How Horrified Are You by Your Facebook Search History?


Emeritus, Contributor
Apr 2, 2012
If you'll recall way back in September, Facebook started keeping track of every single time you compulsively searched for that one (or two, or three, or eight) special person you just can't get off your mind. But almost as quickly as Facebook search history emerged from the darkest recesses of hell to remind us all of how neurotic we really are, people were pretty much able to forget about it and go back to their excessive stalking.

Because to actually access your history, you have to be looking for it. And you have to really hate yourself to take that trip on any sort of regular basis. To find this handy list of inner demons, simply go to your activity log, hit "more" on the left hand side, click "search," and then sit back and let yourself bask in the boiling flood of shame. Or at least, that's how I (and most of the Gzmodo staff) responded to finally checking search history after it's had a good 10 months to collect our misdeeds.
How Horrified Are You by Your Facebook Search History?

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