Hey so I am new to this forum but I have heard people on here got some of their latency/ DPC problems fixed so I wanted to try my hand at seeing if someone can help me solve this problem. So I have had to deal with High DPC latency occurring in my games over the last few months. In games like the Witcher 3, Hitman 2016, and Shadow of War, the game will run at a smooth 60fps for 5-15 minutes but then drop to below 30 or even 20 for 5-10 minutes than go back to normal. Then the cycle will repeat. In games like Halo Wars 2 or Total War Warhammer 1 and 2 it is even worse. The games will run at a smooth 60 but then not only drop below 20, but the audio will crackle and lag. I have tried god knows what to solve this problem for months. I tried disabling certain devices, nothing worked, I tried going to geek squad from Best Buy to see if they could solve my problem and told me it was my 2 TB hard drive. They said it was defective so I got a new one and had them install it. Thought that would solve the problem but nope, it didn't. (And this was after they-Geek Squad- updated my drivers, bios, graphics card, defragmented and optimized my storage devices, etc). It seems that the biggest culprits of these random latency spikes are four things, one being NDIS.sys, ntoskrnl.exe, wdf0100.sys, or dxgkrnl.sys. I looked at the Windows "Drivers Reference" sheet and found all four of these come from the same source, Windows Update-which is odd considering my PC says I have all the windows updates. I found out where all four of these files are located and I am half tempted to just delete them out of existence but I don't know if that would damage my computer or not so I wanted to come here to see if there's another way to solve this problem. I already used WPT to analyze my PC and can post the high CPU usage file here. Let me know if there is something else causing these problems and how I can resolve it. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks![ View attachment highCPUUsage.rarView attachment highCPUUsage.rar