How to easily defeat Linux Encoder ransomware


Emeritus, Contributor
Apr 2, 2012
First things first. Linux.Encoder.1, the "Linux" crypto-ransomware, is not a Linux security hole. This malware relies on a security hole in the Magento web e-commerce platform, not Linux.

If you use Magento and haven't patched it since February 9, 2015 -- yes it's been that long -- then, and only then, are you vulnerable. Otherwise, your site can't possibly get Linux.Encoder.1.

The Magento attack resembles ransomware programs such as Windows' CryptoWall and TorLocker. They encrypt your files and then demand payment for the key to unlock your documents.

Let's say you do use Magento and you were foolish enough to leave an e-commerce platform unpatched for over half a year. Patch it. Patch it now.

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