
Rule 1: If a bad guy can persuade you to run his program on your computer, it's not your computer anymore
Most hacks begin this way - you receive an email, or SMS, you visit a link and are given a convincing reason why you have to install something.
Or, you receive an email with a document attached, open it and it installs the malware for you.
Think twice, click once.
If something is unexpected don't trust it: delete it.